
Saturday, 31 March 2012

Masroor and Ahmadiyya Marketing...

I was at home for the best part of yesterday, and as usual, my parents switched over from watching Prime TV to tune in for their weekly installment of the Qadiani leader's sermon. I thought I should watch it for research purposes, and it only helps strengthen my belief in orthodox Islam and confirm what I have known for many years and that is Mirza Masroor Qadiani AKA Mas is a religious fraud and this whole man made 'religion' is a farce.

So I had a listen to what this religious fraud had to say and as per usual, he never fails to deliver! He is either an ignorant oaf or he chooses to be a hypocritical despot but one way or another, it deserved a LOL.

Here is an extract from his Friday Sermon yesterday:

These days the ‘enemy’ enters homes in the form of immoral TV channels and the internet. Hudhur Aqdas said if we did not do Jihad against these our practices we will fall in satanic lap. Therefore we need to rise against this problem. We will have to call on God for this, it is not sufficient to simply say that one believes in God.

He must be aware that the Ahmadiyya Community is advertising its Promised Messiah and Mahdi on Zee TV right? Please take a look at this video if you haven't done so already. It is really quite funny. True 'Islam' Ahmadiyya is reaching out to ZEE TV viewers, advertising their empty slogan of 'Love for All, Hatred for None' and the arrival of their Promised Messiah:

Perhaps he doesn't watch ZEE TV, but surely he must be aware of the general content of this channel? Here is a ZEE Production video of a bollywood actress shaking her toned body to some track or another, surrounded by scantily clad women and adoring men, aired in January:

Sorry Mas, what were you saying about immoral/behuda/wahayat TV channels again mate? This dance here is pretty immoral if you ask me, don't you think so too Mas? I wouldn't be comfortable watching this in front of my male relatives! I am not taking the moral highground because I watch music videos and hollywood films which ain't much better but I don't give sermons against them and then advertise my Blog on MTV Base do I? So your administration/marketing team/you think its OK to degrade Allah's so called Promised Messiah and Prophet and parade his face on this channel, in between the bosom shots of bollywood babes but its not OK for Ahmadis to watch them? What's your Messiah's worth Mas? Do you think Allah would be best pleased you associating the 'chosen religion' to this?

Sort your marketing team out! You can't be telling Ahmadis to keep the 'enemy' out of their homes and then advertise their piece on the same channels you are telling Ahmadis to switch off. Have some class and have some shame and most importantly, get your morals and principles in check! You hypocrite!

Come on Ahmadis..think about your practises and weirdness of your won't hurt!


  1. This CULT cannot stop tv and internet they have failed to isolate their people.



  2. If ahmadiyyat was true, then they would not have to advertise on zee tv, mainstream Islam spread because of it's truthfulness, when The Prophet (PBUH) came.

    By you admadis advertising on buses and zee tv I don't think this would lead people to ahmadiyyat and it looks like a cheap and tacky way of doing things in your way of preaching.

    Your khalifa probably was trying to point his finger at this blog,he can highlight issues like this but yet he won't highlight the corruption and injustices that are being committed in the jamaat.

  3. Those who have no idea of Islam need to realize it's here and is here to take over the world. Also to recognise the Messiah that was prophecised by the Holy Prophet (saw) has arrived..

    Zee TV has thousands of Muslim subscribers who pay to watch it worldwide and our focus is to reach the corners of the world.

    Just like the millions of people a 'minority sect' reached on twitter land.

    Let the trends begin TD..


    1. I know your writing style, we have talked here many times. You are only three to five who actively posting here first i am giving you challenge disclose your identity then defend your religion. You are under promised messiah protection you should not be worried.

      Hudhur aqdas are asking for Jahad against TV and Internet but Jamat is using both for advertising Ahmediyat, you cannot justify it unless you are a ‘Nafsyati Mareez’. Baygharto there are thousands controversial issues, how long you will defend your religion?

      I have another example for you. Rohani-Khazyane VOL13 Page 180 MGA wrote about his three teachers FAZAL ILAHI, FAZAL AHMED and GUL ALI SHAH. But in Rohani-Khazyane VOL14 Page 394 he wrote I can swear by Allah no one taught me anything.

      To prove this is nonesense, Ahmadies dont need to read Quran/Hadees only common sense is required. You have failed to isolate your people. THE WAR HAS BEGUN.


    2. You are right, we have talked before but what has my 'identity' got to to do with the price of fish? Why are you asking about my identity after all these months? What's all this 'war has begun' talk? Sounds like you have lost the jihad of pen and would like to take it to the battlefield? Sounds quite threatening you bully you.

      I'm a regular Ahmadi who has taken an interest in seeking the truth about Islam. What I am currently researching is whether an Islamic Scholar from 1640AH wrote about the coming of the Messiah in the 14th Century in his book entitled Najmus Saqib. Maybe you know somebody like Farhan who has in-depth knowledge about Scholars and ahadith? If this is true then I am about to demolish your strongest argument. God willing.

    3. TD are you also not using the tv and internet to advertise and promote Ahmadiyyat? Look how many hits you have mashallah.

      If not then what are you doing sat at home sitting behind your computer? Why don't you go out there and join your brothers in this "WAR" ? Are you chicken?

    4. 1640AH? It's 1433AH now...

      Anyways, Najam us Saqib is not a hadith book, your efforts are futile. It's a book written by Abbas Qumi who was a shia scholar. Shia have a whole other concept of the Mahdi and are known to invent sayings or not to verify them. Are you really tring to prove MGAs truth with something as flimsy as this? Here are scans taken from that book:

      See for yorself. See how you are being deceived by MGA and your murabbis.

    5. I meant 1260 AH , way before Promised Messiah (as)..

      Whether he is Sunni or Shia he was a MUSLIM and was a recognised Scholar, NOT born in India and this book was definitely not pressed by jamaat in India has you have previously mentioned..

      You will now say he was not Muslim?

    6. "Khaatamul Mohaddeseen"

      Seal of traditionalists, does that mean he was also the final scholar?


    7. And? Najam us Saqib is still not a book of hadith. And it does matter that he is a shia because they have a whole other concept of the Imam Mahdi. I suggest you read up on that. You're lack of this basic knowledge tells me that you know nothing and that you're not interested in learning, only in trying to prove Mirza Qadianis claim.

      But as I said it's a futile effort, because MGA said sahih ahadith. Why do you people always ignore the words of your own prophet? It's both hilarious and perplexing a tthe same time. You so desperately want to prove MGAs claim that you ignore his own words. Wow.

  4. Do as I say not what I do!
    Thsi is the motto of this follow my words what I do is for the best of Jama'at as I am sending the message through all available routes, you already have the MTA stupid people just listen to that.
    Not to the videos like this
    This will take you off the path of Ahmadiyyat.
    Look at the pictures of Qadian not at the pictures of Ghar-e-Hira.
    Come on Ahmadis you know as well as I do this is all a money making west serving scheme and you are just proving the point of the Holy Quran "were our forefathers wrong" yes they were Islam is simply Islam not Ahmadiyyat or any thing else.
    Love to see this jama'at exposed for its colours. Soon Insha Allah it would be.

  5. Oh sorry but answer me if I have said anything untrue as I can prove it with evidence

  6. Ive just watched Huzoors address at the peace Symposium and the following Media question and answer session. Are you people blind can you not see the Truth of Ahmadiyyat?? can you not see the truth of our Beloved Khalifa?? Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam if you cannot see that then you are indeed one of the lost. I feel sorry for you may Allah guide you to the Truth Ameen

    1. Why should we accept Ahmadiyya? Islam is based on Quran and Sunnah and not on how we feel. You cannot prove Ahamdiyyas truth with Quran and Sunnah hence it is not Islam.

    2. I have listened to your beloved Hazoor many times and all I see is a man speaking against the others boasting about his Jama’at and how brilliant his people are, in reality all these claims are far from the truth, now what that makes a person like this “LIAR”.
      If you wish to follow a liar then yes you are on the right path for it but if you want to follow Islam and truth then you should leave them and walk away.
      Truth is that Ahmadi cult has nothing to do with Islam, it has nothing to do with the teachings of the Holy Prophet SAAW it is to do with the promotion of Mirza family and their keeping the seat.

  7. wake up Cult Girl look at all the so called Islamic channels and what they advertise!!! the fact is you are divoed of any Nur just listen to you stupid remarks, I was a Sunni before becoming a true Muslim I found true Islam Ahmadiyyat. you are just like abu jhal noting less. it is obvious you are running out of things to say, why becuase you cant get your hands on anything, your time is up!!!

    1. Lol how utterly predictable. whilst reading the piece I thought in the back of mind an Ahmadi will say 'have you seen the Islamic channels'. lmao. I love it when my predictions come true... I think you guys are autotuned or something...

    2. That's so true, always predictable what they say, the way of this is to say "Look at the Muslims, and their channels"

      The difference is that the Muslims don't go around saying we are the true Islam if that was the case than surely Allah (swt) would not have liked your approach on this, seriously zee tv!
      Why don't you approach ITV, channel 4, channel 5 and all the sky networks to advertise if you really wanted to get your message across, it's not like you can't afford to, after all it is our chanda money you are using to promote your business for the sake of Islam.
      Ahmadis are you happy sending your chanda money for this type of advertising? there are other ways you know which are ethical and still reach the corners of the earth.

    3. Brainwahsed is the word you are looking for. Ahmadis are brainwashed.

    4. Very nicely stated and agree 100%

  8. Once again I would like to see ahmad use answering straight. I bet they will reference some Muslim doing and saying bad things LOL. And not answer the question posed by this post. All you hypocrite ahmadiea idiots, what you say now.

  9. There's a company called "web sherrif" which tracks online bullies that's been used to track you

  10. @Zee TV has thousands of Muslim subscribers who pay to watch it worldwide and our focus is to reach the corners of the world.
    Is the best you can come up with!
    Why doesn't your khalifa set up an open question and answer seminar with all the top scholars of religion and that includes mainstream Muslims too, every time your khalifa goes to international jalsas why does he not engage in something like that especially where Muslims and others can freely question your khalifa about ahmadiyyat and especially on MGA and his books. I don't think no one else should answer those questions other than the khalifa, no written answers, not rehearsed answers just the questions asked and answers given by him. If he was well and truly divine and then practically most of those people questioning would accept ahmadiyyat, if this happens where ever he goes then this will prove the truthfulness of his khalifat and also ahmadiyyat.

    1. You should have watched the Peace Symposium, the Khalifa of the jamaat sat their with many Muslim journalists who were allowed to ask anything and everything. I'm sure any top scholar would be most welcome at such an event.

      Is this really the best you can come up with?

  11. Dear Ahmadis, request to yr beloved Huzoor to step into Mecca. For if Ahmadiyat is true, God will support his cause into Mecca. As mentioned before, the restriction is man made rule, so why has God forsaken his allegedly chosen one. WAKE UP!

    1. Soon ishallah. With the progress I see in arab world this is coming soon. inshallah

  12. Congrats 2 the ahmedi and lone clan

  13. MGA has some qualities like the Dajjal, maybe that is why he is on TV. The main thing about Dajjal is that very few people will be able to recognize him and likewise Ahmadis have failed to recognize the true character of MGA. Also, there will be no town in which Dajjal will not enter except Makkah and Madinah and we know that MGA did not enter these holy places.

    1. How do we know he didn't? Btw did you know that the Muslim world accepted MGA as the mujaddid of the 14th century ? Before he made the claim of Mahdi and then messiah? So for all you attacking his character- cant have been that bad if he was initially accepted by all you foul mouthed fools

    2. This sites gone downhill. There isn't anything jamaat related anymore. It's just the anti Ahmadi nonsense that other sites already do

    3. Anyone who claims to be a prophet after Muhammad p.b.u.h is automatically a liar. Stop dreaming, no the Muslim World did not accept this clown as a Mujaddid of 14th century. Some ignorant people may have been mislead by his misleading propaganda, but in essense he was no more than a cunning liar and deceitful person who appeared to be hellbent on insulting the might Messengers of Allah s.w.t. and the worst KAFIR on this Earth so far.

  14. You have a point sister and its a valid argument but you need to do more to convince me. I'm still on the fence. This isn't enough. Please. :-S

    1. 305? are you from miami? i love that place! :) :) love love love it!

      there is only so much you can learn from the net. apply some logic please.... you need to do more to help yourself. we are all fighting our own battles too. i cant carry you through. you have to read and research on your own too. please dont rely on others to spoon feed you. its hard work man....

      but give me an explanation for this at least?! come on- one half decent explanation. if you cant explain.... think about what your jamaat. is it really Allah's like they proclaim? if not then question the entire religion. one slip up and its over as far as im concerned. you wont find these slip ups in the quran and the sunnah. amongst the people- ohhhh loads but not in the quran and sunnah. your messiah made mistakes in his books that he claimed were revelations. GAME OVER. dont risk it and let this trash go. you are safer with orthodox Islam- thats if you believe in the Akhira. If you dont and have this wishy washy belief about heaven/hell- then go right ahead and lap up Ahmadiyyat. hope it serves you well in your life.

    2. I never said it serves me well. I wouldn't be here otherwise would I now? I am on the fence. You have screwed with my head. Everything I thought was right now seems wrong and everything I thought was wrong now could be potentially right. You bring us over to the fence, force us to sit down and then do nothing to assist us to get off one way or another. You want me/us to 'go it alone' and 'solo' but you don't tell us how to do it. It might be nothing for you now because you are a old timer and a pioneer along with others in preaching against Ahmadiyya but you can't drag people along and then drop us like that. You have shouted and screamed at the Jamaat with your temper tantrums about ruining people's lives and their deen but you are not helping either. You are corrupting our mind, making our minds sick but you offer no respite and give us no cure. At least with the Jamaat we have a safety harness. I am not telling you to carry us but understand this is not where I expected to end up and I need more convincing because right now I am effectively in 'no man's land' and I blame you for that and not the Jamaat. You started this so you finish it. It is that simple and I expect it from you.

      Why can't you understand that? I am not your enemy in fact, I support you and only pray you continue in your efforts but you have to understand if you give us an inch expect us to want a yard. That is our mindset because as you keep telling us, we are BRAINWASHED!

      Blurgghh what have you done to me & No I am not from Miami but I am from the States.

    3. I was like you once but I did my own research, I did not need Findings or anyone else for that matter.

      I researched for a year before I came to the conclusion that ahmadiyyat is false.

      I started with this:

      and then went on to read from this website too:

      There are various other resources out there but you need to refer to MGA own books to compare. Look through Hadith and most important The Quran.

      I went as far as studying British history which just not justify MGA stating we should obey the British.
      It is a long process and question yourself, seek answers which I found in the Quran and I did post on the forums for answers too.
      I don't know how old you are but seeking knowledge is paramount about this cult, it's not an easy road, it is a lonely one but then only you will have to answer to Allah no one else that is why I say it is your responsibility to seek that knowledge, not Findings!
      Good luck for what ever you decide.

    4. Ansari_mowghlis_uncle2 April 2012 at 18:00

      Dale,if you are on the fence findings has done her job. It is now up to you to go and venture over to the other side and find out for your self whether you believe or not. If you take one step towards Allah he will take many towards you. Dale you have done the hardest part, you are not just blindly following you have woken up!!! But you have woken up to find you are drowning now you have to get out of the water and take a few deep breathes. You don't need anyone but you need allahs help ask him to guide you because if he is with you who else do you need? No one can do this for you it is up to you my brother and I sincerely hope Allah gives you guidance. Because I for one will be on the other side waiting. All praise and glory is for Allah the master of the throne the exalted in might and power. And peace and blessings be on the seal of all prophets, the masterpiece of all creation, the final messenger muhammed sallallahu alayhi wa salaam.

      Your brother in humanity and insha'allah in Islam

    5. I agree with all of the above. The Sister has done an amazing job getting you as far as you are today. A few more steps my Brother with an honest desire to seek out the truth and you will be home dry. It will be ok and do not scold the Sister for showing you the way because without her and of course our Lord and Master, then you might not have been on the fence. Sister do not be disheartened by these comments because the brother is obviously very upset and that is more than understandable. iA he will go on to become a Muslim and accept Mohammad Saw as his last and final messenger and you will reap the rewards of all his good actions. You made this possible and you should be very proud of yourself. May Allah Azza Wa Jal reward you endlessly and give you the best in both lives. May your journey out of this cult be an easy one and you end up wherever you are meant to go and that no one holds it against you for being happy. Your family are fortunate, your friends are fortunate and the Ummah is fortunate to have you. Your future iA will be a blessed one if you continue to prosper and focus on your Deen. Best wishes 305 dale, may Allah guide you to the truth. It is your right but you have to fight for it.

    6. I have also left jamaat after I found out it is a fraud and in turn lost all my Ahmadi family. This is the truth that this jamat is a cult. Look up definition of cult and see how it fits easily.
      You just have to fear Allah and no o e else. You will see fraud of this cult. If you can read Urdu then read his books and I challenge any Ahmadi that they can never be an Ahmadi after reading MGA books. Or you have to be insane. Only reason any Ahmadi is an Ahmadi is because he did not read his nonsense books. An easy way to do it is check the references quoted by antiahmadiyya sites to their books and you will see the truth and save your time.

  15. All current leaders of ahmadi uk are corrupt starting from KK to NK and BA and MAS who at least cannot see and keeps his eyes shut and at a times do wrong himself look what he did with some lawyers to help his adopted paltu

  16. firstly to the guy who left Jamaat I can read urdu and the very lies that you guys come up with ie "he claimed to be God" yet anyone who can read his writings cone to know quickly that he never claimed to be God, but he did say that he will be accused by the mullahs and his opponents that he has claimed to be God, and yet when you read his writings alhamdulillah all the lies made against him are proven wrong. perhaps you need to learn to read Urdu and Arabic,
    to the brother who claimes he has studied lol what did you study anti Ahmadi rubbish come on show one strong evidence from the Holy Qur'an that we are not Muslims and that the PM is flase!

    last the fool who said " Anyone who claims to be a prophet after Muhammad p.b.u.h is automatically a liar"

    So Jesus Christ will proven to be a Liar becuase according to you Guys he will be Prophet and he will have to claim he is a Prophet but lol you Just have called him a Liar lol. thank Allah (swt) I am a Ahmadi Muslim ( former Sunni Al Hadith)

    1. lol sunni before yeah? lol.

    2. You are the one making a claim; the burden of proof is upon you. Prove that MGA was turthful, prove that Ahmadiyya is Islam.

    3. You have just proven yourself to be a fool. I am the guy who left ahmadiyyat after reading MGA nonsense books.
      So here is the acceptance of your challenge. You said he never claimed up be God. Claiming to be God equals to claiming one having attributes of God which is shirk in Islam. I will post you a ref. from his book that he not only claimed to be God but also said that he created universe and humans and became God. He also said God had physical relationship with him. Did any prophet of Allah ever made or even hinted this about God.
      You said you want proof from Quran. Do you not know Quran has never mentioned any promised messiah, Mahdi or any return of Jesus. Please don't answer with stupid logic like if Jesus is not coming why all Muslims waiting. Be a man (or women) and answer for your faith. Don't drag others to answer for you. After all you are the special guided one and all Muslims who are Muslim by Quran are Kafir for you.

    4. I know Urdu and Arabic well.
      I have never read a book in Urdu that is so poorly written as MGA books. He rants about the same thing over and over again.
      Here is another challenge for you. He spent 100 first pages of braheen ahmadiyya to convince people to buy his 50 volume book that he never wrote and repeatedly promised 300 again 300 proofs to prove Islam

    5. Over other religions. Read it yourself.
      Can you show me 300 proofs from that book. How about 30 or may be 13 or just start with 3.
      Lol. He only made one I mean 1 argument to show truth of Quran and even I can write better then him about Quran.
      Alhamdolillah I accepted true Islam in whole. I may not agree with all Muslims but I agree with real Islam. You should too.

  17. thanks for the link to the Katrina Kaif video. She's just amazing! ;)

  18. I am sure you have read at least one of the five volumes of "The essence of Islam"...perhaps you can learn SOMETHING about the true Islam...Don't let hatred blind you

  19. I saw a comment by anonymous daring Huzur(atba) to step into Mecca. I firmly believe that one day Hazrat Khalifatul Masih WILL perform the hajj.

    The comment made me lol a bit but then I also thought of how Kuffar used the same mannerism with the Prophet(saw)...he(saw) was prohibited from Mecca in the same manner...But Allah changed the conditions and he(saw) was able to perform one hajj during his(saw) lifetime.

  20. great work findings :D
    305 check this website
