
Sunday 30 October 2011

The Sunday Scandal Session 8: Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the 'Suspect' Converts


Ahhh I bet you Ahmadis have been missing your instalments on a Sunday haven't you? Go on, admit it, you guys are gluttons for it, as much as you hate to admit it! Anyways, what shall we put up this week? The thing is guys, I have lots of little documents that will interest many of you, but I think I should go easy on the Jamaat Mafia (Ahmafiyya # Shahid Kamal) for a bit! I think I should let you simmer, because after all, when you are treated to big scoops like AC and the £400,000 that went walk abouts, it didn't quite bother many of you as I had hoped for! Seems like you guys are OK with £400,000 going missing so perhaps you will also be OK when you find out a regional Qaid was a criminal back in the days? Or what about homosexuality within the Jamaat; I think that won't even bother you guys so much and most of you won't sp much as bat an eyelid! Seems like anything goes in this 'true saved sect of Allah: Ahmadiyya-the True Islam'.

So instead, I am going to take teeny weeny baby steps every week; you know, uploading internal memos and what not and see how we go? Let me see if you guys are worth me putting my neck on the line for, if after it I get a gormless reaction like 'they will be dealt with in the hereafter'. So right now, none of you deserve any more than what I am going to put up for the next couple of weeks! BLA BLA “you haven't really got anything you are lying”... yeah, oh-kay-then! ;) C'mon now! I could get in serious trouble with Mas and Raf one day, is it really worth it if every Talha, Dilawar and Haaris reacts with “this is a sign of Ahmadiyya True Islam”. Show me some passion guys, and the paper work and evidence is all yours!

Today I have something nice and light for you, making it easy to digest! It is probably nothing for born Ahmadis, but I am sure 'converts' to the Cult of the Ahmadiyya will be interested to see just what Rafiq Hayat, National President of the Ahmadiyya Association of the United Kingdom, thinks of you and how he treats you with suspicion!

Have a read below:

Click To Enlarge

Click To Enlarge

Well I never! What do we have here? Rafiq Hayat requesting Jamaat officials run checks on recent converts to the Ahmadiyya Cult in the last 2 years, for 'security' purposes, before they attend Jalsa Salana (this is where Qadianis all gather in a field and mingle)! Oh deary me, and then they say the Ahmadiyya Jamaat isn't a Cult! So Rafiq Hayat, care to worm your way out of this one, Mr 'we are so tolerant'? Oh yes, let me just climb up that tree and bring you down that old chestnut of 'we are persecuted and bullied and terrorists might attempt to infiltrate the Jalsa and thus, it’s for the safety and benefit of our members'. 

Is this how you treat your new converts, with such suspicion and distrust, when they have done you the favor of signing up to your sick little scheme? Do you think anyone will want to sign up this cult, knowing full well that they may be subjected to ‘security checks’ and ‘reference clearances’, through no fault of their own, and that this community is paranoid and obsessed with outsiders and newcomers? Rafiq Hayat, you are deputy to the man of God, your Khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmad, so we should expect you to act in line, and live up to the highest of Islamic Standards! After all, you work side by side with the Ameerul Momi’neen and Leader of the Muslim Nations, so you should be the epitome of what a good Muslim should be! You are the deputy leader of the Muslim Nations, and you Mister, can’t even live by what is set out in this Hadith:
Do not be suspicious, for suspicion is the height of falsehood, nor bear a grudge or enmity against each other, nor jealous of each other, nor indulge in back-biting, nor pry into the secrets of one another, nor try unreasonably to excel one another, nor turn your faces against each other, but O bondsmen of Allah! Live like brothers as Allah has commanded.”
(Bukhari and Muslim).

Shame on you! Treating your own with disdain and doubt, when all they have done is accept the Promised Messiah, Mahdi, Eisa (as), Krishna, Buddha and Zhul Qurnain! Who are you to question their ‘bait’, when your Promised Messiah came as a Messiah for all of mankind? Who are you to question his Jamaat and therefore, Allah’s Jamaat? Who are you to question the legitimacy and authenticity of their Bait, when this is a matter between themselves and Allah? After all, to be a ‘true Muslim’ you MUST accept the Messiah so that you can become part of Allah’s true Jamaat, the 73rd Sect! So how dare you question their Bait, when it is a matter between them and Allah! Here is what your Promised Messiah said about Jalsa Salana:
“The primary purpose of this Convention is to enable every sincere individual to personally experience religious benefits; They may enhance their knowledge and –due to their being blessed and enabled by Allah, The Exalted- their perception [ of Allah ] may progress. Among its secondary benefits is that this congregational meeting together will promote mutual introduction among all brothers, and it will strengthen the fraternal ties within this Community.”
(Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 340).

So Rafiq Hayat, Amir of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya, care to explain to your new converts why they're treated as second-class citizens? Care to explain why born Ahmadi's are obviously more significant and held in higher regard? Once you become 'Muslim' things are an even playing field, there is no distinction between someone who has just converted and someone who has been born into it. In the eyes of Allah they are all equal. The prophet SAAWs knew the names of the hypocrites who were hiding amongst the believers yet he never treated them in this way. So how dare you cast aspersions on these new converts. You are a sick, paranoid, twisted little man. 

Oh and before you Ahmadis start with your predictable babble, yes I know the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia prohibits certain people from performing Hajj/Umrah. Those that are prohibited are NOT Muslim, like Ahmadis, and rightfully so! In fact you shouldn't even be able make a direct comparison between what Saudi does and what Rafiq is doing here because, the situation is entirely different! There is NO comparison between jalsa and Hajj.. so don't even try it! Nonetheless, Ahmadis have a habit of twisting everything and anything to suit their agenda, so I may as well counter it from now because there is no doubt in my mind one of you will bring this up! The Haram ie: Mecca, is only for the Muslims and so they (the Saudis) have every right to ban them from entering Mecca. Furthermore, the Saudis do NOT sit there vetting everyone that comes through or else how have the Ahmadis managed to slip through the net? Rafiq and this Rubina bird on the other hand, are running checks on their OWN (or so you would like to think) people! How despicable! Ahmadis, Islam is NOT an organised religion; there is no place for none of this stupidness in Islam and this is indeed a sign of a Cult!

On a side note, isn't it funny that the South London region only managed to bag a handful of 'converts' in 2 years?! Lol pathetic! And they say they are the 'fastest growing and most dynamic Islamic Organisation in the world'..! The figures speak for themselves! 

I chose not to hide the names of those newly converted Ahmadi ladies in the letter above so they now know exactly how tolerant, welcoming and Islamic the Ahmadiyya Cult really is. As a bonus here's a vid to show them how new converts are treated by Muslims:

Tune of the day: Suspicious Mind


  1. Findings come on!!!!
    it didn't quite bother many of you as I had hoped for! Seems like you guys are OK with £400,000 going missing so perhaps you will also be OK when you find out a regional Qaid was a criminal back in the days? Or what about homosexuality within the Jamaat;

    I know Imams (Sunni) who stole money from Mosques funds!!! I know many criminal's in Sunni Islam, who run criminal activities I met many Sunni Muslims who claim they are Gay,both men and women!!!!! within your Islam lol

    Khalid Bin WALEED

  2. And Finding I have been to many Sunni functions where, the Imam or Sheikh ordered their Amoomi to check for Qadiani's in their Mosques and how many times their Amoomis come to our Mosques spying!!!and meetings spying!!! lol

    Khalid Bin Waleed

  3. Rafiq, Do not resign. You know who findings is.

    Expose her.


    By: Diana Mehta , The Canadian Press
    Date: Sunday Oct. 30, 2011 2:44 PM PT
    MEDINA, Saudi Arabia — Eyewitnesses and a human rights group are imploring the Canadian government to act fast after they say an Edmonton imam was beaten, arrested and falsely charged while on pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

    READ " Usama Al-Atar, who previously lived in Vancouver and studied at the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, was leading a prayer recitation in the holy city of Medina on Sunday morning when members of the country's religious police reportedly asked the small group to move along, said a British member of the group.

    Mohamed Hayward said the officials then proceeded to harass the pilgrims and zeroed in on Al-Atar.

    "We were set upon by about 10 to 15 of these religious police and at the end of it all he got jumped and arrested," Hayward said on Sunday in a phone interview from Medina.

    "They virtually strangled him. We saw him go black and blue."

    Hayward said the 33-year-old Canadian didn't try to resist the roughing up and remained passive, but authorities still went on to arrest him.

    "Now he's languishing in a jail," he said, adding that Al-Atar is expected to appear in court Monday morning to face unclear charges.


    Khalid bin waleed

  5. Lol I think you'll find he doesn't know who I am :P

    And yes do NOT resign Raffy Boy... We have more ground to cover! If you leave, my information is obsolete! So don't you dare move and plus, you've been putting in the 'overtime' haven't you..hehehe... Munee is gonna love it when that's exposed! Dutty Wine! Dutty Wine!

  6. that really looks scary

  7. He will not resign but will become more and more ZALIL in public eyes let him enjoy the taste of his lies

  8. Khalid Bin Waleed

    I think ALLAH has snatched your common sense also. Findings whole point was suspecting your own two years old converts. And you are saying Sunni Imams also check for Ahmadis in their mosques. You are not checking Muslims in Jalsa but you are profiling the converts - Ahmadis of two year association. You are suspecting their loyalty. On the other hand she is reminding you frauds in Cult funds and you are defending or justifying it saying Sunni Imam Masjids also steal mosque funds. If cult leadership has to do the same what a "Mulla" is allegedly doing, then how your Islam is true Islam. Moreover she is presenting proofs and you are just talking in air. How someones weaknesses can be your strength? How someones wrong just justify yours wrongs? You are a true example of - The pot calling the kettle black. Don't defend the crime - only because he is a Cult criminal - and only by saying some others also do.

  9. Khalid can you please stop spamming the thread with pointless commentary! The fact of the matter is, Rafiq has specifically ordered that checks are run on all converts, before they are allowed to attend your Mela in Aldershot. Now who do you think these Jamaat Officials are? Hetty Wainthrops or something or Miss Marples, where they will be able to get hold of the relevant 'evidence' that will determine whether or not some chick from Collier Wood poses a security risk??? No. All that will happen is this (and I've seen this sort of reports): 1) chick pays chanda 2) chick is regular in Jamaat functions. 3) chick seems to be living a double standard lifestyle, might have boyfriends. 4) chick has not entirely shown me dedication to Jamaat cause. This can easily turn into a character assassination and proves NOTHING. These are Raf's own! The ones he begs after..why else do you think they bother with all these plush events at their Centres, entertaining 'ghair Ahmadis'.

    Rafiq is guilty of everything he goes round accusing me of! Difference is- ahmadis are meant to be his people... They aint mine! FAIL! Difference is- he is mean to be a man of great spirituality and faith! Me? I'm new in that game!

    This is a CULT. Its the business of a CULT. Ffs you need to be a 'member' of the Jamaat... That says it all...especially as the Jamaat is their for all of mankind!

    Raf..I'm coming for you son! Not long left before I expose your "overtime". Better get Munee prepared. ;)

  10. *these sorts of reports.
    *there for all mankind.


  11. I am not in the least bit surprised to find an anti-Ahmadi forum where people who call themselves Muslim get together in an attempt to mock and defame innocent people, whether you accept Ahmadis as Muslim or not is a different story.

    Nevertheless, your sad purpose in life will not do you any good, and will only increase you in hatred and bitterness. How about you do something better with your time sister/brother, increase yourself in spirituality and righteousness. Seek Allah (SWT) and goodness, you are wasting your time trying to lead people away from Islam (Ahmadiyyat) because those who are firm in their love for Allah and His messenger (saw) will never abandon this true blessed Jamaat. May Allah forgive you and show you the right path. Be a good human being at least if cannot be a good Muslim. Assalam alaikum

  12. Oh and what Rafiq has commissioned is very Islamic, eh?? And we are trying to take people from Islam aka Ahmadiyyat? So what are the 1.5 billion Muslims following if they are not following Ahmadiyyat aka Islam????

    You can't buy logic these days. Shame that...

  13. Brother Mohsin, I have not fooled anyone, nor has anyone fooled me. I am an ordinary Muslim, and Allah has blessed me by allowing me to recognise the Imam Mahdi (as) and follow the right path.

    I am well aware of the false accusations of yours (and your people) against the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, the way you try your hardest to keep people away from the truth by spreading lies about our beliefs. Is this the behaviour of a believer? Being a Muslim doesn't just mean praying 5 times a day, you also have to fulfil your duties as a human being and treat Allah's creation with respect and humility.
    Brother, I did not give any moral lectures, I simply advised the sister to do good, as Allah has Ordered. If you find negatives even in this, then maybe your ability to see good is flawed?

    As far as Chanda goes, we pay it by our own free will, no one threatens us to pay it. We will give our life for this beautiful Jamaat, because although you are not fortunate enough to see it, Allah is always with us, and He is constantly guiding us, enabling us to increase in Taqwa and help the propagation of Islam in every way we can. We love Hudhoor (atba) and we will always show obedience to him. This is a promise we make when we do the Bait.

    @Findings: I just read your profile, and I notice you use the word "trapped" in Ahmadiyya. Sister why do you think you're trapped. No one is forcing you to stay, in fact the Jamaat does not need you, no one needs you, feel free to go your way. Because although, in your beliefs, when someone leaves Islam, they are meant to be killed, Ahmadi Muslims hold no such beliefs, therefore you can leave fearlessly and happily. But remember, we are all responsible for our own actions, and will be judged individually.

    FYI, majority does not matter, if we went by majority then we would all be following Christianity. I wish to follow the right path that Allah (SWT) has chosen for me, I don't care about popularity, or fitting in with the "majority".

    If anyone reading this has a problem with the Ahmadiyya and you truly think it is a "fake" Jamaat (nauzubillah) then why don't you pray to get rid of us. Whilst Ahmadi Muslims pray for the betterment of the Ummah and that they may wake up and recognise that the Messiah has come. Inshallah.
    I love all my brothers and sisters in Islam, and also my brothers and sisters in humanity, even those who do not share my beliefs. Peace

  14. I think you both miss the point.. After the atrocities against the jamaat in Lahore, surely it makes sense that in the wake of a massacre you take extra precautions, especially since one Of the infiltrators was a 'new convert'..
    Maybe you should also take a leaf out of the Hadith you quoted. No enmity, no grudges.. Hmm.. That's not your style though is it?
    Anyway Love to you both.. You have increased my faith in Ahmadiyyat. If this is your faith, then keep it. It's all yours. If you want to take people away.. Than good luck to you. Allah is my judge, not a few hateful little characters.
    Oh.. And Mohsin sahib, to all your nonsensical arguments, retractions have been given. If you want to close yourself to the answers by all means keep carrying on like a broken record.. But the answers will be the same.
    Findings.. Carry on doing as you will. Neither I nor anyone can judge your actions, only Allah. I just hope you're truly doing them for the right reasons.
    Walaikum salaam

  15. Rafiq Don't leave.

    We fully support you in all your past and present decisions and also the decisions that you will take in future.

  16. Anonymous said...
    "Brother Mohsin, I have not fooled anyone, nor has anyone fooled me. I am an ordinary Muslim, and Allah has blessed me by allowing me to recognise the Imam Mahdi (as) and follow the right path."

    Again, you are fooling yourself and people. If Mirza had stopped on calling himself Imam Mehdi, many more Muslims would have been fooled to believe him. But he did not stop there. He went ahead and claimed to be Issa ibn e Marium and not even stopped there but claimed to be second coming of prophet Muhammad himself which is better than first coming. And your Khalifa said why need to have our own Kalima when Mirza was Mohammad himself. Do you read your books or need references for all these wrong beliefs from your books? You have fooled few people by deception but can't fool all.

  17. @ I think the biggest problem and worry with you people is that inspite of all more and more people are being fooled and if this is about being fooled we as ahmadis are proud and happy about that.

  18. why can't the false prophet Mirza produce such a sublime statement like my Prophet (Saw) did?

    he was Muhammad (astagfirullah) wasn't he?

  19. "As far as Chanda goes, we pay it by our own free will, no one threatens us to pay it."

    No one threatens to pay you as you must be paying regularly. A large number of Ahmadis pay Chanda reluctantly because of repeated phone calls, avoid public humiliation or to keep their status in Jamaat.

    Ahmadiyya making chanda payments obligatory, whether you are employed or not. In fact, chanda is payable even if you are on Unemployment benefits which are not even enough to run the kitchen. The Welfare State helps poor Ahmadis and the Ahmadiyya taxes them.

    You don't spare poor, old, sick and even widows. You claim Chanda even on pensions. What a cruel system of extorting money so Cult elites can live luxurious life, ride in mercedez, have breeding horse farms, travel first class around the world, celebrate prince's wedding celebrations - all on money snatched from widows and people feeding their kids on Child benefits.

    Where in Islam is this compulsory 6.25% chanda on Net Income? It is on 2.5% Zakah on Savings after a year.

    Then where in Islam it is allowed to sell Graves in Heaven (Bahishti Muqbra" for 10% monthly TAX on Net Income for whole life and in the end snatch 10% from deceased left over assets?

    You are mere a Money Snatcher mafia which fools the Cult followers that we are building mosques with this money and spreading Islam?

    Dis Rasool ALLAH (pbuh) spread Islam by selling graves in Janat al Baqih? Do you feel some guilt when you justify all this as Islamic and present yourself as true Muslims?

    You are merely cheating and deceiving your cult followers in the name of Islam.

    How will you face ALLAH? Did he allow you to sell Graves in HIS heaven? And did HE allow you to sell them at this "exorbitant price"?

    Did HE allow you to rob a Child and take money meant for his/her feeding milk and pampers?

    Do you have any Shame doing this? Why you don't allow people to donate youu voluntarily like they trust and donate Edhi? Stop this compulsory Chanda extraction on Net Income and just collect Zakat and that is only 2.5% on Savings.

    At lease revise your Net Income definition if you can't stop this exploitation.

    Take out Chanda compulsion on Pensions,Social Security Benefit including Unemployment Benefit and Child Benefits. Don't be so stone-heart, as these Incomes are barely enough to only survive.

    And for all reasons STOP SELLING GRAVES IN HEAVEN. This is inhuman and a shameful fraud.

  20. Anonymous - I am still awaiting your reply on this. Don't run away on this and give me an honest answer keeping in mind you will be in front of ALLAH and HE will catch you for concealing the truth you know.

    Look at your own morality before giving moral lectures to others. What is your definition of "Good Muslim"? Was Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad - your Musleh Maood (Promised Reformer) was a "Good Muslim"? Give me a honest answer as you will also present yourself in front of ALLAH. Was he even a "good human being? May ALLAH let you all "recognize and admit" Truth?

  21. Usman Barry, an Irish convert to ahmadiya then later Islam, said that when he went to Qadian and Rabwah he met two kinds of people - "Fools" who are completely unaware of the corruption around them and "Rascals" who are fully aware of the fraud in the name of Islam and were actively participating in it.

  22. @Findings You wrote on the £400k blog "Ameers Army, there is a day you made an enemy out of me, and one day, I will explain it to you! One of you did something to me and my family which is unforgiveable and for that, you can consider this payback!" long will we have to wait to hear what they did to you??? Was it even that bad?

  23. Chanda reminds me of Catholicism's Indulgences.

    Selling graves into heaven...

  24. Financial system of Cult and how Chanda/Graves Selling money is being extorted by Cult royal family and their cronies' frauds;

  25. @ mohsin This is totally baseless description of chanda system in jamaat

    I have been ahmadi by birth and paying chanda never came across what you have just said there is no such rubbish

    the problem is that you will not accept it and you will not only disagree with it but go to any extent may be amend the constitution of the country and take the pride in saying haaa we have declared them non muslim but does it make any difference

  26. @ mohsin thanks for atleast accepting that more and more muslim are recognizing jummat, as far as whether it is satanic or not it is not for you to decide, let the satans remain out of jummat.

  27. Anonymous - Do you deny your own site where you describe the Net Income on which Chanda will be received? Pensions/Social benefits/Child benefits? Is this not cruel to impose Chanda on these old, unemployed people and then snatch money of kids milk and diapers? Do you have any shame to extort money in the name of religion? Are your Jamat not cheating people by selling Graves in Heaven? Are you doing all this Fraud in the name of ALLAH? Did he make your Hazoor an agent of Heaven so he can sell the place in Heaven(Jannah)? Blessed are the people who are not in Ahmadiya Cult Jamat and especially the ones who broke the chains and left? You are mere religious Thugs extorting money for Cult royal family in the name of Islam.

  28. Anonymous said...
    @ mohsin thanks for atleast accepting that more and more muslim are recognizing jummat (As Grave sellers and baby's milk Snatcher) , as far as whether it is satanic or not it is not for you to decide(It is for Satan to decide), let the satans remain out of jummat.(how the "Creator" joins you - Is Satan that fool to ask his Siblings to join you? You will impose Chanda on them also and then reserve a Place for Satan in Jannah and his Offspring if they agree to pay 1/10th of their Income)

    If Shakespeare was alive today, he would have written "The Merchant of Qadian" - Mirza Shylock extorting fixed Chanda and Selling Graves of Heaven on lifelong payments. And these don't end even when you die. The Shylock agents are there to grab your left over property also before they allow you to be buried in a "Transit Jannah grave" - then some time in future they will presumably transfer your dead body to "Promised Jannah Grave".

    Is this "true" Islam? Did Rasool ALLAH (pbuh) or his Khalifas sell graves in Jannat al Baqih graveyard? What type of Rasool and Khalifas you have in "your islam"?

    Qadianiat - Thy name is Shataniyat!

  29. @mohsin calm down

    as many muslim in Pakistan are blessed for having same point of view as yours

    So just wait for your share of blessing

  30. To Anonymous on 31 October 2011 20:51

    From: Miyyan

    You said >> Allah has blessed me by allowing me to recognise the Imam Mahdi (as) and follow the right path...

    Which Islamic method did you employ in recognising the un-Islamic fictitious figure of Imam Mahdi / Massiah? There is NO mention in the Holy Quran regarding the coming of ANYONE after the holy Prophet (saw) and EVEN Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib has testified that ALL and NOT A SINGLE ONE of Ahadith regarding the Mahdi/Massiah are correct. Shame on you for misleading Muslims! You couldn’t provide the basic Hadith of ‘Nazul-e-Mahdi/Massiah in the Fourteenth Century’

    You said >> I simply advised the sister to do good, as Allah has Ordered..........

    Sister Findings is doing an excellent job of upholding the truth, by exposing it from the mist of falsehood (The Ahmadiyyat which is only a family business).

    You said >> As far as Chanda goes, we pay it by our own free will, no one threatens us to pay it. We will give our life for this beautiful Jamaat...........

    Very misleading account! There are many Chanda Jaat are compulsory and I don’t understand which part of compulsory you have taken as ‘FREE WILL’. As a matter of fact Ahmadiyyat is only there to grab as much Chanda as possible from the innocent sincere Muslims (Ordinary Ahmadis). Yest ordinary Ahmadis are as Muslim as anyone else belongs to other categories. I don’t consider the Ahmadiyyah hierarchy acting like Muslims as they are deliberating misleading other Muslims ONLY for money. Sale of Graves must be a part of your religion but NOT in Islam!

    You said >> Allah is always with us, and He is constantly guiding us, enabling us to increase in Taqwa and help the propagation of Islam in every way we can...........

    Wrong again! Allah does not overlooking you as the detrimental moral values and financial corruption is evermore evident in Ahmadis. The propagation of Islam is also a myth. The Chanda money has been collected in the name of Islam is being spent on Jalsa Salana and other useless and wasteful activities which does not do any good to Islam. Can you tell the Ahmadis that out of the £12 millions pounds collection on average in UK how much Jamat have spent on Islam? (Not in the Name but on Islam!).

    By Miyyan

  31. Cont.....

    To Anonymous on 31 October 2011 20:51

    You said << @Findings: I just read your profile, and I notice you use the word "trapped" in Ahmadiyya. Sister why do you think you're trapped. No one is forcing you to stay,.........

    When your entire family has been trapped under the influence of brainwashing through twisted Quranic arguments and False Ahadith, then the only way left for the awaken individual is what the sister Findings and others have taken it. Which is, ‘TO TRY YOUR UTERMOST TO EXPOSE THE FALSEHOOD AND SHOW THE TRUTH’ to your trapped family members and other friends. Well done Findings! Hats off to your excellent courage and efforts.

    Who ever leaves Ahmadiyyat he/she faces persecution and Jamaat try their uttermost to shattered the family relations for that person. This act of excommunicating members is very close to passing a death sentence.

    You said << We love Hudhoor (atba) and we will always show obedience to him. This is a promise we make when we do the Bait.....................

    Blind followers People like you are the backbone of this FAMILY driven private business. Instead of obeying a person you should obey the commandments of God which are in Quran. Allah does not require anyone to other human’s Bait. You can never prove this from the teachings of Quran. The concept of someon’s Bait is non Quranic Bidah!

    You said << If anyone reading this has a problem with the Ahmadiyya and you truly think it is a "fake" Jamaat (nauzubillah) then why don't you pray to get rid of us.....................

    Prays does not diminish the evils of the world. Allah requires us to take actions. Falsehood was always with us and will carry on inflicting the damage to believers. One can only equipped with information and awareness from such evils and these sorts of sites and blogs are doing awareness job very well!


  32. Moshin I knew Usman Barry and believe he has lied and is a liar!!! I am also an Irish covert and have been to Rabwah and qadian so lets get this stright Usman Barry is Liar!!! I have challenged many time to debate with me and he refused get you fact right as most of them have substance

  33. You don't spare poor, old, sick and even widows. You claim Chanda even on pensions. What a cruel system of extorting money so Cult elites can live luxurious life, ride in mercedez, have breeding horse farms, travel first class around the world, celebrate prince's wedding celebrations - all on money snatched from widows and people feeding their kids on Child benefits.


    what rubbish your spouting have ever sat with Ahmadi Muslim I challenge to come to our Mosque and see for yourself and then repeat all that you have said!!!! you know noting about how our Khalifa lives where he goes he pays for himself and indeed others, he is very mindful of the Jamaats money which is spent on the poor, the sick, and much more, yet your Imams have big cars houses and get paid to lead the prayers and if they dont get paid they refuse to lead prayers I know I have been there!!!!

  34. Btw, don't forget that Allah is for everyone.

  35. Here is a question, what is Ahmadiyya Muslim, and why is the khilafat is everlasting and why is the Promised Messaih and what is chanda and what is wasiyyat.
    Can anyone show these in Islam, I know Syeddna Muhammad Sallaho Alaihe Wasallam, Umra ul Momenin Abu Bakr(RA) Umar(RA) Uthman(RA) and Ali(RA).
    All else is just not acceptable.
    I have read The Holy Qur'an and found nothing about any Messaih, Mawatta has no mention of Messaih, this was a Kharjiet invention and people have been riding on it.
    There is None worthy of worship but Allah Muhammad SAW is his messenger, No more no less that is Islam. Sunni, Shia, abcd all made them self for their gain.
    And as for the last days and judgement read Surah Al Qiyamah no one knows when your just wish to know, but you also know what you have sent before you.
    Be a Muslim Not a type of Muslim there are no types.
    No Arabi over Ajmi no Ajmi over Arabi No White over Black no Black over White.
    By the way I was an Ahmadi at birth now I am just a Muslim, and I am proud of that, I am not sunni, shia, ahmadi wahabi or etc.
    I am just a Muslim.

  36. @ Mohsin
    You seemed to have some warped view of what Chandah actually is. And well done, you've read Shakespeare, or maybe the summary at the back.
    Regardless of whether part of the money goes on our Khalifa (by the way he's my spiritual head.. I really don't mind him having some comforts), my money goes towards building mosques, school, hospitals for those in countries where social welfare doesn't even exist. Al hamdo Lillah, with my contributions I get to assist with the propagation of Islam. Try it out.. You'll find that giving some money towards your faith actually brings a sense of peace in your heart.
    You don't half hate Ahmadi's do you. A complete bull in a china shop with your arguments. How we got on to the topic of Chandah, from the baseless accusation above I'll never know.
    Anyway relax.. Take a deep breath.. And pray for Allah to make me see the light. Your tactics at the moment just make my faith in Ahmadiyyat stronger..
    Walaikum Salaam brothers/sisters/uncles/aunties..

  37. @Anonymous

    You seem to be a paid Murrabi or a crony of Cult royal family - a few real Beneficiaries of this Chanda

    No logic or proof will help as ALLAH has seized your thinking. But I will not repeat what I all said but present something new.

    Read this Ahmadiyya Wasiyyat form (at the end)

    Haq Mehr is a Money committed to Wife by Groom - How you take the portion of this from Husband without wife's consent and knowledge?

    You can't even spare the Haq Mehr of wives? How greedy is your Religious Mafia?

    Do your Cult leadership has some shame? You take 10% of "Musis" monthly income plus 10% of his assets at dying time for selling Grave in Jannah?

    Was this not enough for you? Why you need even the Haq Mehr of "Musi's" wife? Even husband has no right to give it to you.

    You have no moral or human values left?

    You better call your Jamat - 10% Jamat - 10% a symbol of Fraud and crookedness.

    No shame at all for depriving a Widow of her pension money - a Jobless of his/her Unemployment Allowance - a Child of his/her Milk money - an infant of his/her Diapers money given by State.

    You Shylocks of "The Merchant of Qadian" - Thugs of 10% Jamat - still shame proof and come up with lame third rated logic to defend Scam in the name of religion.

    I need an answer how you snatch Haq Mehr of wife from his Mousi husband without her consent. Check the form and explain us how this is allowed by Islam or any law of world?

  38. My Google Account has been Disabled - thanks to this International Mafia - I have lost all my Mails - but no big deal - this is a small sacrifice to defend the Truth and expose these Satans and their Shataniyat in the disguise of Islam.


  39. Anonymous said on 2 November 2011 02:36


    what rubbish your spouting have ever sat with Ahmadi Muslim I challenge to come to our Mosque and see for yourself and then repeat all that you have said!!!! you know noting about how our Khalifa lives where he goes he pays for himself and indeed others, he is very mindful of the Jamaats money which is spent on the poor, the sick, and much more, yet your Imams have big cars houses and get paid to lead the prayers and if they dont get paid they refuse to lead prayers I know I have been there!!!!

    Dear Anonymous!

    I am a humble follower of only Muhammad Rasool ALLAH(pbuh)and only consider his Khulfa e Rashideen as true Khalifas. I firmly believe your self-proclaimed Mirza was a Liar and false claimer of Nabuwat. I also believe your Khalifas were/is misguiding their followers and extorted their money in the name of Islam and spent on themselves and their families. The propagation of Islam and social work is nothing more than whitewash.

    Have you taken a swear that you will always lie? Is lying to defend Jamat halal by Shariah of Mirza?

    If you are saying No, I am speaking Truth. Then let's take a Test of the Truth on what you said about your Khalifa. If your current Khalifa and previous Khalifas were as honest and pious as you mentioned above, then let us pray ALLAH's lanat on me and if you are Wrong then let us pray ALLAH's lanat on you and your Khalifas. Say Aa'meen!


  40. @Anonymous

    It is the compulsory chandah money that has led this cult to corruption and dishonesty. There are numerous occassions when they has been money that is pocketed by some members. To take money from the widowed, disabled and people who have financial difficulties is not right at all, and before you go and say that I am lying the amount of times I have had phone calls and people come to my home for money. I refuse to talk to any Ahmadi that calls for money for chandah, I was once being forced to sign the wasiyat form which I flatly refused.

    Ahamdis are not the only ones who donate to hospitals, schools and other charities, Muslims do that too, stop this arrogance of your cult who always claim to be the rightous ones.

    I also give to charity but to the ones that I know and see that makes a difference, I actually give money to people regardless of their religion, so please stop coming here and defending this jamaat.

    Wasiyat!!! don't even let me get started on this one!!! Totally wrong!!!!

  41. You Cowards and raiser of Fake Slogan!

    Thanks for complaining to Google for my posts here and for them disabling my Google Account.

    That proves how low you are and how low you can go. I have lost all my personal e-mails but that is no loss of defend Khatam e Nabuwwat and expose your Dajjaliat to world.

    I still pray ALLAH shows guidance to the innocents of you who are just trapped since they were born in this Cult and you never let them know Islam of Muhammad rasool ALLAH (pbuh) but you kept them dark even from Deen of this Qadiani Kazab. My sympathies are only for them. Not for you Crooks who are partner in Crimes against whole Community.

    MOHSIN (who lost his Google Account thanks to these religious Thugs)

  42. Anonymous said...2 November 2011 13:18

    It is the compulsory chandah money that has led this cult to corruption and dishonesty. There are numerous occassions when they has been money that is pocketed by some members. To take money from the widowed, disabled and people who have financial difficulties is not right at all, and before you go and say that I am lying the amount of times I have had phone calls and people come to my home for money. I refuse to talk to any Ahmadi that calls for money for chandah, I was once being forced to sign the wasiyat form which I flatly refused.

    Mr Anonymous Chanda Supporrter!

    How will you refute this now? Please admit your followers don't pay you willingly. You harass and humiliate people to pay Chanda. I personally know one rich Ahmadi who has hidden his net income knowing misuse of Chanda. He was also forced to sign the Wasiyat and he understated his assets. He is the one who told me that these MFs even want share of my wife's Haq Mehr also.

    Are you not making people dishonest for lying on their income and assets to save them from your fraudulent extortion for misuse?

    Stop this fraud in the name of religion and charity work.

    MOHSIN (who lost his Google Account on the complain of these religious Thugs)

  43. Anonymous!

    Awaiting an answer on known and recorded facts about 2nd Qadiani Khalifa and then confirming he was really a "Promised Reformer". Testing the height of your Hypocrisy.

    MOHSIN (whose Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of the International Mafia of religious Thugs)

  44. first of all aslamoelekum. I am new in this discussion. I am born ahmadi in pakistan.
    Lets start from khalifa 3,time I witnessed my self
    in rabwah pakistan years 1970and 1980.
    1. He lived in a qasar e khilafat(Means in English
    Palace of khilafat)and had lot of horses.
    Tell me just one khalifa from four previous
    khulafa if any of them lived in a palace.
    Is this true islam?
    2.Khalifa 3 used to travel in a S class Mercedees fully loaded with tinted windows in
    black.If you can just imagined in 1970 and 1980
    even prime minister was not travelling in this
    luxurious car in pakistan.And our beloved hudoor
    were enjoying this luxurious life style and at the same time giving us speeches to live simple life and save even on your food to give chanda
    for the propagation of islam.
    Now take Khalifa 4th.
    He were same if you remember he was travelling in a S Class Mercedes limousine which is a luxurious car.He used to say as well save money
    on your food and give chanda to jamaat.
    Now take Khalifa 5th.
    You know him very well, all the time brand new S Class
    Mercedes TOP OF THE RANGE.(He cant open the door
    even himself some body else open the door for him.Funny thing is he can't hold his umbrella himself,some body else should hold for him.IS THIS TEACHING OF OUR PROPHET? Sunat e rasool is do your work your self with your own hands. Muhammad SA repaired his shoes him self with his own hands never said to any one to do for him.
    Our beloved huzoor tell us as well in his juma khutba,we should save money from food and once a month not to buy burger to our children and give this money to jamaat.
    there life style should be a example for our Khulafa.

  45. Instead of stealing Haq Mehr of wives in "Wasiyyat", why don't you "earn" funds required for the Cult this way?

    MOHSIN (whose Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of the International Mafia of religious Thugs)

  46. who is mashhod Iqbal what is his relationship with RAF and masroor, waqas dhari,farooqi mubarak zafar??????

  47. Anonymous 2 November 2011 18:53

    What you said proves their "Mirzai islam" is different from the Islam of Muhammad Rasool ALLAH (SaW).

    How character of the Khalifas of a false nabi can match Khulfa e Rashideen?

    Their religion is farce and the whole cult leadership is busy in Chanda scam.

    MOHSIN (whose Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of the International Mafia of religious Thugs)

  48. I have heard many staunch Ahmadis refer to this Ameer RAfiq Hayat as a Jhoota insaan, Maqroor, Munafiq. That's the 'respect' people have for this Ameer. He's a joke! Ahmadis up and down the country dislike him for the injustice he inflicts on the ordinary Ahmadi.

    Rafiq Hayat is the worst Ameer the UK has ever had. He has instilled appalling policies and when he is removed many Ahmadis will celebrate his downfall.

  49. Rafiq you know when we look at you all we see is the stuff that's been said about you by Findings. She's exposed you and your cronies yet you shamelessly continue your gutter antics and policies.

    Findings YOU ROCK, keep exposing this crook for what he is. Ahmadis are enjoying what you are saying about him because for once someone is bold enough to speak the truth. KEEP ON GOING FINDINGS PLENTY OF AHMADIS SUPPORT YOUR VIEWS even if it is on the quiet.

  50. Ahmadi Cult has their own Courts? Does any one tell more about these Courts which are run parallel to Legal Courts of the country? Who are the Judges? What type of cases are referred there? Is community member bound to accept their decisions? I was shocked to hear that first time as one of my acquaintance mentioned while saying she has silently converted to Islam and wants a divorce from her husband. But she has a fear the husband will go to the Qadiani court and will snatch my 7 and 10 year children. When I said why don't you go to a Civil Court and get khula and have your children also? She replied - No - our Nikah was under Qadiani "law" so we have to go to Qadiani court and if they have little doubt I have converted - they will give the children to my husband. According to her, they already have some doubt, since I filed an application for stop giving chanda as "our business" has defaulted and we are living on loans so can't pay. But the local Jamat office bearer doubts this and harass the family by questioning from where they are paying British school fees of children and how she celebrated the son's birthday and invited all class fellows but can't pay Chanda. I advised her instead she takes divorce, why don't she also convince husband to be a Muslimm also. She replied the husband refused as he fears to lose her mother sisters brother and uncles. Any one can advise? This Jamat ruins the life of those who see the truth and want to repent and convert.

  51. I request all Ahmadi Muslm brothers to come to the nearest mosque (Masjid
    Fazl/Baitul Futuh/Al-Mahdi Bradford/Darul Barakaat Birmingham) tomorrow. We can discuss our "Internal issues" there after Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer. Please don't bring them in public. We accept there is some truth what has been said here. We will find way to resolve these issues and satisfy all. All mobiles will be taken by Security at gates and no recording of these discussions will be allowed. Please follow Khuddams instructions and observe jamat nizam. All proposals will be listened and later will be referred to a special committee made by Hudhur (aba)in this regard.

    Love for all Hatred for none. My humble request to the Admin of this site is to not allow any Anti-Ahmadiyya comments over here. Only allow honest proposals and positive criticism but no religious issues brought by Mullahs. We should avoid discussing our religion in public.

    Enmity is intense as Hudhur has recently been drawing attention. However, as the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) informed us, it is God’s will that the Community will progress, the animosity of others will be in vain and each pious-natured person will come in the fold of Ahmadiyyat, Islam. So you can well imagine about those who are leaving or oppose the true Islam and mock The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as).

    The message of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is that Islam teaches that unless man learns to live at peace with himself and his fellow human beings, he cannot live at peace with God. In Islam, you shall find peace and tranquillity of the heart which is the fruit of submitting to the will of God.

    Be peace with yourself and don't slow down the spread of true Islam with the untiring efforts of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May God assist him).

    If you have any particular grievance against Jamat or its any office-bearer, please contact me. I assure you all Jamat Funds are properly used on propagation of Islam and are fully audited. I humbly request you to close down this Blog as it has been used by hostile misled forces.

    Press Secretary:
    +(44) 208 788 8602
    +(44) 7830 365 713
    +(44)1202 250 877

  52. LOL Press Secretary :)

    "We should avoid discussing our religion in public." (as people will know it is not a religion but Plagiarism of Islam and total fraud to feed one family)

    "Enmity is intense as Hudhur has recently been drawing attention." (so hazoor jee has noticed this Blog and others who are exposing the falsehood of this religion and frauds of Cult royals and their cronies)

    "Love for all Hatred for none. My humble request to the Admin of this site is to not allow any Anti-Ahmadiyya comments over here." (So you hate those comments and people who make them. No! so you love these comments and those people who make Anti-cult comments. Confused? You love or hate? Check with hazoor - How you can love and hate someone/something simultaneously?)

    "The message of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is that Islam teaches that unless man learns to live at peace with himself and his fellow human beings, he cannot live at peace with God. In Islam, you shall find peace and tranquillity of the heart which is the fruit of submitting to the will of God." (Islam is not issuing the Messages but having right belief and practicing goodness. You lack in both.)

    "Be peace with yourself and don't slow down the spread of true Islam" (Read - make a deal with us and don't slow down our usurpation of jamat funds)

    "the untiring efforts of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad" (he got tired of stepping out of his black Mercedez or flying First class or got tired by riding his pony?)

    "If you have any particular grievance against Jamat or its any office-bearer, please contact me." (Jamat has robbed our faith, our life, our money and our family. Does this come under "any particular grievance"? How contacting you will compensate all what we have lost? You are only a paid Mulazim of Cult - how dare you can listen a grievance? Do you want lose your job and get expelled from Jamat?)

    " I assure you all Jamat Funds are properly used on propagation of Islam and are fully audited. " (Is this only a Press statement? Who asked you to issue this statement? Do you know ABC of Finance or Creative Accounting?)

    " I humbly request you to close down this Blog as it has been used by hostile misled forces." (that part Findings has to answer - who are these "hostile misled forces"? same parrot answer - Mulla - Have you seen your inner self? May be you are misled and a wolf in sheep clothing?).

    Press Secretary - You really deserve to get fired for posting on this blog. Why your Hazoor and his crony Rafiq Hayat are in so much panic? Did you take permission from Raffy boy for "begging so humbly" to close this Blog? May be he is very amused by all this free "publicity"?

  53. Dear Mr Press Secretary

    Too late to address your jamaat grievances, you are NOW trying to address these issues, we wanted to address these problems many times but felt threatend all the time from this jamaat. I would never give you my mobile phone only for you to spy on me and my private live, how dare you do that, LOVE FOR ALL AND HATE FOR NONE does not work with us anymore.

    These are not mullahs that spread hatred they are basically talking about the so called Ahmadiyya religion, we have a right to seek knowledge about religion from the Holy Quran and looking at MGAQ books I hardly see any Islam, in fact I learnt Islam from the non-ahmadis scholers and not one of them spread any hatred to towards these jamaat unlike you who spread hate about Muslims,

    Why did you have Mohsin account closes down!!!

    Good work Sister Findings!

  54. Anonymous said...3 November 2011 15:49

    Who ever you are, I thank for your support and asking these Rascals a simple question - Why did they complain to Google and they disabled my personal mail account? It had all the personal mails, family photos and lot of other information. Where is their Tolerance to criticism and where is the Hatred for None in my case? Is it not a blatant Hypocrisy? We all are with sister Findings and will show the world your Ugly Face hidden behind the fake smile mask. You hate All except the One who gives you 10% - You 10% Jamat - who has even no mercy on children and women - you steal Child Benefits and you rob women of their Haq Mehr. You are stone heart Thugs - robbing blind Ahmadis in the name of renaissance of Islam. You are big time criminals - Ali Babas of 10% Jamat.

    MOHSIN (whose Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of the International Mafia of religious Thugs)

  55. @press secretary. How desperate advertising your message on this blog. You really have lost control and you know it. You guys are so full of garbage that all you want to know is who are the ahmadis going on these sites and then report them to your Hitlers.

    Fellow Ahmadis - Don't go to these 'special' gatherings after jumma your name will probably go on a list forwarded to the 'special committee' and then forwarded to the all knowing Huzoor.

    LOL Raffy boy is really panicking letting Mr Press Secretary make this announcement. After all Hitler Hayat is the only one who would authorize it.

    Go Findings Go....... and keep on going. Keep on exposing the underhand tactics of this Nizaam

    Anon Ahmadi

  56. Mr Press Sec. incase you don't understand, let me spell it out for you.
    People writing on this site are not Mullahs but home grown Ahmadis fed up with the lies and hypocrisies of your administration and the liars that are running it.

  57. It is funny to see Ahmadies try to compare there so called divine Jammat with common ppl :)

  58. October 15 - 50,000 Hits

    November 3rd - 68,000 + Hits

    About 1,000 hits in a day.

    Does has so many hits? Doubt very much. Even most of the hits there are from those who go their for their scholary pursuit to expose the Nonsense of MGAQ.

    More strength to you sister Findings!

    MOHSIN (whose Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of the International Mafia of religious Thugs)

  59. Absolutely true Anonymous of 3 November 2011 15:49

    These are not mullahs that spread hatred they are basically talking about the so called Ahmadiyya religion, we have a right to seek knowledge about religion from the Holy Quran and looking at MGAQ books I hardly see any Islam..

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of these International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  60. Jzks for your comments! Nice encouragement!

    Mr 'Press Secretary'...stick your offer of any reconciliation now! I will never sell out for you people...EVER! Its all a little too late. There is no holding back now. Hold all the meetings in the world...more crap is only going to surface week after week! Thanks anyways but like I said..its all too late!

    I am a 'dead branch' and I won't be coming back. I have nothing to give you anymore besides a headache! If you consider this site to be 'anti ahmadiyya' because people here refute your twisted beliefs...then so be it!

    Its all too late. Nothing will change around here!

  61. I would also urge all Ahmadis to attend this 'meeting'! Hope one of you smuggles in a dictaphone- true Qadiani style! Let me know what these sorry scumbags have to say for themselves!

    PS: Mansoor Shah... ... tut tut tut.

  62. hey girl: rafiq hates you. be flattered :)

  63. @ do not worry! I will get them back for you one Sunday ;P

  64. Press Secretary message is fake.

    The opinion still held at the system is that its perfect and nothing is wrong.

  65. Press Contact Points

    For interview requests or further information

    Press Secretary:
    +(44) 208 788 8602
    +(44) 7830 365 713
    +(44)1202 250 877

  66. Its Mr Press Sec again!! Yay!! Loved your funny guy you!

    Anyways... What's raf up to these days? Tell him I said Hi and that I love him. Mwah. Xxxxx

  67. “You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 93

  68. Please pay heed to this verse mentioned below

    Anonymous said...
    “You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 93
    4 November 2011 01:18

    Donate generously to AMJ. To attain righteousness, minimize your personal expenditures, and give the maximum to Jamat. I don't take my family on any vacation, my children never had any decent meal. We never go to restaurants. My family don't like but I force them to live simple life so we can give all the money we have to Allah. I was very happy when I was told Huzoor prayed for me. Even my family is not happy but I am very happy. I am told with our contributions new mosques are being built in Africa and our Islam is spreading very fast there. We should trust Jamat and it up to them where they spend the funds. We give to Allah and we should not doubt and question. Jamat has made many beautiful mosques. They showed us pictures. I live in a rented house but I am very happy new beautiful mosques are being made. Love Massih Maoud, love Jamat, love Hazoor, and love all. My children don't love me. I don't care. I know Hazoor pray for me and my Allah loves me and I will go Jannah as I am Moussi. I don't want any thing in life I want blessing of Masish Maoud and he was take us to Jannah. Please donate generously to Jamat even your family don't like. Force them to live simple life. No need for clothes every year. I wear clothes 10 year old but my children wants every year. This is wasting money. This money we can give to our Jamat.I write this myself. No one ask me to write this.

  69. I have never seen a more "PurNoor" face of any one like of our Rafiq Hayat Sahib, Amir UK.

    He seems to me the Bilal Habshi of our Ahmadiyya Islam. It is a grave sin speaking against Ameer of Jamat.

    I don't know why Findings don't like him. May be she wants to see her father as next Ameer? I know many groups in UK jamat want to replace him with someone else like Canada Jamat replaced Nasim Mehdi.I agree people are tired of one man for long and want change. But Rafiq Hayat sahib himself very humble man. Some women may hate him because of his wife's arrogance but what is his fault. He himself is very pleasing person and talks very gently. I think he should continue but ask his wife to not interfere much in his official work. And she should also change her attitude. That is hurting Rafiq sahib.These women become responsible for fall, see Tunisian president example.

  70. Anonymous said...
    “You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love” The Holy Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 93
    4 November 2011 01:18

    That is so true but remember when giving to Allah (swt)He will be most pleased when you give your zakat, sadqa and then even more pleased when you spend out of your heart with true conviction, he his not going to be pleased when you are forced to give chandah everytime and what other membership fees the jamaat have, remember Allah knows all things so he will know when you are giving because you have to not because you want to, they is a difference.

    Another point, I am an Ahamdi so I am not some mullah as you always seem to think, I know one of my relations who pays chandah, this person is disabled and does not work, he pays his chanda regularly through direct debit, even though he is having financial difficulties and then he gets a phone call to donate more money so they can build a centre of some sort, so my point is what exactly do you spend the chanda money on, not only that I know that women have given away their jewellery so these centres and mosques can be built but the funny thing is that no centres or mosques were built. That is a fact and the Jamaat knows it!!!

  71. Rafiq Hayat sahib makes good publicity of Ahmadiyya Islam on BBC and Sky. He has good connections with Media and uses his contacts to present Ahmadis as spokesmen for Islam whenever there is an International burning issue. He is getting good coverage for us with spending little money. He is a good man and doing good job. He is very dressed person also. He makes good representation of us as he speaks very good English. Many Channels ask him for Interview. He speaks with confidence. What I want to prove he is a good man. Hazoor should not remove him.

  72. All Ahmadis must live basic simple lives, and pay lots of chandhas and Ahmadi taxes so their Khalifa can live it up. Our beloved Khalifa must have first class everything so that he can live as comfortably as possible without stress on him or his family. We Ahmadis should continue to listen to him because he is our guru, our pir, our beloved master who is not answerable to anyone. And everything he says is 100% correct 100% of the time.
    So fellow Ahmadis keep emptying your pockets so that he can eat like a king and send his grandchildren to private schools and have the best holidays for him and his family. Because without you Ahmadis none of this is possible.
    Remember good Ahmadis DON'T question anything and instead of leaving your jaidat to your kids give a large portion to your Khalifa so you can go to heaven. He guarantees that by doing this you are on a one way ticket to Paradise.
    Don't forget when you go to meet him for a mulaqat put an envelope in his palm and on eid make sure you greet him by snogging his hand and place some dosh in it.
    Remember without you loyal Ahmadis none of this is possible.

  73. Anonymous said...4 November 2011 00:28

    "The opinion still held at the system is that its perfect and nothing is wrong."

    NO one can claim this except Qadianis.

    Their system is perfect like their prophet's infamous prophesies.

    And nothing is wrong in them like nothing is wrong in Mirza's books with 360 degree turn statements.

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  74. Findings said...
    @ do not worry! I will get them back for you one Sunday ;P
    3 November 2011 21:42

    Brave Sister! I can sacrifice much for "that Sunday". May ALLAH strengthen your Emaan and give you more power and ultimate success. A'ameen! Keep on exposing these Liars & Thugs.

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  75. Everyone who posts on this blog sounds broke. Constantly complaining about monies. It's always those who find it hard to dig deep in their pockets and spend in the way of God that complain the most. How many here pay any sort of Zakaat? And if so how? And which dodgy organisation do you trust?

    Regarding the hits this blog gets, you do realise that it's probably the thousands of random bloggers clicking "next blog" at the top of the page who just stumble across this page which add to the views count. Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt very much there's hundreds, let alone thousands of Ahmadis viewing.

    Jumma Mubarak ya'll!

  76. Anonymous said...
    Rafiq Hayat sahib makes good publicity of Ahmadiyya Islam on BBC and Sky. He has good connections with Media and uses his contacts to present Ahmadis as spokesmen for Islam whenever there is an International burning issue. He is getting good coverage for us with spending little money. He is a good man and doing good job. He is very dressed person also. He makes good representation of us as he speaks very good English. Many Channels ask him for Interview. He speaks with confidence. What I want to prove he is a good man. Hazoor should not remove him.


    You can't be serious on this! He only uses the media to cry out what persecution the Ahamdis are having, which are all lies anyway!! He only goes onto the media to promote the Ahamdiyya business, it's not Islam, surely he is not the only one in the whole of world who can speak English, stop sucking up to the British Raf,it's so obvious you are doing it, remember the Royal wedding party....LOL!

  77. I left Ahmadiyyat because Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a liar and a charlatan. Find out why I believe this to be true.

  78. Let me admit.I was asked to go to this blog and defend ourselves.But believe me reading some comments here from our opponents have confused me and made me doubtful.I need to now think.There is something seriously wrong.I have got a fear now.We may be wrong and misled.I need to study now myself.Reading comments here let me believe,something seriously wrong in our belief.We had listened a lot about misuse of funds collected by Chanda.Seems if there is a smoke there must be fire.This site has opened my mind.I came to criticize as I was asked by a jamat member but I am feeling shame now to say anything.I am sorry I always thought bad about you as I was told these people are liar and Laanat_ul_Allah Alal Kazibeen.I always thought why life is getting tough for all Ahmadis but I was told it is our test.But when any thing bad happens to Muslims our elders say Allah's lanat on them.I was never satisfied with this answer.Now I am not satisfied with many of their answers.Your comments here make me more sense and logical.There is lot of discrimination in jamat.The rich and educated have their own class.It is like Hindu caste system.I always felt ignored and reading comments here seem good for Chanda only.I will ask all my friends to come here and also research on internet about real Islam which our Murrabis call Islam of Mullahs.

  79. @Anonymous said... 12:07

    I am so happy to hear that you are at least opening your eyes to what we are saying, it's not about chandah money it's being robbed from our faith of Islam. I am still an Ahmadi will be leaving soon. I have studied Ahmadiyyat literature with an open heart as I felt something was not right, a lot of research was conducted and you will see that it is not Islam you are following, check the other forums and you can discuss theology of Ahmadiyyat and the real Islam, for me to find out that I was wrong was hard because I am a born Ahmadi but some very close relations opened my eyes and I am so grateful for that, I did pray all the time to Allah (swt) for guidance and I am 100% sure I was in the wrong. By the way I am a mature person so I never been influenced by anyone, this was all my own research and asking questions to the right people but the most important when your heart is saying something is not right I do believe that Allah (swt) is guiding you. Please read HMGA books than you will understand why and go to the links that Sister Findings gave this will help you with your journey to the real Islam.


  80. Anonymous said...
    Everyone who posts on this blog sounds broke. Constantly complaining about monies. It's always those who find it hard to dig deep in their pockets and spend in the way of God that complain the most. How many here pay any sort of Zakaat? And if so how? And which dodgy organisation do you trust?
    We only trust one "dodgy" organisation which receives so many Chandas and say Zakat is not separate but included in this Chanda.Zakat is pillar of real Islam but this "dodgy" organisation has made Chanda as pillar of their 10% Jamat.

    Why can't they do propagation of their Mirzai islam with 2.5% Zakat? Remember Zakat is 2.5% on Annual Savings. This "dodgy" organisation steal from you minimum 6.25% plus many other Chandas on your Net Income. If you have pay 6.25% than you are not a sincere and dedicated Mirzai. To show your sincerity and get some respect in jamat, you have to be Moussi and pay 10% minimum plus other Chandas on your Net Income.

    Zakat can be given to any needy people including your relatives. But you never know where your Chanda is being used by this Jamat.

    They spend fraction of this Chanda on "propagation of their Mirzai Islam" to whitewash and silence you but the rest is all wasted on Jamat's hierarchy and bureaucracy.

    Why don't they content with 2.5% Zakat on your Annual Savings (note the big difference vs Net Income) to propagate their Mirzai Islam. The answer is it will be only enough for that purpose. Then how the King of Cult (Mirza Masroor) and his cronies will live on this meager Zakat? How they can usurp Zakat?

    Chanda is not Islamic so its usurpation is not a sin for them. Zakat usage is very clearly defined but only Khalifa dictates where and how to spend Chanda.

    So this "dodgy" organisation will never accept Zakat but will bring all justifications for Chanda and the Chanda also of a Moussi. VIP Ahmadi destined for Jannah and a grave in Qadian (which will never happen). So they have made a makeshift Bahishti Muqbaras in all corners of the world.They can do that as ALLAH has made the sole Real Estate Agent for selling plots in Jannah. The ordinary Chanda payer (6.25%) will be deprived of Qadiani Bahisht.

    Ahmadi Brothers & Sisters - still time to get out of this fraud and fiasco. They are ruining your faith and robbing your money.

    Spend as much you like in the Way of ALLAH and help needy people. Don't waste your life and hard earned money for these religious thugs.

    It is not Money which you will lose whole life. The loss of money is not that grave, you are losing your Emaan and Akhra by staying with them. The Choice is yours.

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  81. @Anonymous said...

    Regarding the hits this blog gets, you do realise that it's probably the thousands of random bloggers clicking "next blog" at the top of the page who just stumble across this page which add to the views count. Sorry to burst your bubble but I doubt very much there's hundreds, let alone thousands of Ahmadis viewing.

    Jumma Mubarak ya'll!
    4 November 2011 10:56


    Typical Qadinai "Taveelat" (interpretation to justify some thing in own favor - even it is absolutely wrong and makes no sense)

    How many of those who come here go to next Blog? People don't roam from Blog to next Blog. They either come as Bookmarked or through Google.

    So don't feel jealous or get panicked fearing "Ahmadis are viewing". Let Ahmadis view the other side of story also. Don't keep them in dark and in chains. Let them decide about their faith after comparative study. And did you come here from Previous blog? Then move to next Blog, otherwise you will have a heart attack seeing the counter - it is reaching ufffffffff 69,000.

    I believe the worst humiliation to Qadianiat after Abdullah Atham will be at the hands of Findings.

    Qadianiat - False religion of False prophet of False prophesies!

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  82. A Typical Ahmadi Persecution statement which is taught to all Ahmadis and advised to say it at each internet and media forum.

    "ahmadis are persecuted all over pakistan..we cannot build mosques and we cannot give azan..we cannot recite holy quran in public and we cannot say asslamualikum...."

    This is the constitutional law of the country. You can build as many prayer places you want but don't name them mosques, you may call for prayer but don't call Azan, and why you have to recite holy quran in public? recite in your prayer places and in your houses. You are a proven different religion than Islam and declared non-Muslims by the parliament. And their is restriction on you to call yourself Muslims or use the terms of Islam for your rituals. You mislead people by calling yourself Muslims. You should go to Supreme Court if you feel you can justify that declaring you as Non-Muslims is human right violation. You have not gone since law is passed as you know all your religion is contrary to Islam's teachings. And your prophets and than his son Khalifa 2 has declared Muslims as kafir (non-muslims) and not to pray with them, or marry your daughters with muslims and to attend Muslim funerals. So why you insist that you are similar Muslims like mainstream Muslims. This is contrary to teachings of your prophet. Respect your religion and law of the country for peaceful co-existence. Your fraud to disguise under banner of Islam and call yourself Muslims was a strategy to fool Arab Muslims which has miserably flopped. Arabs know Quran in Arabic and very well knows meaning of "Khatam ul Nabieen" - No prophet after Prophet Muhammas(pbuh). In India and Pakistan you could fool some Muslims but every where else in Islamic World, you are the most unwanted persons. Malaysia and Indonesia has banned your religious activities. Majority of Bangladeshis are demanding their government to declare you non-Muslims. OIC & Muslim World Council have declared you Non-Muslims. You have misled some poor African Muslims by spending millions there in the name of Charity but those converted Africans are also concerting back to the real Islam. This is a pure deception and violate the human rights of Muslims. Say "asslamualikum" to each other. You are a big Hypocrite when you say Salam to a Muslim. He knows your inner feelings and what your prophet has said about "Blessings Muslims who don't believe him as prophet"

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  83. @ who is abdullah atham ????

  84. Any one heard Hazoor's Khutba (friday sermon)? Was it on Haj or Yom e Arafat?

    ALLAH's curse on these Cult members. ALLAH deprived their prophet to perform Haj or Umrah. And now his followers are totally banned to enter these two holy cities declaring them Najas (filthy souls) non-muslims.(this is how Shariah restricts non-Muslims to enter Mecca - Non-Muslims are not allowed because they are "najas")

    That is why Cult believes - attending Salana Jalsa is more pious act than attending a nafli haj or umrah.

    Even before restriction, they rarely performed Haj or Umra following their False Nabi's Sunnah.

    Even these US/UK & Canadian nationals Qadianis can go for Haj and Umrah as their false religion is not mentioned on it. But rarely any go but will come all the way to attend Salana jalsa in UK, Germany or even all the way to Qadian. Just to have a "Deedar" of Hazoor. ALLAH deprived them seeing Bait ALLAH and Roza e Rasool and instead "blessed" them seeing fake Khalifa involved in "financial fraud/religious crime" of "Selling Jannah Graves" and those who attended Salana Jalsa of UK, they were "double blessed" seeing Rafiq Hayat as "spiritual bonus".

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  85. Anonymous said...
    @ who is abdullah atham ????


    If you are an Ahmadi than you should really read your prophets scriptures and you will find out.

    It will be too much of a longer post here or you could search the The Cult Forum it will have answers for you.


  86. You didn't allow my reply again.



  87. Anonymous said...
    @ who is abdullah atham ????
    4 November 2011 17:00

    If this question is from an Ahmadi, then just imagine how they are not told about major events in the Life of Prophet.

    very interesting example of "another" failed prophesy of false prophet but very humiliating one as on failure of this Prophesy - Christians danced in the streets on Drum beats carrying Abdullah Atham on shoulders.

    Abdullah Athom challenged him if you are Jesus son of Mary as you claim than cure one blind, one deaf and a paralysed man as Jesus son of Mary used to do. Next day he brought these people. Now this fake Messiah had no such miracle as he was not prophet of God but prophet of Satan or prophet made by British Raj. Feeling disgusted he as his common habit issued another "divine" prophesy.

    Mirza said:

    "God has informed me last night that 'He who is delibrately lying, leaving the true God and making a simple man God, he will be punished by being thrown in hell within 15 months and will be disgraced unless he accepts the truth (that is Islam). And he who is on truth and believes in true God, his honour will be restored. And when this prophecy is fulfilled some blind will start seeing, paralysed start walking and deaf start hearing." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.292)

    Mirza declared:

    "I ADMIT if this prophecy proves to be false, that is he who is wrong is not punished by death withn 15 months from today, I am prepared to recieve any punishment, I should be disgraced, paint my face black, put a rope around my neck, hang me. I am ready for every punishment and I swear upon God that He will definitely fulfil it, definitely fulfil it, definitely fulfil it. Earth and Heavens can change but His words can never be anulled." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.293)

    Mirza agreed that if the sign of his truthfulness is not shown, then he will admit that he is not from God and will give up his Islamic faith or give away half of his property for the propagation of Christianity. (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.48-49)

    God told Mirza:

    "Although he (Atham) will die earlier but if not, sun of the last day of 15th month will not set until Atham dies." (AlHakam Newspaper Qadian dated 7th Sept 1923)

    Sun went down, but nothing happened.

    Mirza gathered his followers in the mosque and reassured them that SUN WILL NOT RISE and ATHAM WILL BE DEAD. He ordered them to pray whole night Whole night voices were crying out from every house: O God! May Atham die. O God! May Atham die. But Alas! nothing happened. (Raees-e-Qadian vol2 p.172)

    5th September came and pass. On 6th September 1894, Christians took out a procession to celebrate the victory of Atham over Mirza. They ridiculed and lampooned Islam. For them, Mirza and Islam were synonymous. What a service to Islam!

    Every word of this Grand Prophecy proved to be false:

    Atham did not embrace Islam.
    He did not die within 15 months.
    He was not disgraced.
    Mirza was humiliated.
    No blind man started seeing, no deaf started hearing, no paralysed started walking.

    But he was such a shameless character that he had no humiliation on another failed prophesy.

    He came up with lame "explanation"

    "He (Atham) repented in his heart......." (Roohani Khazain Vol.9 P.2)

    Indeed, Qadianiat (Ahmadiyyat) is a fake religion of a fake prophet of fake prophesies.

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  88. Herr Hitler Hayat - Rafiq don't resign. We Ahmadis are enjoying your baistee. The longer you stay as Ameer the more baistee will come your and your family's way; and you will continue to be exposed for the devious and manipulative person that you are. So cling on to that audah that you so desire.

    Findings you rock - keep on going and expose this scoundrel and his team of mates/crooks.
    Many Ahmadis support what your saying coz you're brave enough to tell us the truth of what's really happening.

  89. If I am assured Jannah is assured to me by paying 10% plus Chandas, then why I will bother to read any thing. That is for paid Murrabis to read to argue with Mullahs.

    I believe Cult hierarchy starting from Khalifa 1 to Masroor all know that Mirza was fake and there is no substance in their "religion" but who will voluntary close a money making business even it is immoral or illegal.

    So the "Play" is on. They help to migrate Ahmadis to outside Pakistan and provide all assistance to settle, so now it is more a social welfare network than a religious community.

    I have talked to very educated Ahmadis and most of them are totally blank on teachings of Mirza. they are brainwashed their community is under persecution so they have to be united against fundamentalist Mullahs who are producing terrorists.

    They are shocked when we show them contradictions and say they will check with Murrabi. Than come back and says no, these are references out of context and Mirza has already clarified it in another book. So the poor fellows are on the mercy of Murrabis who are highly paid and ready to lie on as needed basis.

    Very few study their own and ponder. the rest don't want to be out of cult for comfort reason. No one like to risk relatives after conversion.

    The conversion is like doing Jahad in Rasool ALLAH (pbuh) time. very few blessed souls are ready for sacrifices one give on conversion.

    Yes, ALLAH's rewards are unlimited after that. The best is joy of having the right faith and association with Rasool ALLAH (pbuh).

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  90. "Abu Sayf suggested on The Cult - "bro grow your beard so you can be a regular Mullah who they hate".


    They hate all contrary to their slogan - except one who is one of them.

    They should revise their slogan - "Hate ALL love One of you"

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  91. shame on you for not allowing the post

  92. My sentiments exactly. He can't go. Everything I have is from his administration..if he goes.. Qadis will just say "old news" and it won't really mean anything! So just stay where you are and enjoy the ride!

    Bro Mohsin.. Jzks but I don't think I will ever have an impact on 'Ahmadiyyat' like Attham did. I can try and hurt the administration instead ;)

    Lots and lots of things to follow. :D

  93. Lol @ 'next page clicks'.. 70,000 as a result of 'next page clicks'. Puhlese!

  94. In fact RAF has to pay the price of his crimes committed against innocents because of his habit of lying always he he will become worst example on earth you will see

  95. Well it works in our favour then, doesn't it!! True representatives of Fake Islam! Perfect Combo :P

    I give myself a year inshAllah. Let's see what I can do..with Allah's help of course! Without Him, none of this would have been possible. And without Raf and his crooks..none of this would have been possible! Raf is a blessing for us...

    Let's see. Tick tock tick tock.

  96. Anonymous said...

    You can't be serious on this! He only uses the media to cry out what persecution the Ahamdis are having, which are all lies anyway!! He only goes onto the media to promote the Ahamdiyya business, it's not Islam, surely he is not the only one in the whole of world who can speak English, stop sucking up to the British Raf,it's so obvious you are doing it, remember the Royal wedding party....LOL!
    4 November 2011 11:03

    Not to take that serious. He is doing what he is paid for. He is very faithful and loyal "Nimak Halal" person. He does not care sucking any one as long as Boss is happy with his performance. He has no ethics and no principles so don't be surprised if he lies or show connivance in financial scams. Why he has to worry any ones criticism; his place in jannah is already reserved - a corner plot for VIP Ahmadis. He only listens his masters voice and wags his tail when feels "Mamoor min Allah khush huwa".

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  97. Findings said...

    Bro Mohsin.. Jzks but I don't think I will ever have an impact on 'Ahmadiyyat' like Attham did. I can try and hurt the administration instead ;)

    great sister - you have no idea how much you are damaging these enemies of ALLAH and HIS Rasool(saw). Atham just passed on some satires on fake messiah and danced in the streets. But you are the First nail in their coffin. They are in lot of pain because of you.

    Take my word. You are cause of their sleepless nights and they are in fear what you will "explode" next. They have profiled all the children of Hazoor staff and RAF office people but could not locate you.

    Now they are assuming you are not a girl but some man who left the jamat and the suspect is brother Shahid Ahmad Kamal. But they are still confused as the information you leaked so far is accessible to very closed ones. And Shahid Kamal can't have access to those confidential ones. Keep steadfast sister.

    ALLAH is with you. You will Insha'ALLAH shake them in one year time. And poor RAF, you will bake him - even though he already seems over burnt - tanned for ovens in hell.

    MOHSIN (Clean shaved "Mulla" whom 10% Ahmadiyya Cult "LOVES" so much that his Google Account has been Disabled on the complain of this International Mafia of Religious Thugs)

  98. @Findings Do you know? "Mr Aziz Bahmbree Sahib"
    If ask any one who has lived in rabwah Pakistan he will tell you about him.INCHARGE OF AMOOR E AMMA DEPARTMENT RABWAH.The service he and his team has done to islam,can tell you resident of rabwah only.I saw myself assaulting his team members to other ahmadies.DOUBLE FACE PEOPLE AND A PEACEFULL JAMMAT.Please be very careful with them.

  99. You have not traced story of mashiqbal raf connection and funding libel litigation why so

  100. Raf is the first class KAZIB and Laanat on his face

  101. Do you know ch naseem sadiq waseem ch connection and punishing moeen shah and snatching his money???

  102. RAF wife munnie does not consider him holy at all

  103. RAF has no single sign of holiness on his face nothing more as if he was hiding something

  104. ???????????????

  105. wow.May Allah give you a life that will lead you back to the true path of Islam - Ahmadiyyat and may such love for Ahmadiyyat be ignited in your heart that you will do tauba for this sin for the rest of your life.

  106. i just came acros this blog recently. im not ahmadi but i was friends an ahmadi man for two years. as a woman following islam i am against physical intimacy before marriage and my dear ahmadi friend wanted intimacy and a relationship so i chose to get away from him. he never talked about marriage. he was a rich man and had lots if influential friends. before i met him, i had no idea what an ahmadi was and after i met him i realized he was a moslem only for namesake. he drank, smoke and had lots of affairs. always spoke higly of jamaat n his hudhoor. this is not specific to ahmadis as there are many other muslims that commit these haraam sins n more. point is i had never met such a rich, bossy, snobby n supposedly moslem family in my life before. even though my research on ahmaddiyyat began only after i met this man, there was something about him that did not appeal to my moslimah instincts.
