
Saturday 17 September 2011

Qadianis attempt to block build of New Masjid in London!

I was contacted by a Muslimah from Croydon called Madeeya (I will leave out her surname to protect her from the Qadianis) who said she was told about my blog from another Muslim friend of hers (seems like word is spreading amongst London Muslims!). Madeeya requested that I post her email:

Dear Sister Cult Girl,

Asalaamo Alaikum Warahmatullahe Warbarakatahu and  may this email reach you safe and sound.
A friend of mine linked your blog on her Facebook and since then, I feel like I have been catapulted into a world so dark and scary, that I am hooked like a book of Harry Potter! I must admit, I only heard of Qadianis and that they believed in another Prophet besides Prophet Mohammad (saw) but I was completely unaware that there was a 'Jamaat' and just how tight knit and highly organised it is! I have noticed that your Click-o-Meter is now in the 20,000s and would appreciate it if you could publish this on your Blog, because insha'Allah it will reach a wide audience!
The reason I write in to you today is to help raise awareness of the campaign against the Muslim community by the Qadianis in recent weeks. The Qadianis are trying to block the planning permission of a Masjid to be built in Mordern, situated in the London Borough of Merton. A few brothers have managed to get planning permission to convert an old building in Morden into a Masjid, subhan'Allah. This will insha'Allah be a multi-million pound project by the civic centre, next to the HSBC, and will include not only a Masjid but a centre for education classes (Quran classes/Tajweed classes/Talks/Seminars).
These people (the Qadianis) have protested to Merton council about the project, saying why is there a need for a new masjid, when they have their biggest 'Mosque' in Europe, a few hundred meters down the road. Astarghfirallah!!! They are attempting to block the planning permission of the Masjid, and are upping their campaign against the new build.

Unfortunately Sister Cult Girl, it is not just the Masjid in Mordern they are trying to block; they are deploying the use of underhand tactics to prevent another Masjid from being built in nearby Sutton as well.  The local Masjid there has identified a church, approximately a 5 minute walk from our current masjid, to purchase and convert into a a larger Masjid and community centre, insha'Allah. Insh'Allah the new Masjid will accommodate over 1000 worshipers and provide plenty of parking, something that is near impossible in the current location! The price to buy the building is currently at £900K. The Qadianis have come in and are trying to raise the price of the building to £2million, bidding ridiculous figures to secure the sale for themselves and trying to force the Muslims out! This is really upsetting :'(

Sister Cult Girl, I am not quite sure how you can help the Muslim community in South London, but please let the Ummah know of their plans and please encourage people to share this story. Of course, we will rely on Allah's help alone, because it is quite apparent that our Masjids do not have as much money as the Qadianis so we may well lose the bid, but please spread the word so Muslims are aware of the plans! I would like to also encourage Muslims to share this blog and possibly send the link of the 'Spying Scandal' to Merton Council, so they know just how closed off the 'largest Mosque in Europe' is and how it is not for anyone and everyone to use! Please help us if you can, these people are causing our Imams a lot of distress and we desperately need the expansions  in Masjids; many Masjids can no longer accommodate the capacity of worshippers, Subhan'Allah, where Qadiani centres remain empty at most prayer times.
I would like to request that Muslims send the link to both Sutton and Merton council of the 'Spying Scandal', from the brief research I have done recently, the Qadiani community is slick and well marketed and perhaps the councils are unaware of the reality of the Qadianis.
Sister Cult Girl, we are praying for all the Muslims trapped in the Qadiani Community who are unable to break free because of the jahil behaviour of the Community! I myself would like to apologise to all the Qadianis in this situation, because many of us do not understand your plight and perhaps have not done enough to help you all. I hope the Muslim community understands the severity of the situation and provisions are put in place to help you all out and away from the clutches of the Qadiani Jamaat. This situation is very real and I will help to raise awareness for you all insha'Allah.

Peace and Prayers,
Walaikum Salaam,

Madeeya (removed), Croydon, Surrey.


  1. In regards to the case of Sutton, this is indeed true, i am part of a committee trying to facilitate the purchase of the premises. Qadianis provide nothing for the community of Sutton, they are non existent and yet the want to build a temple for themselves. They have no need to purchase such a place. The muslims of Sutton set up a dawah stall in the high street 10 years ago and now these deviants have set up another stall just a few metres away calling to 'islam'. What kind of impression does this give to the non muslims? The get told Jesus died in Kashmir and all sorts of rubbish..we have to correct the misconceptions. Forget correcting non muslims misinformation, we have to deal with so called 'muslims' spreading disbelief!! May Allah help us.

  2. Brother (or sister) if there is anything I can do to help, please ask. I am planning to expose their plans to purchase 10 'mini temples' across London soon inshallah! I guess Sutton is one of them....?

  3. Ahhhhh is Madeeya from Croydon worried there won't be enough terrorist training camps AKA muslim mullah masjids available to send her kids to? Sunni 'Temples' breed terrorists-check youtube for 1000s of examples- and this is a fact. The councils will INSHA'ALLAH block their plans because Ahmadiyyat is THE TRUE ISLAM! We don't worry about human intervention when we have Allah. How are you going to tell us that this is spiteful when the Jamaat have been looking to expand for years? Join us Madeeya from Croydon, don't fight Allah for a bit of publicity like this 'girl' Cult Girl! Our Masjid ALHAMDOLILLAH is open to all we just have tight security and that is to protect us and INSHA'ALLAH one day you! Security Or Spying- get a dictionary out!

  4. how dare you dappy! dont you ever post here again.

  5. Your comment is sickening! how can you firstly talk about a sister and her offspring like that and then speak of Muslims like that? Qadianis like you are proof you are the enemies of Islam.

  6. shameful tactics of Jammat Ahmadiyya

  7. Dappy seems to be a very confused individual, first he refers to muslim mullah 'masjids', then he refers to them as 'temples'. Amazingly I havent met a single qadiani who does not refer to scholars as mullahs, this just proves how brainwashed they are.

    The quran and sunnah is clear, prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last prophet(law bearing or not) 'Khatam An Nabiyeen' (Quran) and 'there is no prophet after me' (hadith). It is unanimous, without doubt. Imam Abu Hanifah said anyone who even asks a person for proofs of prophethood becomes a kafir, as we already know Muhammad(pbuh) is the last prophet.

    Also the so called 'khilafah' of ahmadiya does not rule a single piece of land and CHOOSES to live under Kufr law. What a joke, ahmadiya the TRUE Islam? Its not even Islam.

    Lastly, Allah is with those who follow the quran and sunnah not those who follow a man who claimed he became pregnant with Esa(audhobillah)!

    Findings any help will be appreciated, thankyou. May Allah help you and give you janaatul firdous.

  8. Yes Brother please email me @ and tell me how I can help. I may have some information that will be able to help you, but we should talk first inshallah. Dappy is a typical qadiani, pay no mind. What gets me is that he talks about not worrying about human intervention, but fails to mention that alhamdulillah, wandsworth council BLOCKED their plans to extend their temple in putney. They have some money to spare now after this epic fail so we should expect to see them buying up pointless properties. Inshallah I will expose their plans in the coming weeks with counter arguments to their nonsense. May Allah help you secure the sutton property and keep it safe from these horrid leeches that is the Jamaat e Ahmadiyya Association of the UK. JzkAllah.

  9. And you are right as much as we should focus too on the misinformation of the non Muslims, Muslims (especially those in the UK) should be aware of the very anti Islamic propaganda of the Qadis.


    IV.. That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of Allah in general, and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her tongue nor by his/her hands nor by any other means.LOOKS LIKE YOUR NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IMAM......

  11. Astaghfirullah! I urge my Muslim brothers and sister to spread this message on twitter, facebook etc.

  12. Yeh like non Ahmadis are really going to find your blog from hearsay, you must be living in a dream world! Stop with the BS and fake emails which you type up yourself. Along with all the fake "emails" you typed on your forum LOL don't let me start on the mistakes of your postings.

    Also you are trying desperately hard to show your readers you are into the latest tunes, marvins room? Wackness! lol aren't you like 6 months late with that? Something(s) really really fake about you!

    You seem to be hating a lot on Fahim and co, did he turn down your rishta or summin? lol This is how these grudges start with cult info members. It can't be as embarrassing as asking the Leader of a world wide movement for a loan though LOLLLLLL

    You know who i am and we both have "mutual" friends wink wink

  13. the jamaat has made bids for 2 million bucks? lol yeh right you guys are on crack. if they did then they would win the bid and have to purchase it right? that's how an auction works doesn't it?

    what's the problem anyway? all mosques will be Ahmadiyya mosques one day inshAllah

  14. fake email or not...fact remains your dogs in the jamaat are playing dirty! and what?? dont watch me, watch what i am saying....

  15. nah i aint saying you are shahid at all, i'm saying the reason for your grudge against the jamaat can't be as lame as shahid's excuse, can you read?

    why don't you tell your readers the real reason you turned against jamaat? HYPO - crit.

  16. Lol @ the name calling though! Hey tell your other half nemo to holler at me, I'm in the main marquee of the ijtema right now!

    Ps. YOU KNOW ME!!!!! Wink wink not twit twit durr

  17. LOOOOL if you know me blud, holla!! Dont come at me with hot air, still at least I deliver unlike you fake asses! HOT-AIR-BLAD!

  18. and care to tell me the reason I turned against the Jamaat, besides waking up and realising it aint Islam? Go on...share my can be my PA!

  19. Who said I know you????? You seem to be getting confused! I couldn't care less about trash!

    Nobody just wakes up and says oh let's become non Ahmadi today and hate on the jamaat out of the blue. Again, I never said I knew the reasons I'm just asking you tell your readers the real reason. Stop with the BS.

  20. Btw, your lingo and language doesn't seem to be that of a woman, especially not of a decent one. You need to work on yourself DUDE!

    If you are so sick of jamaat and it's policies why don't you just get the hell outta here. Jamaat doesn't stop anyone leaving, this is just the way of hypocrites "blad" , urgh hate that word!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Yes I said YOU know me, not the other way round! What's so hard to get durr?!!?!?!?!? I never said I know you!

    Stop making me chuckle you poor confused child.

  23. Make up your mind if your a woman or not cos ladies aint allowed in this tent right now! Freak!

  24. Why you removing your own posts? You seem to be in hot bother or just plain confused!

  25. Yeh think of me as a celeb! Most do.

  26. LOL foolish, I deleted it because I double posted...what a petty thing to bring up LOL! yeah blud, I hear you man, i hate the word too but its part of the design hear ;P get me blad?! urgggh! Your my boo thang, I can get enough, I love the Jamaat stuff, lets turn it up... yabba yabba! I know man, I think I am abit like that geezer bird from there's something about miriam! lol! Oh and the Jamaat's full of decent chicks is it, like you Khuddam eh? Thanks for entertaining me while I upload my Sunday Scandal Session..I like you!

  27. this shit is so random, but it seems our heartbeats are in tandem!

  28. Its all good brother findings! Entertainment is what it is! Although not so entertaining lately. Lol @ sunday scandal, let's hope it's interesting this time!

    I like you too x

  29. thanks B! you drive a hard bargain, seems like you accept its OK for the Jamaat to do all of this! nah its nothing special B! in abit...write me back! lets give you a name of Wink.

  30. I don't think its possible to raise the bid of a property to 2 mil without actually purchasing it.

    If the Ahmadis don't actually purchase it, it goes to the next highest bidder, presumably the Muslims.

    In a free market system, the property goes to the highest bidder. If they just wanna buy up properties just to block us, it might be low, but that's their legal right.

  31. "it is quite apparent that our Masjids do not have as much money as the Qadianis"

    First you lot accuse us of our chanda money being spent in the way of our leaders, then you come back and say we have more money than you! Of course we have more money than you - we are a much smaller community than you in Sutton, yet due to the guidance of our Khalifa we can alhamdolillah all come together and contribute towards a mosque fund - something you non-Ahmadi Muslims cannot do!

    Yes, alhamdolillah, we therefore have more money than you. So yes, inshallah, if this site is right for us we will win the bid for the mosque. Allah knows best. And if we do win it, you are all welcome to come and pray in the House of Allah we will build.

    Inshallah. :)

  32. What idiots!

    I can't believe Ahmadis are coming on here and using abuse against this person! If you are so against what he/she is trying to achieve with this website, then why are you here in the first place???
    Don't you have better things to do like pray? This just happened to be the first time I came on here cos my slow headed mate was going on about it; and I do not like what I see.
    Site admin: I apologise on behalf of the Muslim Ahmadis using abuse here, they need to look at themselves first before judging others. I urge you to please stay away from abuse as well please, if we are all Muslims then the least we can do is show a little respect to each other; even if we don't agree with each other.
    I admire your passion and zeal, if my Ahmadi brethren put the same effort in their prayers and Taqwa then we can save others along with ourselves from the torment of the fire. Peace to all y'all!
