
Monday 3 October 2011

The Sunday Scandal Session 6: Ahmadiyya Jamaat Drives Single Mother to Contemplate Suicide

Salaam and a good evening to you all!

Apologies for the late posting today, I had to meet up with someone and then decided to stay out in the sun all day and go shopping! While I was basking in the glorious autumn sunshine on this fine day, I am sure lots of you chicks were enjoying the Ijtema in London… or maybe not then!

I thought we should keep with the theme and keep it all female this weekend, given the importance the Ahmadiyya Jamaat places on women attending this whack, good for nothing gossip sessions; I am sure many of you will be interested to read about the mistreatment and cruelty some women have suffered at the hands of the cruel Ahmadiyya Jamaat and its Nizaam.

Have a read of this letter that I found in some files of some past letters I have at home (names/addresses and other sensitive information have been removed):

Click To Enlarge

Click To Enlarge

Shame on the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, to treat a woman and a single mother, so badly, to the point she was contemplating suicide and was driven to suicidal thoughts! How shameful that for an organization that claims to be advanced and a rejuvenation of Islam, it has proven in this case what a backward and bent cult it really is, and its treatment/position on women is truly shocking! This is what happens, and these are just some of the consequences of going through the Jamaat's self-made and so called 'justice' system before taking it to the Courts of the Land! Note how the lady says she was forced to go to the courts, as if trying to justify herself to the Nizaam and Masroor why she resorted to the courts over the 'Qadha' board.

What a shamoblic system, whereby we have old freshies dealing with sensitive cases such as divorce, and they expect a woman, separated from her husband, to accept everything they throw at her? Where was the help and intervention from a fellow Ahmadi woman for example, why was it that ghair-mehram men were left to deal with this matter with no sisterly support for the woman? Of course in this patriarchal cult men are all for men, and they were going to be biased, and this makes the whole situation all the more sorry and pathetic, that there was no female support for this poor woman, outnumbered by men! Why were they so insensitive to her problems, adding to her worries and anxieties, treating the whole situation as if it was a joke?

This is just one case of many. This poor woman was nearly driven to take her own life before she decided to speak out against the injustices heaped upon her by this disgusting cult. Imagine how many other women there are in the Ahmadiyya Jamaat who keep their silence, whilst being treated like second class citizens. Islam came as a mercy to mankind and elevated the status of women; whilst this cult headed by amatuer, power-hungry men make a mockery of the name of Islam.


  1. Wow... absolutely shocking. May Allah (SWT) guide her to Islam.

  2. This is really sad the way they have treated this woman. The cult collects so much money in chanda and yet still doesn't help it's poor members. This woman had no money for food and instead of providing her financial assistance they just mocked her. LAANAT on such people!

  3. ^ In Desi culture its no big deal to say 'La'anat on XYZ', but we need to be more careful in how we use that expression. Its like saying you want God to take them out of his mercy.

    We don't want hardship on Ahmadis, we want goodness for them - for them to accept traditional Islam and reject this ahmadiyya nonsense...

  4. Who wrote this article? It sure doesn't sound like the normal guy who writes as findings, even if you add the word "whack" in there. How very hip of you! Not.

  5. @khan baba :P I'm not a culturalist, that's the problem with you westerners you love to stereotype :)

    I didn't ask for QADIANIS to fall into hardship and I never sent LAANAT upon every Cultee. I sent LAANAT on those who allow innocent people to suffer and then mock them.
    Don't take words out of context and don't start adding fuel to the fire.... as usual.

  6. Every community has failures in taking care of its poorest, but having a cover-up and making fun of people is something else.

    If she's in the DC area, I can direct her to my masjid. They don't care which religion you are.

  7. Can I just ask this letter was written on 19-May- 2010, over 1 year ago. Do you know what happened in this particular case?

  8. Sad situation
    May ALLAH help these common Ahmadies in gettin freedom from this Cult of Mirza Masroor

  9. The Nizaam is full of uneducated, unqualified office bearers. These people lack discretion, islamic principles, knowledge of the law and are NOT impartial. Their decisions lack all form of integrity. Yet members are compelled and forcefully 'encouraged' to go to these people to make life impacting decisions.
    The Ahmadiyya Nizaam is as corrupt as any subcontinent or african political regime, yet they are worse because they work under the facade that they are True Islam. Their conduct is HIHGLY UnIslamic to say the least.
    I would suggest that anyone go to the law institutions of the land, you stand a much better chance of justice. Not these goons who lack Taqwa and instead worship the ground of their mortal leader Mirza Masroor in order to keep their 'jobs'.

  10. Non-Muslims say that Islam is a bad religion. Little do they know that it is not Islam that is bad but the people who interpret wrong teachings and preach hate against Humanity (Ulema) are ignorant, wrong and at fault.
    Similarly the problem is not with the Nizam/System of Jamaat Ahmadiyaa what so ever, but may be with few handful individuals. We all know not everyone is a saint, hence people who run the Nizam can be at fault too and that is why we have the system of Khilafat, where Khalifa performs his duties with Justice. and i am more than 100% sure this lady would have received justice from Hudhoor since you can clearly see and read her respect for the Khalifa and her strong belief in Allah and her Khalifa!
    I wonder what was the result? Do we have a "Scanned Copy" of that as well? Please post that ASAP since it is more than a year old case!!!

  11. How do we know that you didn't write this letter? what is the proof? Once i'll find time I'll write a letter similar to that and send over to you and you can scan it and post it on your blog! I would really appreciate that. Make sure you remove my name and info too! or should i do that myself? will save you some time!!!

  12. No. I will not be making a habit of posting letters so dont bother.

    Lol. Listen. Check the hit-o-meter and realise and understand people do contact me. You don't need won't believe it anyways..even when its staring you in the face. So don't waste my time or yours. Believe or don't believe..who cares.
