
Thursday 13 October 2011

Calling all Ahmadis: Who wants to earn some Fa$t Ca$h? The Great £20,000 giveaway!

Salaam to my Muslim brothers and sisters, and hello to the Ahmadis/Lahoris reading..

We all know money is a bit tight these days, what with the financial armageddon and meltdown of the international markets in recent years! I would hope, while Ahmadis love to tuck into Haram food, they would refrain from gambling and playing the lottery, and so, a windfall of serious cash seems unlikely for most, unless your boss gives you a substantial payrise and what not! (if he does, tell him to employ me too)

Money Worries? Final Demands? Debt Collectors Knocking? Chanda Arrears? That could all change, and it could all change today! Would you like to know how to become an overnight thousand-naire? There is a website called 'secondhandislam' thats just surfaced, and they are literally willing to throw cash at 5 lucky Ahmadis! There is almost £30,000 GBP in total up for grabs...but terms and conditions apply!

All you have to do is PROVE your PROPHET for a PROFIT! YAYYYYYYY! Its that simple!

For your chance to be in for a win, all you have to do is respond to the challenges on the brand new website!!

Check it out here:



  1. LMAO Sis Findings you are 'a joker'! LOL at the Chanda Arrears! 'Allah Made You Funny'- mAllah!

  2. Ha ha ha. that's NOT FAIR sis! Thats basically like dangling an iPhone in one of those arcade machines that you have to try and grab using those giant forks-its impossible! No Ahmadies can ever win these challenges! MGA was a liar and he made these 'ayahs' up!

    Dont tease them Ya Ukhti! You Big Meanie You!

  3. Well if what he said was true they will have NO problems winning the cash!!! But we all know he lied, made it all up and his followers don't even realise! Would Allah send a Prophet who lied??? Oh that's right...he aint a prophet!

  4. Team @ secondhandislam- let us know how many entrants you get!!

  5. I cannot believe that Ahmadis are that arrogant, they will not answer these questions. I guess most of them have not or will not do their research on the truth. I have spent over a year on my own research trying to prove that Ahmadiyyat was the right path but through my own research I found that I was wrong and I was following falsehood. I am no longer an Ahmadi but a Muslim and grateful that I took this most important research for it is a matter of my faith.

  6. In the challenge, it shows that Mirza invented an ayah.

    The line he made up is very very similar to an early ayah in Surah al-Israa' (chapter 17), just a few words off.

  7. Asalaamu Alaikum to the precious sister of this site, to all the readers and to the team fighting this fitna!

    Anonymous- 01:15am - Subhan'ALLAH! May Allah Azzwajjal reward you and make your journey in Islam an easy one! For Qadianyis to become Muslim is very tough, we understand this. Not only do you have to shake off the 'fake Islam' you have been force fed all your lives, you also have to contend with the mental torture they will put you and your loved ones through, when inshAllah when you leave the Cult! May He make it easy for you! You are also right when you say they are very arrogant (the Qadianyis) and they refuse to accept the challenges. I am now in my mid forties and have long followed the Qadianyi doctrine as I went to College with a few Qadianyi men. There have been 100s of challenges offering substanial cash rewards but to date, not a single Qadianyi has been able to satisfy the criterion to win the money! They can not prove their prophet to be truthful, but expect the Ummah to accept him. He is right, despite being proven wrong on thousands of matters, as far as they are concerned. They are very arrogant, but such is Allah's wrath!

    Sister Girl, you are very precious and may Allah continue to help you in exposing the Qadianyi Community. Sister, your struggles are felt and we support you. You have many people in Pakistan following your impressive 'Findings' and we anxiously wait to hear from you! So far, you have done a grand job. Qadianyis will attack you but not one has answered you and the facts. Its okay you must never give up, Allah will draw you a Map out of there one day. Keep fighting and keep proving the filthy Qadianyi Community wrong! May Allah Azzawajjal reward you all. #a proud Muslim 'Uncle' from Quetta, Pakistan. :) Walaikum Salaam.

  8. Findings (not logged in)14 October 2011 at 09:11

    ^ Wasalaam and JzkAllah for your kind words. Everything is from Allah swt. I am really pleased you are following as far afield as Pakistan :) it makes the effort more worthwhile, inshAllah.

  9. Who will be paying the reward? And how? Online transfer is quick and easy, but this sounds ridiculous.

  10. "but terms and conditions apply"

    really? why are they non existent? fraudsters.

  11. does anyone here remember Mr. Ilyas Sattar's US$ 250000 challenge for Ahmadis?

    this so called "challenge" of Irshad was there in an anti-Ahmadiyya website for 5-6 years. When an Ahmadi answered his question, he rephrased the challenge. The challenge was still answered, however nobody paid up the reward because it obviously didn't exist, durrr.

    I can't find the exact challenge anymore? Anyone have any clues?

  12. LOL @ above comment

    we have a better chance of winning an I pod via a recognised website with terms and conditions.

    Why are parts in Sterling and parts in Euros? Surprised it's not in Rupees.

  13. Yo, Qadiani- the terms and conditions are clearly stated on the website! All you gotta do is give them the answers, not 'metaphorical excuses'. No ones forcing you to do it, but why don't you give it a try? I tell you why they've offered huge cash prizes- coz they know they will NEVER EVER part with the cash! Prove us wrong... PROVE YOUR PROPHET! You don't even need to do it for the money- show your love for the guy and help him out! You qadianis are an embarrassment to him- can't even back him up by showing the world all these alleged 'ayahs' and ahadith. Shame really. Tut tut.

  14. I will give you 10,000 pakistani rupees- you can collect it from your Qadiani Temple (porta cabin) if you can show me the ayah in the quran where it says about the 14th Century (Islamic) reformer coming? For real. 10,000 rupees. Can you show me that reference here in front of everyone??

  15. Back to name calling? Boring.

    You have been annihilated on your on sh* which makes you an embarrassment to Cult Info let alone Ahmadis. You haven't even attempted to respond to comments. Why bother even letting readers post a comment? You were better off on the forum where you were amongst yourselves.

    Yep I'm a Qadiani, and what? Ahmadiyya for life. As for trying for the cash prize, no thanks, Allah provides for me in abundance Alhumdolillah

    Have a nice weekend, TGIF.

    I will always pray for you.

  16. Qadiani isn't name calling- 'I am a qadiani and what'- so its all good :-)

    Ok...good for you that you are a man of money. So forget all of that... Do some Tabligh here and help show former Qadiani reverts to Islam we are wrong and prove the above Ayah. Do it for propagating Ahmadiyyat... Come on! I'll still leave 10,000 rupees for you at the Qadiani Centre on Gressenhall Road for you!

    Whilst praying for me, why don't you help bring myself and others back to 'the Jamaat of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani- Imam Mahdi, Masih, Krishna etc'. Come on- prove the Ayah! Can you do that?

    And on what was I annihilated?? Can you bring that SH** forward??

    I want that Ayah, because if I have strayed and the guy wasn't a liar...I need to reconsider if it was the right thing to declare him an imposter, all those years ago. Help me bro :'(

    TGIF to you too.

  17. Hella busy this weekend but I will do some research and come back to you as soon as.

    But what I find with every allegation provided by your members, that the Ahmadiyya viewpoint wins every time.

    And Lord knows how many allegations I have been through.

    Be good.

  18. To be blessed abundantly you need to be close to our Creator.

    I know of cult info members who don't even pray, who are they kidding?


  19. Listen- its not an allegation and nor is this about 'viewpoints'. Just present the facts. Simple. No messing about. Show me and other reverts to Islam Mirza Ghulam Qadiani did not lie on Ahadith and Quran, and I will stop this today and come back to Ahmadiyyat and accept I made a huge mistake. So Simple. No metaphors. No assumptions. We want the proof in the Quran. Nothing about the viewpoint of the Ahmadiyya. Prove your Prophet.

    And LOL @ your comment about members. Firstly, nearly everyone there who is a Ex Qadiani is undercover, so you are suggesting you know the identity of some posters? If so, shop them to your Khalifa. As for the Muslim posters and out and proud reverts- you don't even know them so don't talk crap. Your comments won't pass approval again- if you have something to say, email me!

  20. I hope that this is allowed to go through for which I will be thankful,
    Very simple lets for a moment assume what you have posted is all true (Nauzubillah).Then seek Quran for what God has promised to be the fate of a prophet which is an imposter. WAS THAT THE FATE OF HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMED

  21. Insisting on metaphors where they don't exist is a valid condition. Otherwise, anything can mean anything. Just call it a metaphor and change its meaning!

    Imam al-Ghazali writes about this in one of his books and explains when/how we know things are metaphors.

  22. How can a human mind know that a cited ayah is not in the Qur'an yet still believe the writer was from God?

  23. to add again we have Quran to seek guidance if the prophet which you think is imposter and turns out to be otherwise than be aware of the fate of those who deny him.

  24. Anonymous- your comment has been published. I don't know, you should prove it to us! Prove to us that this isn't true, that he didn't lie! Like I'm serious..if I've messed up..I should come back before its too late! Please prove to me where in the Quran its mentioned?! If even 1 is a proven lie- its game over- don't you think??

  25. exactly if you really believe in Quran . Let Quran be the proof, do you know what Quran says about someone who makes a false claim of prophethood,

  26. when can I expect the money to be transfered please

  27. Well have you got your proofs lined up? If so, make contact with the site. Click on their homepage and option 'contact us'. Please also provide all readers of this site the proofs. I'm eagerly awaiting..we all are! This is exciting! You might finally put an end to this sage! Uber excited!!!!

  28. Didn't mirza himself say cholera was a curse, something from which he died as a result of??? That was his punishment...or least the beginning of it.

  29. I dont know whether he called cholera a curse or not and that he died of cholera but all I know is that he died a natural death though many plots to murder him.What I can use is my common sense and if I believe in Quran the fate of imposter prophet described is no way near what Hazrat Masih and jummat is facing ,more than 100 years on Ahmadiyyat is flourishing and is being followed in more than 200 countries, I do not deny the fact that
    there would be black sheeps amongst Ahmadis after all they are no super human or angels and the more jummat expands more will be diverse people culture
    and of course problems. If hazrat Mohammed Peace be Upon him ummat can get spoiled than Hazrat Masih is only his servant, for us we should not judge jummat on indivivual acts and look into our own deeds as a human being.

  30. Ahmedis are so lame! Instead of trying to 'prove their prophet' they go on about the money instead! Typical! Does it not worry you that you are unable to prove these claims? The guy lied on Quran and Ahadeeth: He is an enemy of Allah! How can you follow him? Ahmedis wake up before its too late and come to Islam, we wait for you.

  31. Thanks your blog bla bla will only help Ahmadis to improve and reform throw out their rubbish in the dust bin and burn it yon will get nothing at the end Ahmadis have no u turn they are faithfuls and will continue to be you will only bs ashamed off but thanks again you have woke many dead Ahmadis to look at your RAF

  32. I cant get you on one end you say the innocent ahmadis are paying so much chanda which is misused and on other you say they go about money wakeup man??

  33. and as for as the proof of the prophet is concerned let it be clear to you and your team prophets are not proven by people or sects but only by GOD as they are sent by GOD so no messing with GOD as GOD promises to take to task all those who has a flase claim THE BIGGEST PROOF



  36. @sister findings, Jazakha'Allahu khair for sharing these challenges. they were first uploaded on youtube and 'surprisingly' we never received any specific answers.

    we got the usual metaphorical replies or the typical twisting of verses but mirza ghulam qadiani never spoke of metaphors in those passages and neither can qadianis prove from any previous mufassir that the verses actually mean what they are claiming.

    well, unfortunately we never received a reply from qadianis on our website but we did get a reply from a lahori. why he got involved i just don't know? if anyone wants to read that they can get intouch with us

    I noticed that the followers of mirza ghulam qadiani accused you of name calling when you refer to them as qadianis, so i wrote this for them,

    insha'allah it will open some eyes.
    once again jazakha'allahu khair for sharing this.

  37. There is only authentic Hadith in which Qadiani Mirza is "mentioned";

    "...Verily by God, the Last Hour will not come until 30 liars of prophecy will appear and the final one will be the One-eyed False Messiah."

    (Narrated by Imam Ahmad as a sound Hadeeth).

  38. Once again this discussion proves Mirza as a lanti liar
    Ahmadies will never talk straight. If they were able to think straight then they will not be who they are they will become Muslims.
    How can they protect integrity of their false prophet who was made a sign of Allah,s curse and lanaat by dying of cholera in his own sh** and it is clearly written in his son,s book called seerat ul Mahdi. Actually described by his wife. And his dead body was hauled with sheep in a freight train as English Station master at Lahore to move him in passengr train from Lahore to Qadian.
    ahmdies should ask their murrabies for details and dont forget to ask about the miserable death of mirza mahmood as well thee are all sign from Allah as what He mentioned in Quran about what he does to false prophets

  39. Minnie say RAF is not coming out if his house because if shame what is put against him on HHS Internet one prayed god make that he must not be able to show his dirty face any one any more.

  40. Findings did you read iqbal v mansoor and others by hhj parkes qc

  41. Raf punished innocents but did not punish adopted son of mas who was real culprit brcause he is his partner in business raf continues to tell lies
