
Saturday 29 October 2011


Salaam and Good Morning!

Just a humble request to all British readers to please, please, please sign the 'Free Babar Ahmad' petition, if you haven't done so already! His family and friends need 100,000 signatures in order for his case to be taken to Parliament, and now have less than 2 weeks now to reach this goal!

Babar Ahmad has been detained for 7 years without trial, and the US have issued a warrant for his extradition under the controversial 'No Evidence Required' Extradition Act of 2003, so that he stands trial over there. His supporters are rallying together, in a bid to stop the UK Government from extraditing him, so that he may face trial here in the UK, where he is a citizen and where his family resides. They require another 45,000 signatures by 10/11/2011! Please support him and his family. 

Imagine if this was your brother/father/husband/uncle, and you were in desperate need of  help and people were not pulling their weight?! Imagine how frustrated you would feel right about now, and the state of panic his poor family must be in, knowing only 2 weeks remain to get another 45,000 signatures! If the US succeeds in having Babar Ahmad extradited, he will be detained in a supermax prison in solitary confinement! Just imagine how his family must be feeling and the fear and anxiety that must consume them everyday! 

So far, only 55,000 have signed, which is absolutely pitiful considering there are over 2 million Muslims here in the UK! Muslims alone should have reached this target in less than a few days, if they were bothered enough to do so! "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others." [Sahih Muslim].

Muslim, Ahmadi or Atheist...whatever long as you're British...anything goes! Sign up! Its about justice; nothing more and nothing less! 

It only takes 2 minutes of your time! Sign up (1 minute) and then click on the confirmation email (1 minute)... and Babar's (Bobs) your Uncle! Easy Peasy!

To find out more:



  1. I have signed hope all goes well for him and his family inshalla. Perhaps when he is free he can look into Ahmadiyyat the true Islam.

  2. Thank you. Babar is already a need to look into any other Islam.

  3. Signed it, I hope he gets more people signing for him and gets justice!

  4. You Brits copy us Americans so much, you even inherited breakdown of law and order.

  5. Muslim, Ahmadi or Atheist...whatever long as you're British...anything goes! Sign up! Its about justice; nothing more and nothing less!

    With respect Findings how can you expect Ahmadi Muslims to come to your aid!!! when you don't consider us as Muslims!!!! and which Islam does he belong to ' Shia, Sufi, deobendi. brelvi, Salafi thats and much more a lot of Islam's

  6. WOW! Walaykum Salam Sister! I accidentally came across this site when I was searching for Babar Petitions (we are collating how many sites are publicly supporting them) and I am just shocked! I have been on your blog for a whole hour sister and I am close to tears! Oh Sister, I was not aware of the Ahmadiyya but I am so deeply moved by your blog! I never realised such groups existed! I am really saddened. Words cannot describe the pain I feel that you people are trapped in a Cult that lies in the name of Islam. Oh you people are such a reality check! I am so grateful I was born Muslim. Thank you for giving me this reality check! I am so sorry you guys have been duped. Sister I love you so much, for the sake of Allah, I love you. Keep doing a good job uploading their wacky word documents! Its amazing that you guys have let them get away with it for so long! I love all reverts for the sake of Allah. I will keep visiting! Amazing! I love all Muslims for the sake of Allah, I love you! Amazing girl. May Allah shower you with Mercy and He is the greatest for saving you! I Love Allah!

  7. @ dolly... jazakAllah for your kind words. thank you. i am humbled.

    @ anonymous. you are not Muslim in my eyes. period. however, this isnt an issue of muslim/ahmadi/atheist..its about justice for a british citizen! innocent/guilty who knows but its about him having the right to stand trial in this country where the it is alleged he committed these crimes. that is all.

    sign/dont sign...its up to you. i might not consider you muslim, but you consider babar a muslim right? remember according to the qadiani ahmadi doctrine, anyone who recites the kalima tayyabah is muslim. so whatever i think of you, you think babar is a muslim right? and if you are muslim you should aid and assist him (in my opinions all muslims should be helping him)! or would you rather collect money for the Poppy Appeal to honour world war veterans? so if you consider yourself a Muslim, and babar a him! It doesnt matter what I think. Babar is the one at stake here, not me!

    whatever man, do what you want.

  8. Qadianis signing this? looool! they support the war on terrror! don't be so silly sister!

  9. Lol @ "you are not muslims in my eyes"

    The majority of 'muslims' do not class Ahmadi Muslims as Muslims, so you thinking the same thing isn't much of a surprise is it?

    In the eyes of an Ahmadi you mock a prophet of God so we have no idea what you are, but we shall let God be the judge.

    May Allah guide the D I S B E L I E V E R S

  10. "With respect Findings how can you expect Ahmadi Muslims to come to your aid!!! when you don't consider us as Muslims!!!! and which Islam does he belong to ' Shia, Sufi, deobendi. brelvi, Salafi thats and much more a lot of Islam's"

    Another great example of Qadianis following their motto/slogan "LOVE FOR ALL, HATED FOR NON" What a load of s***t

  11. Annonymous 15:50

    You Qadianis mock the last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by believing in a liar prophet after Prophet repeatedly said in his Hadith - I am the last Prophet and there is no Prophet after me.

    BTW, have you read your mock Prophet's divine revelations about Mohammadi Begum and how they proved untrue.

    Read his biography and judge yourself how a 60 years "prophet" can stalk a 17 years old girl and how he harassed her family by "self-made revelations" to force them to marry with him.

    Only this one incident should lead you to believe that he was not a man of character to be even a noble person, forget, other false claims he made.

    The CULT has closed your minds and not let you think and decide about your faith.

  12. Correction - Mirza was 50 years old when he claimed of receiving this Revelation.

    In 1888, when the Mirza was fifty years old, he asked one of his relatives, Mirza Ahmad Beg for the hand of his young daughter Mubammadi Begum. The Mirza made it clear that he had been commissioned by God for that task and God had promised him, in unequivocal terms, and that this marriage would, therefore, certainly take place.

    In a leaflet which was distributed on July 10, 1888 the Mirza wrote:

    "The Omnipotent and Omniscient God has asked me that I should seek the hand of the elder daughter of this man (Ahmad Beg); should tell him that good conduct and courtesy to be shown to him would depend on this (i.e. his acceptance of the marriage proposal) ; her marriage with me would be a source of blessing and a sign of mercy for her father; and that he would have his share in all those blessings and mercies which have been laid down in the leaflet dated February 20, 1886 but if he declines to marry her, then the girl would meet an extremely tragic end. The other person to whom she would be married would die within two and a half years after the day of wedding,' and so would die the father of the girl within three years, and her household would be afflicted with discord and poverty and adversity, and during the intervening period the girl would encounter several events of unpleasant and grievous nature. ( This announcement has been reproduced in full by the Mirza in Ai'na-i-Kamalat-i-Islam, pa 286. It has also been reproduced by Qasim Ali Ahmadi in Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 1, pp. I I 1-18.)

  13. To open the eyes of Cult members and let them think on whom they believe as Prophet;

    On July 10, 1888 he announced

    "Then, when I repeatedly meditated in order to seek clarification and elaboration of the prophecy, it was made known to me that God has predetermined that the elder daughter of the addressee (i.e. Mirza Ahmad Beg) will ultimately be married to this humble one (after all irnpediments had been removed) and this event will make the irreligious people (true) Muslims, and provide guidance to the misguided. (Ai'na-i-Kamalat- i-Islam, p. 286, and Tabligh-i-Risalal, Vol. 1, p. a16.)

    The original inspiration in Arabic in this connection when translated into English reads :

    "They falsified our signs and they had been laughing at them for long. So, God will be your helper in dealing with those who are obstructing this task and in the end they will bring this girl to you. There is none who can put off, the words of God. Your God is Omnipotent, so that whatever happens, takes place, by His will. You are with Me, and I am with you; and you shall shortly reach the stage whereat you shall be praised. This means that even though the stupid and ignorant people indulge in vilification and utter unbecoming words for you, out of their inner corruption and invidious understanding, but they will ultimately feel ashamed after they have witnessed the succour of God and, as a result of the manifestation of truth, there will be praise for you all round. (Ai'na-I-Kamalta-I-Islam,p. 286; Takligh-l-Risalat, Vol. 1, p. 116.)

    It was still possible for people to forget the matter. But the Mirza was so confident about the fulfilment of this prophecy that he kept on reiterating it in an increasingly forceful and confident manner. He said :

    "Wait for (the fulfillment of) the prophecy mentioned in the announcement of July 10, 1888, along with which there is also appended the inspiration: Ana they ask thee if this is true. Say: Yes, by my Lord, it is true and you can- not prevent it from taking place. We have Ourselves wed thee to her. There is none to change My words' And on seeing the sign they will turn their faces aside and will say: This is a thorough deception, and a thorough magic. (Asmani Faisla, p. 40. )

  14. However, even after the marriage of Muhammadi Begum to Mirza Sultan Muhammad (on April 7, 1892) the Mirza did not despair. He kept on saying that ultimately the girl would, become his wife. In 1901, he made the following statement under oath :

    "It is true that that woman has not been married to me. But she will certainly be married to me as has been stated in the prophecy. She has been married to Sultan Muhammad, I, say truly that in this court (i. e. the world) where people have laughed at things which were not from me, but from God, a time will come when the events will take a strange turn and the heads of all will be downcast with remorse.

    "The woman is still alive. She will inevitably come to my wedlock. I expect this to happen, rather, I have full faith in this. These are divinely-ordained matters and are bound to-occur. (Al-Hukm, August 10, 1901 (cited in Qadiani Mazhab and Tahqiq-i-Lathani)

    In his, first announcement the Mirza had prophesied that the person to whom Muhammadi Begum would be married, would die within two and a half years after the marriage. This period elapsed and Mirza Sultan Muhammad remained alive, enjoying a happy married life. This forced the Mirza to extend the lease of his life. In his announcement of September 6, 1896 he wrote:

    "The time for divine punishment is conditionally predestined, which can be put off by fear (of God) and turning (towards God), as the whole of the Qur'an testifies. But so far as it relates to the prophecy, that is, the marriage of that woman to this humble one, that is assuredly predestined, and cannot be waived off, for, in the Divine revelation it is clearly stated that 'My words will never change'. For, if they were to change, the 'words of God would be false. Tabigh-i-Risalat, Vol, 111, p. 115.)

  15. Thus, the Mirza insisted that his prophecy was true and he had no doubt about its ultimate fulfillment. He again insisted that :

    "I say again and again that the prophecy about the son-in-law of Ahmad Beg (i. e. Sultan Muhammad), is assuredly predestined. Wait for it. If I am a liar, this prophecy will not be fulfilled and my death will come. (Anjam-i-Atham, p. 31n.)

    Mirza Sultan Muhammad had a long life. He took part in the first world war. He was wounded during the war but survived, and remained alive long after the Mirza had died.

    As for the Mirza, he died in 1908, and his wedding which according to him had taken place in the heavens, could not take place on the earth.

    Is the Character of Prophets, stalk 17 year old girl, humiliate her in public by defaming her publicly, than constantly harassing the family by constant new revelations. Not feeling shame for failure of each revelation, threatening the family, warning the first wife of divorcing her if she did not help to make it, blackmailing the family by ordering son to divorce his wife who was a distant relative of that girl. Is this the character of Mujaddid e Islam, Imam Mehdi and Promised Messiah?

  16. To all the haters who think Ahmadis have not signed this petition look at the first post it was an Ahmadi who signed. Despite the differences and the hatred shown towards Ahmadis. Anyways this particular area of the Blog should be about trying to help a muslim Brother and his family not attacking any beliefs. YU

  17. I wonder Mirza never thought or made a self-critique of himself after numerous failures of his Prophesies that am I a true Prophet or may be it is my mental sickness which led me to believe all these Revelations are from God? May be these are just whispers of Satan who is misguiding me?

    Or he intentionally did to make a Cult on whose forced CHANDA (donations) he and his family can live? But no sane person risks his faith and ultimate accountability to our God for money.

    My conclusion is he was a physically and mentally sick person who was swayed by Satan to believe this falsehood and he sincerely believed Angels are bringing revelations to him and God is talking to him. Since he had no source of income and people around him also needed money so they started Cult as a permanent good source of Income for generations to come. But he has ruined the faith and fate of thousands who mistakenly believed him.

  18. It seems to me that the Ahmadis cannot or will not think for themselves, they are so brainwashed from this cult that they cannot think anymore, it's follow the leader no matter what. Remember Ahamdis none cult members, MGAQ and your Khalifa is going to be there and help you out on judgement day, Allah (swt) is still going to ask you did you gain the knowledge regarding your deen. It looks as Ahmadis are so stubborn that they will not even open a little bit of door to find the truth, so sad!

  19. Anonymous 18:13 said "Anyways this particular area of the Blog should be about trying to help a muslim Brother and his family not attacking any beliefs."

    This is started by you or your brother in this way

    "In the eyes of an Ahmadi you mock a prophet of God so we have no idea what you are, but we shall let God be the judge

    May Allah guide the D I S B E L I E V E R S
    30 October 2011 15:50

    You or your brother/sister call Muslims as D I S B E L I E V E R S "for mocking your prophet" and then advise us "not to attack beliefs".

    Learn to practice what you preach. Your prophet has mocked himself by his ever twisting teachings and untrue prophesies. He does not need any one else to mock him.

  20. @ Mohsin your pathetic attacks on Ahmadi beliefs or their promised messiah are to be quite frank pathetic @ anon 18:13 respect for Ahmadi's for putting aside differences and helping out a Muslim brother. Mohsin stop attacking Ahmadis at least they are helping brother Barbar, i have many Ahmadi friends who have now signed this. if you want to discuss differences in beliefs start a new thread with approval of Findings. lets stay on topic here kids.

  21. There are some who explored Qadianiat and had a Journey from Kufr to Islam. Being born in a Muslim family and staying as a Muslim is no special feat. ALLAH's double blessings on those who were born in a Qadiani family, learnt nothing but Ahmadiyyat but still they searched for the Truth and came on HIS right path. ALLAH has reserved Jannah for these blessed Souls who recognized HIS last Prophet and sacrificed to convert to his deen Islam. They will be very dear to ALLAH and HIS Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    Here is a book from one such blessed soul.

  22. wouldn't signing this petition be rebelling against their master the white man ... whom they've sold their sold to?

  23. poor Ahmadis Damned if they do Damned if they don't. No wonder its difficult for us Muslims to reach out to them when their are some of us who keep attacking them even when they are helping. Anyway's I feel a bit embarrassed by the attitude shown here. Peace to all and may Allah help the innocent.

  24. It is not "attacking them". It is to expose their false beliefs and expose their Cult elders characters so they may shun them and save their belief and their hereafter fate. Most of these contributors on such sites are ex-Qadianis who left the Cult when Truth was unveiled to them. Most of them are paying the great price for that. The cult is persecuting them by their social boycott, pressurizing their families to cut off relationship with them. Some have lost their dear ones as Cult uses all possible ways to punish this "rebel". And still have a slogan - Love all and hatred for none - a false slogan like their false beliefs. Deception - thy name Qadiani Cult!

  25. Who is mocking the disbelievers?

    It's written in the Holy Quran over and over.. So obviously the 'muslims' who it was beautifully written for were going to disbelieve..

    Ahmadis are the one's who believe or are willing to believe..

  26. Anonymous said..."It's written in the Holy Quran over and over.. So obviously the 'muslims' who it was beautifully written for were going to disbelieve..

    Ahmadis are the one's who believe or are willing to believe.."

    “When it is said to them: ’Believe as other people have believed,’ they say: ’Shall we believe as the fools have believed?’ Verily, it is surely they that are the fools but they do not know.”
    - The Holy Quran, (2:13)

    “Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire - to dwell therein forever: no protector will they find, nor helper. The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say: ’Woe to us! would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!’ And they would say: ’Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) path.’ ”
    - The Holy Quran, (33:64-67)

    Still there is chance to shun your "chiefs and great ones" and come on HIS path.

  27. you are here mocking Ahmadis and their beliefs but at the same time you are asking for their help?

    you really do have a screw loose.

  28. “When it is said to them: ’Believe as other people have believed,’ they say: ’Shall we believe as the fools have believed?’ Verily, it is surely they that are the fools but they do not know.”
    - The Holy Quran, (2:13)

    Exactly, you mock Ahmadis and their beliefs. You don't realise this verse is for you.

  29. ‎"And if thou obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead thee astray from Allah’s way. They follow nothing but mere conjecture, and they do nothing but lie."

  30. "So they rejected the truth when it came to them; but soon shall come to them the tidings of that at which they mocked."

  31. Anonymous said...
    ‎"And if thou obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead thee astray from Allah’s way. They follow nothing but mere conjecture, and they do nothing but lie."

    Majority of those on Earth are Christians. And you judge yourself how you try to please them and win their sympathies. This religion was started to show allegiance to British and till today you celebrate Royal family kids marriage at Jamat level when they didn't even consider your Hazoor worth invitation to the ceremony.

    Now this verse could be read by Musailma Kazab (another liar prophet similar to Mirza) followers also that majority of Prophet's followers are astray and only their Islam where Musailma Kazab is prophet a true one. Use Quran verses for guidance and not to justify falsehood of your fake Messiah.

  32. The verses above are for those who MOCK others beliefs. That is YOU.

  33. Not mocking your beliefs. You are mocking Muslims beliefs. Your prophet mocked Islamic beliefs. Don't claim to be a Muslim and be proud of your prophet and his religion. Then no one will bother about you and your beliefs. As long you will mock as false Muslims, we will continue to expose the reality of your beliefs and how far they are from Islam. Who needs to mock your belief when your prophet claimed to receive Revelations and made Prophecies which all proved untrue?

    Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against Allah, or saith, "I have received inspiration," when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, "I can reveal the like of what Allah hath revealed"? If thou couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at death! - the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),"Yield up your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject of His signs!"
    Al-An'am(6) Ayat No: 93

  34. "Don't claim to be a Muslim and be proud of your prophet and his religion. Then no one will bother about you and your beliefs"

    Who are you to give me such order? A mere human...

    "Who needs to mock your belief when your prophet claimed to receive Revelations and made Prophecies which all proved untrue?"

    Prophecies are being fulfilled as we speak. Only the blind will not see. Read the prophecies about your home country and then tell me which part is yet to come true...

  35. LOL @ "Not mocking your beliefs"

    Oh really, just look at the amateur photoshop attempts on this site mocking religious leaders etc etc... oh it's not mocking though is it?

  36. ...and you only responded to the verse about "majority", what about the verses regarding mocking of beliefs?

  37. Mocking a person who deserves mocking because of his character and falsehood is not mocking of beliefs. I think none of you or your leaders know or knew Quran more than Abubakar(ra) & Umar (ra). A false claimer of Prophethood deserves what they did to Musailma Kazab and his followers. Mirza was lucky that he did claim this under patronizing of British. Had he claimed all this bunch of lies and distortion of Quran verses under an Islamic government like of AbuBakr Siddiq, he would have same fate as the false prophet Musailma Kazab.

  38. Where in the Quran is it mentioned about people who "deserve" to be mocked then? Can you show me?

    Mirza sahib created a worldwide jamaat that continues to strive positively around the world, building mosques, helping charities, promoting a better picture of Islam than any other sects out there!

    Yes you are right his fate was far from a negative fate like that of the false prophet you mention.

  39. Anonymous said "Who are you to give me such order? A mere human..."

    I am not giving you order but proposing you sincerely. Otherwise, keep on hurting Muslims sentiments and don't cry persecution when any one can't control on his emotions. Muslims are tolerating you all with their best patience.

    "Prophecies are being fulfilled as we speak. Only the blind will not see. Read the prophecies about your home country and then tell me which part is yet to come true..."

    I was mentioning his Prophesies for his life time - Mohammadi Begum - Abdullah Atham - Piggot. And if you believe, Pakistan is in any turmoil because Muslims of Pakistan consider him a Liar prophet, then let more misery come to Pakistan for this belief and you and your Cult can do their best for it. Your Mirza cursed people who denied him and said they will die with plague and cholera.When plague reached Qadian, and his followers started dying, he was so fearful and expressed that in his letters. He prayed if he is a Liar, he should die with plague or Cholera and ALLAH answered his prayer.

    "O My Beloved Lord! If this claim of Promised Messiah is just a fabrication
    of my nafs and I am a LIAR and TROUBLE-MAKER (mufsid) in your eyes
    and day and night fabrications is my job then O My Beloved Lord, I pleasd
    you humbly to kill me in the lifetime of Molvi Sanaullah ... but not with
    human hands rather with PLAGUE OR CHOLERA etc like deadly diseases ...
    Now I plead you to make a truthful jusdgement between me and Sanaullah and
    whoever is truly LIAR and MUFSID, kill him in the lifetime of the truthful.
    (Advertisement dated 15th April 1907 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Collection of
    Advertisement vol.3 p.578-579)

    Read this statement of the father-in-law of Mirza Ghulam:
    "When he felt very sick, I was wakened up. When I reached Hazrat Saheb and
    saw his condition, then he addressed me and said:
    'Mir Saheb I have been afflicted by Epidemic Cholera.'
    After this I don't think he uttered any intelligible thing until he died next
    morning 10 am."
    (Statement of Mir asir awab in his autobiography, Hayat-e- asir, compiled by
    Shaikh Yaqoob Ali Irfani Qadiani)

    ALLAH's curse on the false prophet and his followers who are expelled from Muslim community and chained by Cult for lifelong money extortion and social boycott of whole Muslim Ummah.

    Your cult will totally vanish from earth with the emergence of true Imam Mehdi and Essa ibn e Mariam (as).

  40. "Jesus will descend as Nabi but still Seal of Prophet intact"

    If Hazrat Issa (as) outlived all the prophets doesn't that make him the greatest? If he descends on Earth everyone will witness such an event with today's technology. Does that mean the whole world will convert to Islam that easy? Also which country will stamp his passport? Israel?

  41. Anonymous said...
    Where in the Quran is it mentioned about people who "deserve" to be mocked then? Can you show me?

    How many times I tell you showing you your prophets writings is not mocking? If you feel this is mocking then ask your paid Murrabis - why our Prophet generated such mocking stuff?

    Why every day he announced prophesy of someones death and they all lived beyond his death?

    This poetry was said for Mirza:
    How will his patients be cured
    Messiah died himself of cholara
    He used to say, others will die
    Others are alive, he is dead!

    He even had to apologize the DC for his habit of doing so.

    Mirza Saheb, because of uttering such curses, had submitted the following affidavit
    of repentance in the Court of Deputy Commissioner, Gurdwaspur.
    1. I will prevent myself from publishing any such predictions which are insulting
    to anybody or implicates anyone in God’s punishment.
    2. I will refrain from publishing anything saying it to be inspiration.
    3. I will not call anyone name liked Dajjal, Kafir (Disbeliever), Lair Batalvi.
    4. And I will not request for Mubahilla. And as far as in my power, all people
    upon whom I have some influnce, I will induce them to follow the way upon
    which I have promised to follow."
    Signed: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (through his hands)
    Witness: Khawja Kamaluddin B.A.Ll.B.
    Signed: District Magistrate Gurdaspur, (J.M. Dowie )
    Date 24th February 1899.

    "Thus if I have submitted in front of Mr Dowie that i will not call him (Molvi
    Mohammed Hussein Batalvi) Kafir, then truly this is my religion that I do not
    consider any Muslim a Kafir."
    (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob, Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.433)

    But in other places later he again called them kafir for not believing him. He was the man of contradictions all his life.

  42. They live in dream world. On the Day of Judgement when you are all lined up behind your fake prophet, you'll remember all the times everyone tried to show you the way. If you call it mocking now, you best be prepared for the way the Guardians of Hell will mock you then! And show some respect to the Prophet of Allah. Any more sarcastic comments about Eisa (as) will not be allowed. 'Whose going to stamp his passport'..what so you think the events going to be an ordinary one????? Show some respect! These are REAL Prophets of Allah, not your fake ass Punjabi fraud who deserves all the mocking he can get!

  43. Anonymous wrote -"Also which country will stamp his passport? Israel?"

    This puzzle is easier than in which your prophet was put to be Messiah;

    “Like Maryam, Christ’s spirit was infused into me and metaphorically I was conceived. At last after several months, not more than ten months, through revelation that I have stated in the part four page. 556 of Braheen-e-Ahmedia, I was made Christ from Mary. In this way I am Ibn e Maryam (son of Mary).”

    (Kashti-e-Nooh. P.47. Roohani Khazain V.19. P.50)

    And you need to read hadith which describe the place (your Mirza made the same white Minaret in Qadian to match signs of hadith) of Essa's descending.

    Allah's Apostle(SAW) said:

    Allah will send Maseeh ibne Maryam (Messiah son of Mary). Thus he will descend near the White Eastern Minaret of Damascus, clad in two yellow sheets, leaning on the shoulders of two angels.
    (Sahih Muslim, Vol. 8, P. 192-193)

    The following represent a few more of the Hadith regarding the advent of the Promised Messiah and the fact that he will be none other than Jesus(pbuh), son of Mary (since Mirza didn't fulfill any of signs mentioned):

    Narrated Abu Huraira(RA) that the Prophet of Allah(SAW) said:

    By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, Son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no one will accept charitable gifts.
    (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 34, No. 425)

    Allah's Apostle(SAW) declared:

    I swear by Him in Whose hands is my life that soon there will descend among you Hazrat Isa Ibn-e-Mariam as a Just Ruler; so (he) will break the 'cross', kill swine and prohibit war!
    (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, No. 668, Book of Prophets, P. 490)

    Narrated Abu Huraira(RA) that hazrat Muhammad(SAW) taught:

    How will you be when the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel.
    (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 55, No. 658; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7, P. 304-305)

    Narrated Abu Huraira(RA) that the Prophet(SAW) said:

    There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace be upon him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognize him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.
    (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, No. 4310)

  44. @ findings

    you didn't answer a damn question but just repeated one of my questions. well done.

  45. What question was that then darling?

  46. ..
    Annonymous 15:50

    You Qadianis mock the last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by believing in a liar prophet after Prophet repeatedly said in his Hadith - I am the last Prophet and there is no Prophet after me.

    you see what I mean!!!!! how stupid and indeed how you Moshin insult the Last Prophet Muhammad (saw) " I am the last Prophet and there is no Prophet after me"

    two pionts

    1- would care to tell the reader the Arabic words used in this Hadith, to explain last!
    2- " there is no Prophet after me"

    So Moshin and findings according you no Prophet can come at all!!!! not even Isa!!!!

    I wrote a long post explaining this but findings did not allow, yet she allows many of Moshins Rubbish!! or could it be Moshin is Findings

  47. Anonymous 09:37

    "So Moshin and findings according you no Prophet can come at all!!!! not even Isa!!!!"

    How many times I explained you? Isa was Prophet before Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). He will come as President George Bush comes to White House to attend President Obama's function. G. Bush will be still called as president there even he is no more a President.

    So Nabi Isa will come same way but he will not be an Active Nabi. Each Nabi comes for his Ummat. Isa's Ummat was Bani Israel. Now he will not come as Nabi but a simple follower of Islam.

    And all Nabis before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were for certain time until the next Nabi comes. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is Nabi for all times to come. He is the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after him. Isa will come but not as a new Nabi but he will fight for the cause of Prophet Muhammad's nabuwat as his Ummati.

    Your Mirza made a technical mistake here by calling himself nabi assuming Isa has to come as Nabi. For this he had to create a new interpretation of Seal of Prophethood.

    But he did not stop there. He started declaring himself as Best of All Prophets and even attempted to brand himself as second coming of Prophet Muhammad and this second coming is better than the first coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). How dare he said all these derogatory things? How did he insult Prophet Muhammad? How did he distort the teachings of Islam? Only an insane melancholic person can attempt all this.

    And you all are defending and justifying his prophethood. He would be burning in the lowest depth of Hell and you all are following him.

    May ALLAH have some mercy on you and open your mind and eyes! A'ameen! Otherwise, you are clearly on hell path and without any fear or remorse. Pray ALLAH show you Truth or if you believe Mirza was your true prophet then pray may you meet him soon. Say Aa'meen!

  48. Anonymous - there is not one but many Hadith supporting Quran's "Khatim Al-Nabbiyeen" ("And he is the last in the line of Prophets,") of Quran.

    The meaning of the word Khatam that emerges out of the context of the Holy Qur'an and which is the same as given in all lexicons of the Arabic language is also affirmed by the observations of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We quote some authentic traditions to illustrate the case in point:
    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).
    The Prophet of God (PBUH) affirmed: "My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example:
    A man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People looked around the building and marvelled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the last in the line of the Prophets." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).

    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God has bestowed upon me six favors which the former Prophets did not enjoy:
    (1)I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech.
    (2)I was granted victory owing to my awe.
    (3)The spoils of war were made lawful unto me.
    (4)The whole earth has been made the place of worship for me and it has become the means of purification for me also. In other words in my religion, offering of prayers is not confined to certain specified places of worship. Prayers can be offered at any place over the earth. And in case water is not available it is lawful for my people to perform ablutions with earth(Tayammum) and to cleanse themselves with the soil if water for bathing is scarce.
    (5)I have been sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world.
    (6)And the line of prophets has come to its final end in me.

    (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

    Thauban reports: "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: And there will arise Thirty imposters in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of the Prophets of God and no Apostle will come after me." (Abu Dawud, Kitab-ul-Fitan)
    Abu Dawud in 'Kitab-ul-Malahim' has recorded another tradition reported by Abu Huraira in the same subject. Tirmidhi has also recorded these two traditions as reported by Hadrat Thauban and Hadrat Abu Huraira. The text of the second tradition runs thus: "It will come to this that thirty imposters will arise and each one of them will put forth his claim to be the Apostle of God."

    And Mirza without any doubt was One of these Thirty imposters.

  49. There can be no authentic, creditable and conclusive interpretation of the words of the Holy Qur'an, Khatam-un- Nabiyyin, than that given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his Ahadith.

    The question is who else besides the Holy Prophet (PBUH), to whom the Qur'an was revealed, is better qualified to comprehend its meaning and to explain its contents to us?

    Do we believe Mirza's twisted misleading interpretations or our Beloved Prophet Muhammad's straight forward and clear cut simple interpretations.

    Mirza was a proven imposter who fabricated revelations and went in to pains of being delivered from his najas body as Issa.

    Read the logical Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) supporting Quran and see below how Mirza is going in circles to deny Quran and Ahadith to some how sell himself as Issa ibn e Marium;

    "Indeed, God named me Mary who was pregnant with Jesus. I am the object of the words of the Almighty in Surah Tehrim: 'And Mary, daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so we blow into it our spirit'; as I am the only one who has claimed that I am Mary and that into me has been blown the soul of Jesus."
    (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, P. 337; Bahareen-e-Ahmadia, P. 388)

    "God named me Mary in the third volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia (the book of "revelations" written by Mirza). I was nurtured for two years as Mary and was raised in a womanly seclusion. Then, the spirit of Jesus was breath into me just as was done with Mary. Hence, I was considered to be pregnant in a metaphorical manner. After a period of several months, not exceeding ten, I was made Jesus out of Mary by the revelation embodied in the last part of the fourth volume of Baraheen-e-Ahmadia; and thus, I became Jesus, son of Mary. But, God did not inform me of this secret at that time."
    (Kashti-i-Nuh, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 50; Kashti-i-Nuh, P. 46-47)

    Is this the Qadiani way of "becoming" a "fake Messiah"? A "Messiah" who himself was sick all his life - physically, mentally and spiritually. Indeed a 3 in 1 "Messiah" who was Mirza - Mary and Jesus in same body. Being Mirza, he was physically sick. By claiming to be Mary, he was mentally sick and when he claimed to be Jesus, that was a clear sign of his spiritual sickness.

  50. Just check how he "stole" the Quran and Hadith and then how he distorted them to prove his false Nabuwat;

    ((You should know that Khatamiyyat [finality] was given to Muhammad (SAAW) from the beginning; then it was given to the one [Mirza Ghulam] who was taught by Mohammad’s spirit and made his shadow. Thus blessed is the one who taught and blessed is the one who learned. Therefore the REAL Khatamiyyat was intended for the sixth millennium)) – RK, vol 16, Khutba Ilhamiyya, page 310

    ((Allah wanted to end the matter and to complete the building [of Islam] through the LAST BRICK. Oh you who witness, I am that LAST BRICK)) – RK, vol 16, Khutba-Ilhamiyya, page 178

    Read more "plagiarized" claims with books photos over here;

    thank you brother Fuad Al-Attar!

  51. Moshin

    well well, the christian's attack the Holy Prophet (saw) an accuse him(naauzubillah) of child abuse! for marrying a 9 year old! ( which I believe she was 14-15) and now you do the same by attacking the the Promised Messiah for asking!!!!to marry his cousin wow!! see how stupid you look!!!

    and why dont you tell the readers that Muhammadi Begum owns sons and cousins are wait for it AHMADI MUSLIMS LOL LOL


    Khalid bin waleed

  52. plus my own Father inlaw when he was student in lahore met Muhammdi begum and she told him that that PM was a pious and righteous man!!!

    Khalid Bin Waleed

  53. moshin the more you speak the more you show your lack of understanding of Arabic!

    you said " And all Nabis before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were for certain time until the next Nabi comes. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is Nabi for all times to come. He is the last Prophet and no Prophet will come after him. Isa will come but not as a new Nabi but he will fight for the cause of Prophet Muhammad's nabuwat as his Ummati.

    " And all Nabis before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) were for certain time until the next Nabi comes

    look how stupid you sound according to your statement Jesus was for a certain time, then the Holy Prophet (saw) came, therefore Jesus time finished, as the last Prophet came so again! no need for another Prophet as the last and greatest Prophet Muhammad (saw) has come!


  54. Moshin

    please give the Arabic word used in the Hadith you quoted for last, you failed to answer!!!!


  55. wow so now the qadianis are attacking the marriage of the Holy Prophet (saw) and bibi Aisha (ra) just like the infidels or this age do? the christians dont know that their prophet jacob married his wife when she was just 3

    He followed the customs of his time regarding marriage and Islam permits marrying that young ... He didn't chase after he in newspapers based on lust like Mirza shaytan and this marriage was to strengthen his bond with Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) ... he also married Hazrat Umar (ra) daughter for that reason as well ...


