
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Quick Message...

To everyone who has been emailing me lately...I will get back to you all shortly, I am just really busy and the sheer volume of emails means it will take me days to get through them! In time, when I can trust people to come on board, I will maybe have someone managing the blog for me (comments etc) while I manage the emails/private messsages etc etc! For now its just me, and its near impossible to get back to everyone but I make a promise to return everyones emails! Anyways... thats it! See you mid week insha'Allah with a little 'go between' post and then again on Sunday! (I think that will be the routine here...)


The Sunday (semi) Scandal Session 3: Raf Hayat, Mr 'All for Freedom' and the Banning of Cinema in the UK

Salaam! OK! Before you all get your hopes up and expecting something juicy here today, I am going to have to burst your bubble..I am really tight for time today and can’t manage a full on Sunday Scandal Session! I have a Bangladeshi wedding to go to in Whitechapel which starts at 3, its 12:15pm and I am still not even ready!!! I have decided to wear a blue suit which I had sent over from my cousin in Islamabad, with a nice pair of heels from Nine West, that I got in the sale only the other day and a small clutch bag from a Karen Millen (I got it online in the sale a few years back…its lush). So today, I am keeping it short and sweet, I need to go and get ready and also, I am not in the mood to write today anyways…think I am coming down with something (time to reach for the miraculous homeopathic medicines me thinks! Lol).

Who remembers when our Raf, Ameer of the United Kingdom, banned all Ahmadis from going to the cinema? You know, Mr BBC Spokesman for the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, the one who goes to the Caucasian community and presents himself and the community he works for as if he is the epitome of a liberal Muslim? If you don’t remember, let this be a re-cap for you! This is old news, that’s for sure, but I wanted to put it up because I am sick and tired of Ahmadis accusing me of lying when I have brought it up in the past and also, its great exposure to the Muslims reading out there so they know exactly what goes down in this CULT! Here you have it, bet all you engaged and educated Ahmadis love to be told by Raf whether you can go to the cinema or not… for all you grown guys out there, bet you feel proper manly and that?!? LOOOL!!!!

Not that anyone listens to him and practically everyone ignored the ban! Raf was getting reports on a weekly basis that Ahmadis were seen at the Cinema complexes in Wandsworth, Kingston and of course- Trashy Tuesdays at Feltham Cineworld to watch the latest Bollywood blockbusters! Raf had to famously back track; initially it was a complete ban on all cinemas in October 2008…! After word got out, and people started mocking him, he had to change it to ‘only educational films and those who are minors have to get permission’! (A bit like how they have now backtracked on the Facebook ban when they realised no one actually listens and laughs in the face of their pathetic rules and they can’t be having that now can they!!) I don’t have the original document that detailed the complete ban, but I did find this one lurking about….! Er this guy is off his rocker… what films are educational these days???? Just another way to cease control…and control those under his rule… no other reason! Make common Ahmadis too frightened to go out in case they are spotted by Amoomis and reported back to HQ. "ooh amir sahib, I was accidentally in the cinema watching American Pie, I dont know why I ended up there, I must've been sleep walking and guess what?? I saw Shagufta and Amtul Hae in there too. and they were giggling at rude stuff.UMMMMMMM I am telling"- urgh pathetic qadiani grasses!

Anyways RAFIQ HAYAT, NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF THE AHMADIYYA COMMUNITY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (should anyone ever Google you, hope this comes up lol), here is your ban on all cinema going besides to see ‘educational films’… proper liberal and open minded you are aren’t you…NOT! Ahmadis will no doubt defend this, I guess you don’t mind being run by a guy who thinks it’s OK to poke fun at God and make a cartoon out of Him for the sake of marketing his own business: MumboJumbo World (here check this out...this really exposed Rafiq Hayat: )! Don’t worry about the cinemas Raf, worry about why your salah centres are empty first yeah or maybe the criminal activities of your big guns? These things don’t bother you though do they? Don’t know what I am talking about? You will soon….

(typed word for word).

Date: 10.02.2009
Dear President Sahib: Assalamoalaikum.
Re: Films and Cinemas.

We refer to our circular dated 14th October 2008, and set below further clarification.

Permission to go to the cinema is granted provided the film being shown is of an educational nature and or depicts a true story or is entertainment that elaborates the Islamic moral value.

In such cases, it is best that youngsters are accompanied by their parents. Where this is not possible, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the content their children will be exposed to fulfils the criteria mentioned above.
Therefore, whilst dependants remain under the care of their parents, they may not go to the cinema without the knowledge and express permission of their parents for all such visits.
Adults who wish to go to the cinema should also ensure that the criteria mentioned above are fulfilled before they pay for the film.

R A Hayat,
Amir Jama’at Ahmadiyya, UK

Cc:      All Missionaries
            Regional Amirs
            Heads of Auxiliary Organisations
            Majlis e Amila
Private Secretary

(lol Raf your name is on denying..hahaha! I reallllllllllly hope your colleagues see this!)

Lets hear it… WHATS YOUR EXCUSE FOR MR ‘LIBERAFAL’ HAYAT’S BAN ON WHAT YOU CAN GO TO SEE IN THE CINEMAS??????? Who the hell is he to dictate what anyone can and cannot do, all the while shoving his mug into the cameras for the BBC telling otherwise sooo not bothered Brits about how Ahmadis are all for freedom and liberty?? I wonder what your white and rather posh contacts would have to say for all of this. Do your colleagues know you implemented a ban on cinemas? Do they know you put restrictions on what people can watch. They might now hehehe!! so what if the Ahmadi kids are getting up to the hanky panky in the cinemas...Raf aint their dad and has no right to tell them what to do... and not only did he ban kids, he extended the ban to adults too! What? So a husband and wife go on a romantic date to the cinema and thats wrong? Raf dont try it, I know your munee watches Star Plus and what not....'Islamic Values'.. LOL... moronic. Dont you DARE tell people what to do ever again or I will expose your sorry ass here good and proper... how dare you dictate what children AND adults can and cannot do! Cant you see this isnt normal?? Banning people from going to the cinema, then realising that didnt work and then tried to dictate what they can and cannot watch and these are ADULTS too man! What the hell is wrong with you? Its obvious you Ahmadis cant control your hands in the back row right?? Why else would you ban the cinema because if its about the content of the film, you may as well lock them all up and gauge their eyes out mate... because there are hundreds of chinese blokes flogging 'doovds' everywhere..PORNOs included! What about when the films come out on Sky Box Office? Or when they broadcast on Digital TV? Or what about watching them far worse?? Get a are crazy!! Hitler or what!! I tell you what..go ahead and ban the cinema but dont you DARE show your mug on TV again talking about terrorists because YOU Mr Hayat terrorise people in your community with threats and restrictions! .

Gotta dash… 45 minutes to get ready! Ahmadis: Wake are being RUN! And by the way, my blog isn’t an Islamic’s simply to expose the Jamaat coz you see, the Jamaat is SO UNISLAMIC and seeing my posts are focused on the Jamaat it ends up being ‘Unislamic’ too…GEDDIT?… so don’t come at me with ‘errrrr your blog has no Islamic direction’..if you want that…hit up Farhan at: and stop MOANING at the content and start defending it! If you cant… get gone! Im serious…I am not authorising any more whack comments… so don’t bother! Lets focus on this: THE-ACTIVITIES-OF-YOUR-AHMADIYYA-JAMAAT. And again: LETS-FOCUS-ON-THE-ACTIVITIES-OF-YOUR-JAMAAT…. Do you understand now?The purpose of this blog is to EXPOSE-THE-JAMAAT:IF-YOU-WANT-THEOLOGY-GO-TO: lets hope thats drilled into you once and for all. I don’t mess around here and will say it how it is…

By the way, I really like the song ‘Work Out’ by J Cole…. Its my current favourite! Check it out on youtube… its got an old skool vibe to it…"hey, you know we got a good thing, don’t know if I’mma see you again but is that a good thing?"... you WILL... dont worry!

Wasalaam...I am out of here!