
Monday 7 November 2011

Tehrik-e-Jadid Mubarak to All Ahmadis!!!!

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I hope all the Muslims had a nice Eid, and it proved to be a joyous occasion spent with your families.

And on this day, I would like to wish Ahmadis a very Happy Tehrik e Jadid Mubarak! Why Tehrik e Jadid Mubarak and not Eid Mubarak? Read on...

For those Muslims reading who are not familiar with 'Tehrik e Jadid', it is a fund set up by an Ahmadi 'Khalifa' in 1934. They say it is to facilitate propagation of the message of Ahmadiyyat throughout the world (so they say).

I thought I would take the time out to see what Khalifa of the Muslims, our very own Pakistani Ameerul Momi'neen Mirza Masroor Ahmad aka Mas, had to say for himself during his inspiring and prophetic 'sermon' on the day of Jummah just gone. The Friday Sermon/Khutbah is the Imam’s admonition and its primary goal is to teach people about Islam and guide them in the way of Islam. Agreed? Anyways, so I took to their website:, the official website of the Ahmadiyya 'Muslim' Community, to read his inspiring words. I was expecting Friday 4th November 2011's Khutbah to be particularly intense and profound, as almost 3 million Muslims embarked on their journey of Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage. Hajj is no ordinary pilgrimage! Did you know it is actually the largest Pilgrimage in the world? It makes 1/5 of the 5 Pillars of Islam and is Fard (obligatory) on all able bodied Muslims.

I was looking forward to reading what Mas had to say on the matter, particularly as Ahmadis, despite claiming to be 'true saved Muslims' (don't all funky groups say that lol) place very little importance on Hajj. Instead, they choose to give their Jalsa Salanas (international annual gatherings of Ahmadis in a field over a period of 3 days) preference. Nonetheless, despite Ahmadis being banned from Makkah, you would expect the true Khalifa of the true Islam to discuss this Holy Pilgrimage and discuss its importance! This Friday was no ordinary Friday, it was the 1st day of Hajj and was also the day before Arafah. What is Arafah? Arafah is day that pilgrims leave Mina for Mt. Arafat where they stand in contemplative vigil and pray and recite the Qur'an, near a hill from which Prophet Muhammad SAAWS gave his last sermon, this hill is called Jabal Al Rahmah (The Hill of Forgiveness, Mount Arafat). This is known as Wuquf, considered the highlight of the Hajj. A pilgrim's Hajj is considered invalid if they do not spend the afternoon on Arafah. For those of us who didn't get the chance to perform Hajj then we can fast on the day of Arafah instead:
Abu Qatadah (Allah be pleased with him) related that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him and his family) said: "Fasting the Day of Arafah expiates the sins for two years, one prior and one forthcoming."
 [Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nisa'i and Ibn Majah]

Right! Let us come together and play a game now! Below is the Friday Sermon, presented by Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the self proclaimed 'Ameerul Momi'neen' of the Muslims/Ahmadis. I want us to all spend some time counting how many times the so called leader of the Muslims mentions the following words: Hajj, Arafat or Eid. It might be really difficult because we might have lots to count, so keep a calculator nearby in case you lose track! If you don't have a calculator, a good old tally sheet will do! I have made it really easy for you, and highlighted the words, so you simply need to add them up! Go get your kids too, its a good way to practise adding up and they can see how many times 'Huzoor' talks about Hajj! Ready? Lets play count! Yay!!!

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) writes: ‘This humble person has only been sent for the purpose of taking this message to the creation of God that from among the current world religions, the religion which is based on truth and is in accordance with God’s will, is the one brought by the Holy Qur’an. The door to enter the abode of salvation is ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.’
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on whom be peace) was that devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who was appointed by God in the current age to spread the teaching of the Qur’an, taking it to all the inhabitants of this world in their own language. He was God’s champion who was to hold aloft the banner of: ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger’ and show the way to the lost world. The Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) profoundly spiritual writings and works demonstrate that he certainly fulfilled his obligation. There were no worldly resources available in his lifetime to undertake such a colossal task. However, his perfect trust and reliance was in God alone. He did not ever rely on any worldly resource and always sought from God in accordance with the need of the time. Indeed, God has also commanded us to make worldly arrangements and in this regard the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) asked his followers for financial giving. Yet, he did not rely on anyone. Those appointed by God have always appealed for financial giving for their missions as did the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) but he always said that his reliance was only on God and that God had promised him that his mission would be accomplished. It was not an ordinary announcement made from a tiny hamlet in the Indian sub-continent and the world witnessed how the message spread from the tiny hamlet to the rest of India and then from India to the wider world, including the West. Many an influential priest and other opponents of Islam who presumed to be powerful rose in opposition and were either humiliated or God’s decree destroyed them. Such humiliation was not only witnessed in the sub-continent, rather Europe and America also witnessed it. Yet, unfortunately the eyes of Muslim religious scholars and Pirs did not open. In fact their hostility grew in pace and intensity.
None can contend with God’s decree. They can observe that even today, each time the Community has been suppressed in any way at all, it has moved onwards and progressed. This is so because the Community has kept the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in view including his words that he wrote in his booklet ‘Al Wasiyyat’ (The Will): ‘God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You, too, therefore should pursue this end, but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers.’ (The Will, pp. 8 – 9)
The task to gather people on one religion and establish Oneness of God and establish the kingdom of the Holy Qur’an, bringing the pious-natured under the banner of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is the extensive and great mission which the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) carried out and then entrusted it to his Community. This task cannot be carried out without bringing pious changes in oneself, sacrifice and prayers. These aspects alone will enable us to witness the progress that God has destined for this Community. Indeed, the Community is trying to follow these principles. InshaAllah we will always experience success if we are drawn to prayers.
Whenever an appeal is made to the Community, with the grace of God, it has always responded eagerly and has excelled in prayers and sacrifice. Recently Hudhur had drawn attention to optional fasting and prayers. The letters he is receiving show that people are eagerly engaged in these. It is not just Ahmadis of Pakistani origin who are engaged in prayer, rather Africans, Europeans, Americans and others who are not of Pakistani origin are praying for their Pakistani brothers and all other Ahmadis who are in difficulties anywhere in the world. When asked for financial giving, the sacrifices made have been astonishing.
These days publication of books and other literature is essential for Tabligh, then there is the organisation of missionaries, building of mosques and mission houses and other media resources in this age of electronic means of communication. All these require financial giving. MTA is a big source of Tabligh and is currently utilising four different satellites which leave no part of the world where the message does not reach. The message is been relayed in seven to eight major languages of the world. Financial giving is required for these tasks and the contributions of the Community are better than ever.
As traditional, Hudhur announced the start of the new Tehrike Jadid year today. At the time Hadhrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) initiated Tehrike Jadid some had arisen to eliminate the message of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) from the world. However, when Tehrike Jadid was launched, the Community’s response was overwhelming and today we are represented in 200 countries of the world and a revolution is being brought about in the world through MTA. The Community is making sacrifices under the auspices of Khilafat to accomplish the objective of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). If only Muslims, who claim love of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), understood this and connected themselves to the one appointed by God and offered their services. They would then witness how their lost reputation is restored and how big powers would respect and honour them. No wretched cartoonist or magazine editor or anyone else would dare express anything offensive about the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). Recently another ignoble offence was committed by a magazine in France which has hurt us. Hudhur has asked the Jama’at in France to protest against this by lawful means and to make people understand and alert them that such offences can lead to God’s chastisement. The world is heading towards destruction anyway. In places natural disasters have occurred and in other places financial devastation is increasing. The reason for this is because people have forgotten God and are offensive about God’s beloveds. They are daring God’s sense of honour. The world needs to be alerted to fear of God. Ahmadis are doing this work. If the rest of the Muslims understood this, not only would they adorn their world and final end they would also be the recipients of God’s blessings.
At the time when a group of Muslims were making haughty claims to eliminate Ahmadiyyat, Hahdrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) initiated a programme (Tehrike Jadid) to spread Ahmadiyyat, true Islam in the entire world and the Community’s response to this was overwhelming. Today we witness the fruits of Tehrike Jadid all over the world and fruits of Ahmadiyyat. Let alone the obligatory chanda, extraordinary sacrifices are also made in Tehrike Jadid chanda at a time when the world is embroiled in financial crisis. The sacrifice of Ahmadis fills hearts with praise of God. As an aside, Hudhur said there is no telling where the financial crisis will lead and how intense it will get. While there is no need panic, Ahmadis should definitely stock few days’ dry food supply at home at all times as a precautionary measure. Hudhur explained that underdeveloped countries are used to such situations and people make some provision or the other but here [in the West] people do not know what such a crisis entails. The last crisis they faced was in WWII and their new generation has no idea of what can come to pass. Hudhur said while taking the precautionary step of stocking some food supply, we should also pray that may God enable the world to recognise their Creator and is saved from chastisement.
Hudhur expounded some incidents of financial giving of the Community.
Our missionary from Ivory Coast writes that someone took his Bai’at in 2009 and promptly started giving chanda by the prescribed rate. One day he was citing the blessings of such giving when a person who had taken his Bai’at earlier, in 2004, also decided to increase his chanda. He had not yet made the payment of chanda when he noticed that his income increased extraordinarily. He went to see the missionary sahib and doubled the amount of chanda that he had earlier increased and started the payment.
Missionary sahib of Guinea Conakry writes that a young man came into the Community after Tabligh was done to him over a long period of time. He was an architect engineer who worked in a construction company on ordinary pay. Upon his asking he was informed of the significance of Wasiyyat chanda, chanda aam and chanda Jalsa Salana as these were fixed in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He promptly agreed to pay Wasiyyat chanda but was explained about first joining the scheme. He joined Wasiyyat and immediately started paying one tenth of his income. He also participated in other financial giving. After a short while he started his own business and is now the owner of the company and is well known in the entire country for his honesty. He openly expresses to everyone that all this is through the blessings of joining the Community of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and the Wasiyyat scheme.
Missionary sahib of Ghana writes that an Ahmadi wrote to him that he happened to be in a far flung area where he said his Salat in the open under hot sun and thought that a mosque should be built in the area. He accomplished this and the mosque he built accommodates 300 worshippers. Currently minarets of the mosque are being constructed. It is very difficult to arrange for the transportation of building material for the construction of the mosque in the far off area but the sincere Ahmadi is organising it successfully and at great cost.
Sadr Lajna of Ivory Coast writes that at the 50 years Jubilee of Ivory Coast Jama’at an appeal was made for the construction of mosque. Many Lajna members pledged a hundred thousand of the local currency and the Tehrike Jadid secretary, who is a very sincere member, even made the payment in full. Hudhur said this is a huge amount for an African country.
The Ameer sahib of Burkina Faso writes that after hearing the speech of a missionary sahib someone decided that although he was poor, he would increase his monthly chanda to a thousand of the local currency. Rainy season followed and although people were bothered by it, his crop grew very well. His faith in paying chanda also enhanced and he promised to increase his Tehrike Jadid chanda. His crops yielded extraordinarily well and he doubled his Tehrike Jadid contribution.
Ameer sahib Burkina Faso writes that an elderly person is the only Ahmadi in his family. He was not very regular in his Salat due to old age and many illnesses and was sad about it. This year after he took his Bai’at he paid 70,000 in local currency in chanda. No sooner had he made the contribution that his prolonged illness improved and not only did he start saying Salat regularly, he even offers Tahajjud. He believes all this is with the blessing of financial giving.
Ameer sahib Australia writes that after the commencement of Tehrike Jadid year in November 2010 in light of Hudhur’s instruction all the local branches were asked to increase their Tehrike Jadid contributions. Melbourne promised to double their contribution. They worked very hard and with God’s grace increased their Tehrike Jadid by 164% while the increase by Canberra was 75%.
Tehrike Jadid inspector from India reports that during a tour of Tamil Nadu a Tarbiyyati meeting was held in which information was given about Tehrike Jadid. After the meeting promises were taken for the next year. One person pledged 20,000. Another person pledged 100,000. At that time he had his two little girls with him who are Waqfe Nau. As soon as he got home, he rang to say that his daughters had felt his pledge was not sufficient, therefore he asked for his pledge to be changed to 150,000. Also in India when our Tehrike Jadid representative toured Kashmir he met an elderly person who was making ends meet on government pension. His medication cost more than his pension therefore it was not considered appropriate to increase his contribution. However, he enquired the purpose of the visit of the Tehrike Jadid representative and when he learned that the proposed increase was in light of Hudhur’s instruction, he said as long as he lived he would abide by Hudhur’s call. Not only did he increase his contribution in compliance with Hudhur’s instruction, he also made payment of half of it.
The additional Vakilul Maal in Pakistan writes that an Ahmadi from Sind had pledged 50,000, although the situation in Sind had been difficult due to heavy rains. Vakilul Maal sahib asked him that although heavy rains had affected the crops as he was a well-off person his pledge should have been higher. He increased his pledge to 500,000 and paid in cash. A few days later, he rang and said that the Vakilul Maal sahib had gone to him as a representative of the Khalifa of the time and the spirit of his pledge of Bai’at demanded that his contribution was higher, so he pledged a million. Later, his wife wished to donate her jewellery to Tehrike Jadid. He rang to say that she insisted the jewellery was handed over the same evening although he had told her that the situation was not safe and he would take the jewellery in the morning but she insisted it was done right away. Hudhur said any giving gains acceptance in God’s sight when one makes an intention. Given the situation around, one should not get emotional in this way and should be careful. It is God grace that all remained well but one should not put oneself in a hazardous situation needlessly.
Our missionary in Kazakhstan writes that a new convert Ahmadi has donated a plot of land for the main mosque and a mission house. He also purchased a building for the Community. He purchased a second plot of land for a mosque in another city. His giving was to the tune of 495,000 dollars.
Tehrike Jadid secretary of Germany reports that a lady gave € 1000 for Tehrike Jadid, money she had kept to buy jewellery. Many Lajna in Germany gave their jewellery in Tehrike Jadid funds. He also reports that on one of his tours, someone gave him a piece of paper with a message on it that he pledged € 20,000 for Tehrike Jadid but wished to do so anonymously. He said he related this in another place he visited. There too a person gave him a slip of paper with the message that he wished to donate € 21,000 to Tehrike Jadid anonymously.
Hudhur said these are just a few incidents from many more and perhaps are not exceptionally faith-inspiring as Hudhur had chosen them randomly and not in any order.
Next Hudhur announced the start of the 78th Tehrike Jadid year. According to reports received so far the total contributions worldwide for last year stand at £6,631,000.00. This is an increase of £1,162,000.00 from the contribution of the year before and is the biggest annual increase ever. The number of contributors also increased last year as did the level of contributions in spite of the worsening financial situation, especially that in Europe. Just as the global financial crisis has not affected Tehrike Jadid contributions, may God not let this crisis be an impediment in our other plans. Despite the severe financial situation in Pakistan, the Jama’at there has maintained its first position in Tehrike Jadid contributions. USA comes second, Germany third and the UK fourth. The year before UK was in second position but Germany worked very hard last year. Canada took fifth position, India sixth, Indonesia seventh, Australia eight, an Arab country Hudhur did not wish to name ninth and Switzerland tenth. In per capita contributions, apart from the Arab country, USA was significant with £118 per head, followed by Switzerland. With the grace of God 109,000 new contributors joined Tehrike Jadid last year. Hudhur said this number can still be improved. Hudhur had asked the African countries to improve in this department and the country that made the most significant improvement was Nigeria. Among the African countries the first three positions went to Ghana, Mauritius and Nigeria. The Gambia and Burkina Faso also tried well. In Pakistan the first three positions went to Lahore, Rabwah and Karachi. In USA, the following Jama’ats were top of the league: LA Inland Empire, Detroit, Silicon Valley, Chicago West, Harrisburg, Dallas, LA West, Boston, Silver Spring and Potomac. In UK the top ten Jama’ats were: Fazl Mosque, New Malden, Worcester Park, Cheam, Scunthorpe, Mosque West, West Hill, Baitul Futuh, Raynes Park and Manchester South. Among the regions in the UK, the first three were; London, North East and Midlands. Among small majalis, the first few were: Bromley, Lewisham, Leamington Spa, Wolverhampton and Spen Valley. In Canada the following Jama’ats were the first few: Edmonton, Vaughan West, Peace Village West, Surrey East and Saskatoon. India stood in sixth position, but Hudhur said this is the place where Qadian is and where the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)’s advent took place, thus Hudhur mentioned the first few districts: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir, Bengal, Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. In cities the following were among the top of the league: Kerala, Calicut, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Kannur Town, Qadian, Chennai and Delhi.
Hudhur said there have been extraordinary increases in Tehrike Jadid contributions. This fund is central and individual countries have no share in it. The expenses of underdeveloped countries as well as those of the centre are met with it. However, due to the extraordinary increases Hudhur graciously gave a portion to the countries making the leading contributions. USA made an increase of £188,000 and Hudhur gave them $100,000. Germany has increased by more than 300,000 and is given € 150,000. Hudhur said these funds are for the construction of mosques in USA and Germany. The increase of UK is also significant and is thus given £50,000 for building of mosques as now UK is also focussed on building mosques.
Hudhur concluded on prayer that may God bless this in every way and may He enable us to make greater sacrifices in future.
Hudhur announced that after Salat he would lead funeral Prayer in absentia of Masood Ahmad Khan Dehlwi sahib, who passed away on 3 Nov at the age of 91. His father and grandfather both were companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Dehlwi sahib dedicated his life in 1944 and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) made him assistant editor of Al Fazl. He also served as the editor. He remained associated with the newspaper for 43 years. He was a pious and simple person who attended the Jalsa in Germany regularly. During Hudhur’s recent German tour Hudhur broke with his tradition of not meeting people in the mosque and met with him after one Friday Prayers. This was his last meeting with Hudhur. May God elevate his station in Paradise.

OK blog readers! How many did you count? 1? 2? 5? 10? 15? 20? It was an hour long speech, on the first day of Hajj, so I would expect no less than 20 references- right? That is the most I would expect from this man because dedicating an hour to Hajj, is asking too much from him! So how many did you get? You didn't manage to count any did you? Yeah..that's right... NONE! A big fat ZERO! Zilch! Nada! Nothing! Mr Ameerul Momi'neen, Allah's helper on Earth and leader of the Muslims and 1/5 of the extension of Khilafat e Rashida did not mention Hajj once! The Muslims will be marking the end of the Islamic year at the end of November/Dhul Hijjah and instead, this fraud spoke about the start of the 'Tehrik e Jadid' year on the first day of Hajj!!!!

What are you following Ahmadis?? Is this guy really Ameerul Momi'neen?? Is this guy really the best of all Muslims alive today, when he doesn't even mention Hajj once, let alone spend a Khutbah dedicated to it! What is he teaching you exactly? Why was Hajj not mentioned? Why didn't he encourage you people to fast on the day of Arafah? Why didn't he explain the significance of Hajj? Why didn't he explain the significance of Arafah? Every person I spoke to who was 'non true Islam muslims' aka Scary Sunnis, were all encouraged by their Masjids/families/friends who fast on Arafah and Mas, leader of the Muslims, didn't even mention it once! Why didn't he talk about Qurbani? Instead, he tries to spend an hour giving examples (which are made up) about how 'one farmer gave 1 rupee in tehrik e jadid and guess what? he was blessed with 1000 rupees after....yay clap clap'! He is fooling you people into thinking if you pay up, like interest, you will get something in return! Is this really spending in the way of Allah?

Wake up before its too late! This is a fraud in the name of Islam. HE is not a Muslim and you are following Kuffar! Calling yourselves 'Muslim' is not enough! So what, when you are questioned in your grave is your defense going to be 'but I recited the Kalima and prayed so I must be Muslim'?!?! It doesn't work like that!

If you think this is Islam, why didn't your 'Khalifa e Waqt' (Khalifa of the Time) not mention anything about Hajj? Guys, Hajj might not mean anything to you because your Jamaat have invented a 'as good as' replacement in the form of Jalsa but read up on Hajj and understand the significance of it! This is not a joke and nor is it a coincidence that he chose not to discuss it on the first day of Hajj and instead, banged on about donating Tehrik e Jadid! He instead of discussing Qurbani, harped on about which towns in which countries were the biggest donors of Tehrik e Jadid! When I read it, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Laugh because he is, by the grace of Allah, showing his true colours and moving away from Islam or cry because my parents are following this man, genuinely believing he is 'the one'.

It is blindingly obvious Hajj means nothing to Masroor, and so why you are celebrating Eid Ul Adha is beyond me, considering it marks the end of Hajj! So instead, on behalf of myself and all Muslims around the world, I would like to wish all Ahmadis a very happy Tehrik e Jadid Mubarak!! May you all be rewarded for your sacrifices and May you get more than you put in! May your town also come first in donations! It seems Qurbani has been replaced with Tehrik e Jadid in Ahmadiyya World! Don't try and say you guys are not following a separate religion, because his 'khutbah' says otherwise!


Oh and you guys better pay up! Here is why:

In his Friday Sermon of 9th November 1934, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) stressed the importance of contributing to Tehrik-e-Jadid:
“Though one is free whether or not to join Tehrik-e-Jadid, but if someone has the means to join it and does not do so because Khalifatul Masih has declared it to be optional, he will be brought to account either in this world or the next…”




  1. Roll up Roll up the Tehrike Jadid year is coming to an end so empty your pockets once again.
    The goons will be cold calling you and turning up at your door with their begging bowls. So Ahmadis even though your fed up with these beggars just put a bit of dosh in the hands and they'll bugger off. Remember that it not just you earning members who have to pay. It's every man women and child, pensioner widower and invalid. No one is exempt. Even your deceased parents can qualify for our Peers prayers if you pay on their behalf.
    So hurry up and hand them that dosh that they're so desperate for.

  2. I have read the complete Khutba - Finding's Comments and points raised by her - I have to just say one sentence.

    "Ahmadis deserve THIS".

    On other note, beside no Haj mention, no Qurbani concept (Hazrat Ibrahim as & Ismail as) concept mentioned - Yes Qurbani of Maal for Jamat mentioned - Muhammad (pbuh) only mentioned 2 times in whole Khutba .- same 2 times Hahdrat Musleh Maud mentioned - and count how many times Promised Messiah was mentioned - 12 times


    Nothing much too say - enjoy Deen of Promised Messiah - strengthen it with all the Maal you can support - donate jewelry - fast so you are inclined for Maal sacrifice - not advised to fast on Yom e Arafa as recommended by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)- Maal Maal Maal needed to run MTA to spread Qadianiat worldwide - publish books and literature.

    From all the incentive examples, this was the "best one";

    Also in India when our Tehrike Jadid representative toured Kashmir he met an elderly person who was making ends meet on government pension. His medication cost more than his pension therefore it was not considered appropriate to increase his contribution. However, he enquired the purpose of the visit of the Tehrike Jadid representative and when he learned that the proposed increase was in light of Hudhur’s instruction, he said as long as he lived he would abide by Hudhur’s call. Not only did he increase his contribution in compliance with Hudhur’s instruction, he also made payment of half of it."

    His medications are more than his Pension - from where he will pay Obligatory Chanda - and on top this Tehril e Jadid Chand - and from where he will meet his ends meet.

    Soon you will have your end and you will meet your Creator and he will "reward" you for all these sacrifices made for Deen of Promised Messiah.

    Until then - "YOU DESERVE THIS".


  3. Do you know Mirza Fatsroor told us all to keep fasts for 'KHILAFAT CENTENERY CELEBRATIONS'.

    I am so grateful that Allah showed me the way. Fatsroor was the push I needed! Thank him, don't hate him! Findings- you are a breath of fresh air!

    Fatsroor hasn't got long left. He will be rotting soon enough.

  4. HudHur described Promised Messiah

    "There were no worldly resources available in his lifetime to undertake such a colossal task. However, his perfect trust and reliance was in God alone. He did not ever rely on any worldly resource and always sought from God in accordance with the need of the time."

    Now listen AK Sheikh Sahib's following video clip to know the reality of "relying on God" and "always sought from God in accordance with the need of time"


  5. great photoshop work findings

    so donald duck Huzoor skiing on Swiss Alpines with TJ funds? What Raffay baby is doing? Is he contributing or stealing? who is the 3rd one in pic?

  6. You've never heard of Scrooge 'Mas' McDuck and his famous money bin? Well.. here he is with his two nephews.. raffy boy and nas khan! I'll leave it up to u to decide whether raf is contributing or not ;)

  7. common people many ahmadis are anxiously awaiting for a better Islam
    NO answer yet

  8. ka satya nas

    do they fast themselves and contribute?

  9. no ahmadi comments
    finding is lost

  10. Masroor isnt going to mention the importance of hajj because mirza qadiani never went on hajj or umrah, lets look at all the above.

    1) if giving 1 rupee gives your 1000, then mirza qadiani should have kept giving a ruppee to make enough money to go on hajj. (that is if he didnt have enough money from tricking his followers)

    2. Mirza qadiani did have the money to do hajj but chose not to, this was before there was a ban.

    3. The hadith state mahdi will be given his first bait (allegience) at the kabbah, this didnt happen with mirza qadiani

    4. hadith state isa ibn maryam will visit medina, this didnt happen with mirza qadiani.

    5. so obviously masroor doesnt want to talk about hajj, in case ahmadis start asking questions.

  11. What is this clap trap about show us a better islam? There is only ONE islam! Yeah Muslims are messed up (much like Qadianis) but at least the beliefs are ONE! Believe in it and forget about what about Muslims do! On the Day of Reckoning you will be judged as ONE and will be judged on YOUR ISLAM! This isn't Islam. Take all the time you need to figure it out, but don't fight the truth for too long.. You might be run over dead tomorrow. Accept Islam, don't accept Muslims. This guy is a fraud..why you can't see that startles me. Accept Islam, follow it as best you can and pray Allah spares you on the Day of Reckoning. Remember, His (swt) believers will eventually taste paradise even if they are sent to Jahanum. Disbelievers will NEVER taste Jannah. Risk it... Go right on. I would rather follow the Prophet saaws on his words: there is NO ONE after me, than risking the possibility of a fake prophet. Its not worth it. Don't take forever... You don't know if you are going to wake up tomorrow. Drop this crap. Its a fraud.

  12. Hameed - very true - Qadianiat is without haj - zakat & Jihad - their Kalima would have been different also - but Mirza tricked here also by saying - he is second coming of Muhammad(saw) also - so his son explained - No need for new or different Kalima as Muhammad(saw) has come among us - meaning this Punjabi Messih was second coming of both Hazrat Isa(as) and Hazrat Muhammad(saw).

    Watch AK Sheikh Sahib(Ex-Ahmadi) video clip explaining Qadiani Kalma (A must watch clip to expose their claim of being "Kalima-Go")


  13. Though they will deny it, in practical effect, Ahmadiyya is based on more Mirza Ghulam than the Prophet Muhammad SAAWS.

    Since Mirza Ghulam never performed Hajj, its de-emphasized in the Ahmadiyya faith. Instead the focus is on "Tahreek-e-Jadeed".

  14. The belief of Qadianis is that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is (God forbid) Muhammad incarnate.

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote in his book, Aik Ghalti Ka Izala, page 4, 3rd Edition, published Rabwah, that:

    "in the revelation of verse 48:29, (Muhammad is Allah's Apostle .... ) Allah named him Muhammad",

    In the Akhbar Badar', Qadian, dated October 25, 1906, there is a poem, written by Qazi Zahooruddin Akmal, former editor of ‘Review of Religions', a couplet of which states:

    "Muhammad has come back to us, with higher glory and one who wants to see Muhammad accomplished, should go to Qadian. "
    This poem was read to Mirza Sahib and he appreciated it.

    Again in Arbaeen, vol. 4 page 17, he wrote:

    "The rays of sun cannot be endured now and we need soothing light, which I am, in the form of Ahmad'.

    In Khutba Ilhamia, page 171, he declared:

    "One who distinguishes between me and Muhammad, he has neither seen me nor known me."

    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad further announced:

    "I am the accomplishment of the name of Muhammad, i.e. I am shadow of Muhammad".
    (See Ha'shin Haqiqatul Wahi, page 72):

    "I am in view of the verse 62:3 (It is He who has sent forth among the unlettered an apostle of their own to recite to them His revelations to purify them and instruct them in scriptures and wisdom ... ); I am the same last Prophet incarnate and God named me in Braheene Ahmadia' Muhammad and Ahmad, and declared me as personified Muhammad......
    (See Aik Ghalti Ka Izala, pages 10-11, published Rabwah).

    "I am that mirror which reflects exactly the person and the prophethood of Muhammad".
    (Nazulul Masih, page 48, published Qadian, 1909.)

    In the light of what has been said above, there is general consensus among Muslims that whenever, as Ahmadi recites or displays 'Kalima', he proclaims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the Prophet who should be obeyed and the one who does not do that is an infidel. In the alternative, they pose as Muslims and deceive others. Lastly, they either ridicule Muslims or deny that the teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) do not govern the situation.

  15. Farhan said...
    Though they will deny it, in practical effect, Ahmadiyya is based on more Mirza Ghulam than the Prophet Muhammad SAAWS. (Very True!)

    Not only that Mirza Sahib, in his writings, tried to belittle the glory and grace of the Holy Prophet(pbuh), he even ridiculed him occasionally. In Ha'shia Tuhfa Golria' page 165, Mirza Sahib wrote that:

    "the Holy Prophet could not conclude that propagation of Islam and I complete the same".

    Again said:

    "the Holy Prophet could not understand some of the revelations and he made many mistakes. (See Izalatul Auham, Lahori Press)".

    He further said:

    "the Holy Prophet had 3 thousands miracles" (See Tuhfa Golria page 67 - published Rabwah) "while I have one million signs". (See Braheen Ahmadia, page 56). "The Holy Prophet used to eat cheese made by Christians to which they added the pig's fat".

    Mirza Bashir Ahmad wrote in his book 'Kalimatul Fasal' page 113, that:

    "when Mirza Sahib was bestowed with prophethood, he had attained all the spiritual heights of the Muhammad's Prophethood and was qualified to be called Prophet incarnate and he went so ahead that he stood side by side with Muhammad (pbuh)."

  16. beware TJ is just a way to rob you in the name of Islam - they rob you for obligatory Chanda - so many other Chandas - compel you to become Moussi to rob you more promising place in Jannah

    Are you really so dumb to believe all this scam? Are you willingly being robbed? Go over all the posts over this blog and are these facts not enough for you to realize Mirza's deen is not Islam and Mirza was Gustakh e Rasool and transgressor of ALLAH - an enemy of Islam and its prophet.

    Are you willingly going to hell fire? if so, then continue. ALLAH never guides any one, who has no desire for it. You have knowingly and willing a path which is not HIS path. Walk on it and it will take you to Mirza and all your hazurs. They are waiting for you over there. They will not even recognize you over there and your Mirza will again claim there - these people made Eik Ghalti themselves but my friends that time will be no Ezala of this Ghalti. No contribution to this Cult will save you from hell fire. Because it was spent on fighting Islam and for harming Muslim cause.

    Wama Alina ilul Balagh ul mubeen!

    Choice is yours. And all this "warning" to save yourself is "Hujjat" (Evidence) that you were warned. And You knowingly opt to be misled.

  17. Muslims may translate this particular Ayah of Ascending of Essa(as) as two opinions or two understanding of Arabic language meaning but in an honest way. Qadiani translation is with a purpose - to prove somehow - prophethood of MGAQ - that the original Essa (as) had died so no chance of Essa ibne Marium to come. Therefore accept him as Promised Messiah.

    In fact Promised messiah is Jews concept, Ahadith clearly mentions Essa ibne Marium to come and he will descend at a White Minaret near the east of Damascus. Now Mirza denies his descending but made White Minaret to meet Hadith. the same White Minaret which is Insignia of jamat on its flag also.

    As the Ahadith clearly mentioned he will be same Essa ibne Marium so how Chiragh Bibi son becomes that. He devised the "way". made a divine revelation - I have become Mary and then I got pregnant - than I delivered Essa so I am now Essa ibne Marium.

    Then same Essa(as) he ridiculed and abused all his life to downgrade him and prove his superiority over all prophets. he even didn't spare Prophet Muhammad(saw). He was desperate to prove his false prophethood true by any means.

  18. "If you ask how Muhammad can be the last of the prophets when Jesus will appear towards the end of the world, I shall reply that the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad means that no one will be endowed with prophethood after him. Jesus is among those upon whom prophethood was endowed before Muhammad. Moreover, Jesus will appear as a follower of Muhammad and he will offer prayers with his face towards the Qiblah of Islam, as a member of the community of the Muslims."

    We can now understand the meaning of the saying attributed to 'A'ishah: The Prophet Muhammad is indeed the last prophet but it is not quite accurate to say that no prophet will come after him since the return of the Prophet Jesus will take place after him"

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: "Indeed, messengership and Prophethood have terminated. So, there is no Messenger after me and no Prophet”.
    (Jami' Tirmidhi, hadith 2272


  19. Miserable deaths of fake Massih mahoud (promised messiah) and his son fake Musleh mahoud (promised reformer)

  20. Watch here how your hard earned "TJ contributions" are being wasted.

  21. Why no significant TJ contributions from Malaysia and Bangladesh? Their is big Persecution propaganda in these countries. Is this Persecution result of the absence of Sacrifice spirit for TJ funds?

    Please publicize this Chanda Healing "Topi Drama" there.

    "Ameer sahib Burkina Faso writes that an elderly person is the only Ahmadi in his family. He was not very regular in his Salat due to old age and many illnesses and was sad about it. This year after he took his Bai’at he paid 70,000 in local currency in chanda. No sooner had he made the contribution that his prolonged illness improved and not only did he start saying Salat regularly, he even offers Tahajjud. He believes all this is with the blessing of financial giving."

  22. Want to become Owner of the company where you are working - No problem - Pay Wasiyyat chanda, chanda aam and chanda Jalsa Salana - and you will be soon become not only CEO of your company but the Owner - but if due to world-wide financial crisis you may not - than these Chandas will not be returned - as these were fixed in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) - No Chanda No Peace for you and No Chance to be the Owner of Company - You shake hand with us - We will take your Arm -

    Work Hard, Earn More - More You earn, more We earn (love all who pay Chandas,Hatred for Non-payees)

    "Missionary sahib of Guinea Conakry writes that a young man came into the Community after Tabligh was done to him over a long period of time. He was an architect engineer who worked in a construction company on ordinary pay. Upon his asking he was informed of the significance of Wasiyyat chanda, chanda aam and chanda Jalsa Salana as these were fixed in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). He promptly agreed to pay Wasiyyat chanda but was explained about first joining the scheme. He joined Wasiyyat and immediately started paying one tenth of his income. He also participated in other financial giving. After a short while he started his own business and is now the owner of the company and is well known in the entire country for his honesty. He openly expresses to everyone that all this is through the blessings of joining the Community of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and the Wasiyyat scheme."

  23. The drought, heavy rains or floods will destroy the crops of others but not Yours as you are paying Chandas. Rainy season is coming, increase your Chanda. TJ inspector will be at your door before the clouds roar.

    The Ameer sahib of Burkina Faso writes that after hearing the speech of a missionary sahib someone decided that although he was poor, he would increase his monthly chanda to a thousand of the local currency. Rainy season followed and although people were bothered by it, his crop grew very well. His faith in paying chanda also enhanced and he promised to increase his Tehrike Jadid chanda. His crops yielded extraordinarily well and he doubled his Tehrike Jadid contribution."

  24. We are pleased to offer Pre-Authorized Payment Plan option for paying your donations. By
    choosing this option, on the 3rd of every month, the fixed amount that you specify will be
    transferred from your bank account to the Jama’at account.

    This option will help you pay your donations on a regular basis and the amount will be applied to the donation types (Aam, Wasiyyat, Jalsa Salana etc.) according to your instructions.

    You, of course, will have to make sure that the payment amount is available on the payment due date (3rd of every month).

    AMJ Canada

    If you would like to see our other "Rob you with your Will" services available online, please send us an email at

  25. Come on Ahmadis. Why are you so silent? Defend the Jamaat's actions and justify the need for more money. And explain why Tehrike Jadid is more important than Hajj and Qurbani.
    Yeah I know, Findings has made another valid point. Ahmadis can't defend jamaat's actions because we're all fed up with the continuous demands for money and lack of emphasis on Islamic teachings. It's all about obedience and allegience to leadership and nizaam and of course money money and more money.

  26. Dear finding beliefs are ONE ? hahahaha teh biggest joke , finding I never relized that you are so illetrate about ISLAM,

    By one belief if you mean in regards to ahmaddiyat than you are right no matter whatthey call each other when it comes to ahmadiyyat all are ONE


    72 vs 1

  27. @ Anon 9.25..

    Firstly it's spelt 'illiterate', secondly the word you're looking for is 'ignorant'. I would suggest you get a better grasp of English.. because frankly you're really showing up the claim that Ahmadis are the "most educated" group of 'Muslims'! LOL

    So.. you really believe ALL Ahmadis have one belief? Ahaha.. dont make me laugh son. Mirza himself had sooo many contradictory beliefs it was a wonder he managed to stay sane (or did he?).

    Why don't you educate yourself.. have a visit here to see what I'm talking about:

    And finally.. talk about missing the point.. you can't even address the real issues and instead rely on Ad Hominem attacks to divert the topic LOL!

  28. 72 Vs 1... lol! Ahmedis really believe this crap! Idiot Ahmedis 73 sects and 1 will be saved and that is those who did not stray from the Sunna of Mohammed saws! Get it through your thick heads!

  29. And why doesn't this nimrod actually explain why the Leader of Muslim Nations hasn't mentioned Hajj?

    Wow Shayatan loves Ahmedis. Blind and Blind.

  30. That is because they cannot defend it! What can he say? 'Huzoor forgot'?

    Huzoor isn't Huzoor. He is a fraud.

  31. 72 vs 1 or 72 vs 2 (Lahoris are different sect and believe Qadianis of Rabwa are a misled sect)?

    So they should make a Toss - one of them have to join 72 to make 72 vs 1 - True.

    Dumb Ahmadis - Nothing new to say - same old beaten argument! not their mistake - it is hard to defend falsehood and Murrabis are only worried for they salary from Chanda. They damn care how PM is being made a Laughing Stock.

  32. There was no confusion on the Verses about Essa(as) to those whom Quran addressed and they had Ahadith supporting that concept. No dead person comes back on Earth to live again.

    Mirza believed that in his heart also that Essa(as) has ascended live to heavens and he will descend back as clearly told by Ahadith and some verse of Quran also supported that. I mentioned above. That is why he try to match those signs foretold by Ahadith about signs of Essa(as) coming back on Earth.

    He read in Ahadith that Essa(as) will descend on White Minaret in east of Damascus. He made the similar White Minaret in Qadian but people asked him about East of Damascus condition. He had an Mirza style answer for each and every deficiency and weakness of his own - he said No, Hadith meant East of City and this Minaret is in East of Qadian city.

    He also read in Hadith that Essa(as) will come back on earth and live 40 years. So he announced a revelation saying he will live 40 years after being appointed as Prophet, according to his melancholic thought. Like all his prophesies, this one also died 12 years earlier than his target death date of 1920.

    So he himself knew very well he is not Essa(as) but he has to work hard to somehow people believe it. He was told by God that you are Mary for some time and you will be conceived and then you will deliver Jesus and that is how you will become Jesus son of Mary.

    He was a perfect example of Self-Denial. Saying to people Jesus died and he will not come back. But doing every thing to prove he did not die but ascended and now came back - and he is the one matching all signs of his being descended as per Ahadith.

    So he own killed his fabricated theory being confused between his perceived idea and Ahadith. He could not stick to one and rolled between two.

    His only intention was to make enough money and more than any Peer of that time. So he saw a vacant slot of Mujadid and grab it. When felt Maulvi Muhammad Hussain is still making more money than him, he looked for other vacant slot of Imam Mehdi. When he saw, with every "promotion to next rank" brings more money. So in 1901, he announce, O' foolish followers! You made a mistake in understanding me. Actually, I was appointed prophet 20 years back, so from now I am Promised Messiah (Quran or Hadith does not mention any promised Messiah to come. Jews do have this concept. Instead Ahadith only mention Essa ibn e Marium to come - there is NO PROMISE for that) Anyhow, he kept on twisting his thoughts what actually he is - Krishna - Essa or Promised Messiah? But he kept on giving himself annual merit increases and keep on raising his Ranks. First better than Essa, than same as Muhammad and than better than Muhammad and in the end better than All prophets.

    To me he should have been contended with Mujaddid title and that could have been without any Dispute and still give him money for a decent living. But he crossed all limits and was heavily humiliated in life being unable to carry the burden of self-claimed Nabuwat.

    Now his prophethood is being cashed by his descendants. The founder was able to make some people fool but the next generations flourished the family business by using all the fair and unfair tactics.

    Mirza was no Prophet but a Rangeela type vesatile artist - Director - Hero - Comedian - Writer - Song Writer - all in one and his religion was a Shop in his time but later it was turned in to religious Industry.

    So the children, this is the story of a Man who became prophet to make money by imposing Chandas and the Show is on. Some people watching this show believes, it is a True story not knowing it was a poorly written Script which failed at Box-office.

  33. The main expenses from Tehrik e Jadid funds is financing of MTA. According to many it is sheer misuse and wastage of Contributions. MTA has a very limited viewership. It has nothing for general TV viewers. To make it interesting, it also has started Cooking programs. Lot of people only consider it as an Evangelist TV - where there are Prayer packages but for some donation - same is MTV - watch Intikhab-e-Sukhan and pay TJ fund - listen live Juma sermon - and a reminder to pay Chanda - watch Rahe-Huda and upgrade your Chanda package to pay 10% of Income.

    So the suggestion is instead of fabricating all the Miracle and Sacrifice stories, and impose another burdened Chanda, the Jamat should be contended with Wasiyyat chanda, chanda aam and chanda Jalsa Salana. More "sacrifices" should not be demanded from already over-burdened people. MTA can be broadcasted from YouTube only. This will save millions being wasted with no desired results. Those committed Ahmadis who have to watch MTA, will watch on YouTube also.

    Think of it Hazoor - so far only thinking how to persuade my people to sacrifice more and more.

    Control your expenditures than focus on making more Revenues. Reduce your liabilities.

    Murabbis are not adding any value. Their army should be downsized and quality has to be improved also. At the moment, they are bunch of Punjabis and Stupidity shines on their face. Diversify the selection process. Most of the Punjabi Murabbis I met were mere fazle-min-rabi abusers - free usage of stock of vulgar Punjabi abuses where they feel Blank on arguments.If founder of the Cult was Punjabi, that does not the team of Evangelist also have to be Punjabi also. The punjabi vulgar abuses of PM can be memorized by some one from karachi also.

  34. The Ahmadis say that we have the most intelligent people in our jamaat, so why is it that they cannot read and understand exactly what this false prophet wrote in his books, I hardly call the Ahmadis intelligent more like blind followers and ignorant!

  35. This is really sad. May Allah save them before its too late.

  36. lol @ persecution!

    lol @ other religions! RESULT!!!!!!

  37. If hearts are sealed and minds are locked by Cult, then Intelligence will not come to rescue you. You will become blind and will not be able to see the Truth. You will become deaf to hear the Call. you will become dumb to say truth.

    And for a example, look at Anon of 13:15

  38. How someone whose parents named him Slave of Ahmad(saw) became Ahmad himself or even better than Ahmad(saw)? Have you seen any one changing his name from Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to only Ahmad? The one who can change his identity to earn some alms, he can change the religion also to please his God - Yalash. Actually he was prophet of Yalash, not prophet of ALLAH. How you can trust some one who is removing parts of his name to match a Prophet's name. By changing names, no one become prophet and by making few alterations in some religion, you don't become a prophet of a new religion. These all are sign of some serious physical and mental diseases. A melancholic patient also has a similar symptoms like Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani.

  39. "My birth took place in 1839 or 1840 A.D. I was one of the twins. The other one with me was a girl whose name was jannat (paradise).

    In my revelation 'Ya Adam uskun antaa wa zaujoka al-jannah', which was mentioned in Braheen Ahmadiyya on p.496 some 20 years ago, the word ‘jannat’ carried this special reference that the girl who was born with me, her name was jannat and this girl died after living for 7 months."

    (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob, Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.479 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    This melancholic received the revelation of some incident which had already happened. God told him - you and your twin sister Jannat go and live in Jannat(paradise).

    He is fooling people saying this is a Revelation whereas he is just stealing Quran's verse to make it as his own Revelation.

    The second thing this fool is missing to note - this verse is for Adam and Eve - husband and wife - not brother and sister - and Jannat is a place in this True revelation of Quran. In your revelation, Jannat becomes a Person.

    And We said: "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise ----." (2.35)

    This is exact Verse in Arabic which Mirza is copying

    ÙˆَÙ‚ُÙ„ْÙ†َا ÙŠَا آدَÙ…ُ اسْÙƒُÙ†ْ Ø£َنتَ ÙˆَزَÙˆْجُÙƒَ الْجَÙ†َّØ©َ

    English Transliteration:

    "ya adamu oskun anta wazawjuka aljannata"...

    What more Proofs you need to believe he was only a Prophet of Plagiarization? He was a day light Robber of Prophet's Deen - stealing Verses from his Quran and claiming his Revelations. He has done an unpardonable crime. You call this impostor as your Promised Messiah. ALLAH's curse on him and all his believers. You are just believing a False prophet - one of those 30 told by Prophet.

    But still the Choice is yours. This is the beauty of Islam - Only a Message - no compulsion to agree or accept it.

    But we have the right to defend Islam from this Theft and expose Mirza's dirty tricks and falsehood.


  40. Islam of Prophet Muhammad is Islam. "Islam" of Prophet Mirza is not Islam. (Mohsin)

  41. Anonymous 16:20

    see your fate - if it is not that worse than stop crying Persecution - and see the fate of your Cult Founder and your promised reformer's fate.

    If you have not found "better Islam" so far, then in Qadianit Tradition, make a new Prophet and he will introduce you to "better Islam".

    But tell him beforehand, have a reduced Chanda package and there should be subsidy on "Heavenly graves".

    I am in no mood to declare myself a Prophet and give you your "better Islam".

    Please stop "keep asking me", I can only give you Islam of Prophet Muhammad(saw) sans Mirza. But you want a "better Islam" with Prophet Mirza.

    Keep on with that. I am not preaching you to convert. I am asking my Muslims to not fall in Clan's trap - and their falsehood.

    There are lot of Muslims in Ahmadiyya, I was one of them. When I got chance, I broke my chains, kicked your sand walls. And I am a free man now. Islam of Prophet Muhammad(saw) is my free choice. No one bothers me now to pay Arrears of my Chanda or persuade me to become 10% Moussi for Heavenly grave package. Yours is not Islam, it is a Blood Sucking family business under the umbrella of Mirzai religion.

    Keep enjoying it. You deserve no better.


  42. Anon 16:20

    Can you name these 72, so I can help you find one "missing one"? But do you have guts to leave your Cult and embrace Islam?

  43. @Anonymous said... 16:20

    There are good and bad Muslims who practice Islam and each are answerable to Allah (swt):

    Now let us return to what Allah said in His Holy Book, The Quran, Allah has called those who follow His Straight Path (Al Mustaqeem) of Islam: "Muslims". He also says that we should not die except as "Muslims" followed by the statement ordering the believers not to divide up into groups:

    "Truly the only acceptable Way of worship to Allah is submission, obedience in peace to His Commandments (ISLAM)." [Al Imran 3:19]

    And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favor on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided." [Al Imran 3:103]

    "And whoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to the way of submission and obedience to Allah's Guidance (ISLAM); and whoever Allah wills to misguide, He makes his breast constricted as though he is climbing up in the sky. Thus Allah puts the wrath on those who believe not." [An Aam 6:125]

    "Is he whose breast Allah has opened to the way of submission and obedience to Allah's Guidance (ISLAM), so that he is in the light from His Lord (like the one who does not believe)? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! They are in plain error!" [Az-Zumar 39:22]

    "And who does more wrong than the one who invents a lie against Allah, when he is being called to the way of submission and obedience to Allah's Guidance (ISLAM)?" [As Saff 61:7]

    "He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of those who are being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS)." [An Aam 6:163]

    "And I am commanded in order that I may be the foremost of those who submit themselves to Allah as being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS)." [Az Zumar 39:12]

    "And strive hard in Allah's Cause as you ought to strive. He has chosen you and has not laid upon you in a way of life and worship to Allah (DEEN) any hardship: it is the a way of life and worship to Allah (DEEN) of your father Ibrahim. It is He Who has named you being in submission to the Will of God and obeying His Commandments (MUSLIMS) both before and in this (Quran), that the Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind! [Al Hajj 22:78]

    If you have not read Mirza Ghulam Ahmads books which I really think you should than judge for yourself if Ahmadiyyat is for you but in my opionion it is not Islam. Remember also the fate that this cult would face too, we follow The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him so what is so terribly wrong defending our Islam.

    Remember there is not prophet after Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.


  44. Weird and I have a beard!8 November 2011 at 17:41

    Sorry to interupt but where have Ahmadies managed to convince themselves of being the 73rd sect? Who fed them this complete bull?

  45. To claim to be the 73rd sect, they must know who are the other 72?

    Are they claiming Lahori Ahmadis as part of 72?

    In fact, both of these - Qadianis and Lahoris are followers of Qadiani religion and Count of 73 don't apply on them.

    They should decide among themselves - who will go to Hell first - both have to Insha'ALLAH go but the most crooked one will have the honor to go in first batch.

    Lahoris don't believe he is a Prophet and they believe Mirza of 1900 and before. They don't believe in his Kufr days which started after pronouncing his Nabuwat in 1901. But they believe him as Masih Maoud and Mehdi. My simple logic is how you can believe a False Nabi as a Mehdi or reformer of Islam. Such a hypocritical belief is also kufr. So both fall under the same category.

    So they are out of this 72 & 73 game. That is among Muslims.

    Mirza Tahir did not teach them well. He publicized this Argument and that Argument was reason to maintain the Chanda payers loyalty. This logic good for that purpose only in the inner Circles of Cult - as Self-Deception.


  46. @ weired I will tell you where see this and please please please reply

  47. Actually Mirza was desperate to "establish his business" and tried all trades from a Scholar of Islam with right concept to the last stage of totally misled.

    If i was his his advisor, I would have advised him to be content with Peeri Muridi or maximum a Mujaddid. Don't go in Shark waters of claiming prophethood or even Imam Mehdi as he was not meeting the signs. He would have still made a good earning without trying to be promised Messiah.

    He made good money or laid foundations for his family religious business but became very controversial. And most of all ruined his A'khra (hereafter fate) and fate of so many followers and most of them have no fault of theirs as they were born in an Ahmadiyya house. How many by birth Jews convert to Islam? Almost none. So what is the fault of these Ahmadis whose life and 'after life' this adventurous man has ruined.

    I am not sure he was doing all this Intentionally or due to physical and mental sicknesses he had which led him believe God is talking to him. But the way he has plagiarized Quran's verses as His own revelations, it is more accurate to believe he was doing it knowingly and was very shrewd Religious Crook.


  48. Anonymous said...
    @ weired I will tell you where see this and please please please reply
    8 November 2011 18:11

    What to see there? It is same what you are trying to say. Qadianis are the 73rd blessed one sect.

    My point is You are not even a Muslim, why you are trying to prove you are a sect of Muslims?

    Was "Muslim" followers of "Musailma Kazab" were considered as 73rd since there was Ijma of all Muslims - Musailma was a Liar (kazab) Prophet even he also claimed like Mirza to be in Islam but a Prophet revealing revelations.

    I wish Mirza was not born in Britis India but in Saudi Arabia. He would have same fate as Musailma Kazab. Mirza Kazab was "bit lucky" and he smartly refused to "go Mecca or Medina" as he knew very well HE WILL COME BACK IN TWO PIECES.


  49. @ anonymous in regards to lahori ahmdis and 73rd sect
    make your record straight
    it does not mean that ther will be 73 sects of muslim from day one to end as common sense also does not accept that because there will be a phase where there might be sects less than 73 and there be a phase where the exceed 73.
    73 not only means the number but the time when this will be the number of sects in iSLAM and that will be the time when 72 will gather against ONE

  50. Anon of 19:10 - I think your mind is totally blacked out. You are moving in Circles.

    I feel pity for you. But keep on playing with his 72-73 game. But go and settle with Lahori Ahmadis, they claim to be 73rd and you being totally misled believing Mirza as prophet.

    Go and decide in house first. By that time the real Imam Mehdi and real Issa ibne Marium will come and then all your Game will be Over.

    Until then keep on moving in circles around White Minaret!


  51. @ mohsin well ahmadis were Muslim until the 72 sat together and declared them non muslims

    Since than look at ahmadiyyat and look at the country where this decision was made

  52. @ mohsin he was not a bit lucky but he was the promised and protected by GOD

  53. common 72 I need an answer not individuals saying I am the best example of ISLAM

  54. @mohsin and as far as out of 72 73 you right we are out there is no doubt we would rather be out than your 72 , which you think is a game is not a game shame on you it is a hadith which you are calling a game

  55. @ mohsin keep waiting for Imam Mahdi and Issa Ibne Marriam until doomsday arrive

  56. @Anon Yes, Mulla teaches to hate a false Nabi, and floods comes not because of rejecting a false nabi but for the environmental damage our greed and political intrigues have done. If we had not cut all the trees and had made dams, there would have been no floods. Earthquakes come in all parts of world and they were coming even before Tremors of Mirza. So don't take credit for that. Peep inside your own homes to see "aamaal" of people like Khalifa Zani.

    Yes, Afghan "Jihad" is a historical fact. America supported it to settle their Cold War defeats. By defeating USSR in Afghanistan, they took revenge of the Vietnam humiliation.

    Don't tell me about your prayers. I know what we were taught to pray for these Kafirs who have not brought Emaan on MM.

    Your hatred for Muslims is infused in your hearts. No fake mannerism and artificial decency can hide that. I know the real Akhlaq of Qadianis and their naked and vulgar abuses to these Muslims.

    Your creation, your structure and your perception, all are Satan's deception.

    Cult will die down even before Mehdi and Essa come. But even they don't come we will not believe this fake Messiah. ALLAH and his Rassol are enough for us. There is no place for a Massih Dajjal in Islam and Mirza was 1 of those 30 foretold by Rasool ALLAH.


  57. Findings!

    I took the more than one hour pain of Listening your above posted friday sermon of Mirza not so Masroor, and let me feel like; it is not a Juma Khutba but some MD of any Charity Organisation delivering his annual financial statement to a charity dinner audience.

    I was noticing the expressions and body language of people listening him in the prayer hall. Each one of them looked like a slave in chains of Cult.

    And did you notice the Protocol of Cult leader? How he comes in his black Merced flanged by Protocol motorcycles squad? Compare him with the Caliphs of Rasool ALLAH. These Cult Khalifas are fake and their claim of Revivalism of Islam is as absurd as Mirza's self-appointment Prophethood.


  58. @ mohsin I understand what you are saying

    I can only expect that from you

    if a person calls HADITH a GAME what can you expect from him

    you are self explanatory about your faith religion and holy prophet

  59. Do Lahori sect of Ahmadis have such money collecting schemes such as Tehrik e Jadid chanda?

    Do they also collect Chandas?

    They also believe MGAQ and follow his teachings.

    They must be also following Al-Wassiyat of MGAQ and collecting 10% from their followers?

    Will they be allowed by Rabwah (Chanab Nagar) Qadianis to bury their Moussis in Bahishti Muqbra, Qadian?

    Who is their current Khalifa if they one? I think they don't have Khalifas since they don't believe PM as Prophet. So no Khalifa office after MGAQ needed.

    Can any one answer these questions?

  60. Anon 09:24 You have typical Qadinai style way of discussing and instead of coming up with some logical arguments, you try to divert from issue by deducing your own interpretation of point raise and allege other person of something which he didn't say.

    I never said Hadith is a game. I said your extortion of money from followers in the name of your religion is a Game.

    You have no Logic and no valid Arguments like most of Qadianis.

    Please come up with something better if you like to further discuss than putting some words in my mouth which I have not said or meant.

    This typical Qadiani sect "Game" is not acceptable. :)


  61. @ mohsin Dont back off from you words now see you own post 08/11 19:44

    who are you fooling

  62. Anonymous said...
    @ mohsin Dont back off from you words now see you own post 08/11 19:44

    who are you fooling
    9 November 2011 14:28


    Anonymous said...
    Anon of 19:10 - I think your mind is totally blacked out. You are moving in Circles.

    I feel pity for you. But keep on playing with his 72-73 game. But go and settle with Lahori Ahmadis, they claim to be 73rd and you being totally misled believing Mirza as prophet.


    I believe if you are not pretending to be dumb, then you really are.

    I am saying YOUR GAME OF CLAIMING YOU ARE 73rd and we 72,

    THIS is your GAME and only GAME you know - take 1 Hadith to prove your authenticity with your interpretation.

    My POV is - YOU are out of Islam - and this Hadith don't apply on you - I mean you can't use in your favor

    I hope you will end this GAME here. Go and learn some new tricks to defend Mirzayat.

    Mirza himself could not how you will do. He kept on changing his identity and positions every day but in the end miserably failed to sell his Religion as Islam.

    it is Ijma e Ummat - Mirzayat is Kufr. You will have no success to fool Muslims any more. Be content with the born Ahmadis. Most from the new generation Ahmadis are also ready to leave the nest.


  63. @mohsin this ijma e ummat was actually 72 sect against 1 at the time
    its not me who is saying this its you own so called ulema saying that watch again and let others decide who is blind and dumb

  64. This is again total to fabricate this piece of paper claiming it is Nawa-i-Waqt article. It is made by Qadiani brain in a Qadiani press.

    No body knew who and who are these 72 or 73 sects in Islam.

    Why they will say we 72 have decided to make this one to separate - to give you chance to say - See according to Hadith, we are the ONE whom Rasool blessed to go Jannah.

    Maulvis and Maulanas are not that naive and stupid as you tell your Ahmadis.

    There are numerous Hadith saying Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet and there is no Prophet after him.

    Why don't you read those AHadith and question your elders how this Mirza became one?

    Lies like in this Ahmadi created blog does not work in Internet age.

    Internet has killed the Qadianiat and fully exposed the false nabi's falsehood.

    Bring something authentic to show me rather than one of your own Blog. These tricks don't work in this era. You are still in 1901 with your Mirza deluding Nabuwat.

    This is 2011, bring "true Facts". read my post 3 times to understand and not to post same link and same 3 lines post after post.

    if you are not a Murabbii yourself, than go and take few lessons and come prepared like your MTA Rae Huda jahils. I suggested all these Punjabi Murabbis need to be replaced. They are totally dumb. Induct fresh blood and have a Versatile jamat. At the moment, it is Punjabi Mafia domination under the Mirza dynasty.

    This is my last post on your 72-73 stale game.

    You are not 73, as they are Muslim sects. It is proven without doubt the religion of Mirza could be any thing but Islam. You may call it any thing - true Islam or whatever you like - but outside Pakistan. In Pakistan, you are unanimously declared non-muslims - for now and forever.

    Preach your religion as "True Islam" outside Pakistan. We don't mind and we will see the results of your efforts. How successful you will be to spread falsehood cake with true islam icing.

  65. @mohsin lol this is not your rubbish interpretations which you normally do that what ever you say will be taken, go and check newspaper archives you have the date and year

  66. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself made the following two statements (before Satan got infused in him):

    “I believe in all the items of faith as prescribed by the Sunni School of Islam and I accept everything that is according to the Quran and Hadith. I fully subscribe to the doctrine that Muhammad is the last of all Prophets, and that any claimant to Prophethood after him is an impostor and a Kafir. It is my belief that the revelations of Prophethood started with Adam and closed with the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)”.
    (Majmuha-Estaharet, P. 230-231; Tableegh-i-Risalat, Vol 2, Page 20 -
    Also appeared in a Qadiani poster dated Oct 2, 1891; 20 Shaaban, 1313 A.H.)
    “I consider that man who rejects the doctrine of Last Prophethood is a disbeliever and outside the pale of Islam.”
    (Tableegh-i-Risalat, Vol 2, Page 44 - Also read out in Congregation of Jama Masjid, Dehli, Oct. 23, 1891)

  67. These quotes are pre-1901 (before he finally claimed to be Nabi)

    In 1891, after MGAQ claimed to be Esa, the Ulema of India declared him a Kafir.

    He immediately denied this Prophethood claim. He kept quiet on this Issue for 10 years.

    In Nov 1901, MGAQ wrote a pamphlet entitled ‘Eik Ghalti Ka Izala’…“Correction of an error” where he disclosed, that in fact he was appointed Prophet in 1880 but his followers made a MISTAKE (Ghalti) in recognizing him so I wrote ‘Eik Ghalti Ka Izala’ for their CORRECTION.

    He should have been Prophet of Monkeys - jumping from one tree to another.

  68. @ mohsin watch YOU iSLAM

  69. mohsin watch YOU iSLAM


    The actions of a deviant minority do not represent the beliefs of the majority Ahle Sunnah. As for the Qadiyanis, they believe in a false prophet i.e. Gulam Mirza Qadiani. This belief in Mirza Qadiani makes them ALL KAFIR.

    Notice I did not use the name Ahmed when referring to Gulam Mirza. I would strongly advise not to attribute the name Ahmed when refferring to this imposter (Gulam Mirza) as this is also a name given to the beloved true prophet Muhummud SW.

  70. Agree

    Mirza G Qadiani was supposed to be Ghulam(slave) of Ahmad e Mujtaba(pbuh)by the virtue of his name but this Transgressor was so wicked and disloyal, that he tried to rob his Master and take his position.

    But he miserably failed and his crookedness fully exposed to all Muslims.

    I prefer to call him Mirza G. And his followers as Ghulams of Mirza G.


  71. And you dont want me to send links to you in regards to SHYKH UL ISLAM tahir ul qadri how many "SMALL DEVIANT groups" do you want to know about

  72. Just focus on Quran and Hadith - don't look for any Groups or Cults - ALLAH and HIS Rasool should be sufficient source of Guidance for you.

  73. where is mohsin by the way or is he hiding,

    and this small deviant group you are calling is involved in a biggest sin of "SHIRK" nothing in comparison to believing in false prophet

    Still they are part of your ISLAM and you dont even like this to be hilighted in fact you are defending them , Did your so called Ummah ever tried declaring them NON MUSLIM


    How foolish can a qadiyani get?

    The following is an example of kufur

    Mirza is God

    "I saw in one of my vision that I myself am God and believed that I am Him." (Kitab-ul-Bariayh, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.103)

    The following is an example of shirk

    Mirza, the son of god

    "You are from me, like my own son..... Since in this age, stupid Christians had made Jesus God, therefore Divine expedience wanted that more forceful words are used for this humble self so that the eyes of Christians open and they understand that those words with which they make Jesus as God, there is one in this Ummah also for whom more forceful words of such kinds have been used." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 89 + footnote)

    So there you have it, your false prophet commited shirk and kufar.

  74. I will not believe in a false prophet. If any one is doing Shirk, he will be answerable to ALLAH. Qadianis would not have been declared non-muslims if they had not committed May 29, 1974 train attack. Qadri will also make some blunder and will come under Ulemas' knife.

  75. Exposure of corruption and scandlous conduct is no way offense keep up sister findings

  76. well according to you it means Qadianis were declared non muslims not on the basis of there faith, or belief but because of train attack may 29 1974
    well what a criteria for declaring any one muslim or non muslim, salute to so called ULEMAS

    As far as Qadri comming under the knife of ULEMAS
    which ULEMAS????

    And who knows who will be next under there knife
    may be "YOU"

  77. How ALLAH will give them any success? Building few Masjid e Zarar type mosque is not success. yes, these mosques are used to collect more donations for propagation of their religion. Is it expanding? make a office in any country and live like a closed community is no expansion. Their Messiah was Fake and their religion is just distortion of Islam. They could have succeeded if they had burnt all their books and they were not available today. Now people are making them Laughing Stock by giving them references from their books and they are so stubborn, always come up with some very illogical explanation to defend Mrza G's blunders. And since it is Lie in support of Lie, they get further humiliated. And it goes and they keep on changing their stances - Not even consistent Liars - but true followers of one who also kept on jumping from one position to another - that is why I always say it would have been better if he was made - Prophet of Monkeys - jumping from one Tree to another Tree.

    They are under self-delusion. The Muslims world over know the reality of their beliefs so they should come out of this dream to convert them en'masse - few they can always fool by posing their religion same as Islam - otherwise, they failed to attract followers of other religion - Christianity, Judaism, Hindus, Buddhists or even Atheist.

    Their victims were only Punjabis fooled by Mirza G. Now their progeny is one in majority in 3C - Chanda Collection Cult.

    No hope for Fake Messiah success.

  78. Anonymous said...10 November 2011 21:55
    well according to you it means Qadianis were declared non muslims not on the basis of there faith, or belief but because of train attack may 29 1974
    well what a criteria for declaring any one muslim or non muslim, salute to so called ULEMAS(That was like caught for Speeding but later found you were driving then found you were under DUI & DWI - after further investigations you were found a proclaimed offender and absconding criminal- so it started all with Mirza Tahir led attack on students - later this mancho was chosen by God to lead you- what a joke - it can amuse you only - you are such a fool among human beings - either you are really dumb or pretend so when you come up Logic to defend yourself)


    As far as Qadri comming under the knife of ULEMAS
    which ULEMAS????

    Qadri was a policeman - not one from Ulema - you should also watch and respect Muslims passions. There are majority of Muslims out there who will not talk you so nicely when they see reverence of rasool is being threatend - my advice. Your past record is also not so good. You also attacked people and killed many until you were put under observation by Constitution. i am insider, so don't let me open the mouth.You plotted to kill Ulema of KN - in history and most recently also. Don't pose so pious and civilized - I know how low you can go.

    And who knows who will be next under there knife
    may be "YOU"

    You should thank GOD and stop false propaganda of persecution. Except Lahore incident, you were always in peace. And Lahore attack was more of terrorism than a communal attack. Sunni, Shia mosques, Army, Naval HQ - all were attacked this way. Behave like a declared Minority and respect country's law and passions of Muslims for reverence of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)- that is for the safety of those Ahmadis still in Pakistan and waiting to fly out with the help of Persecution media campaign.

    No one is your enemy except YOU yourself
    3M - still your well wisher

  79. how could this fake amir ever mention about hajj when hajj is not at all important for wqadiyani people?
    well fi you dnt know blog writer, then let me tell you that these people do "zile hajj" i.e. the shadow of hajj in qadiyan india. because they say that mostly people cnt visit makkah (as they cnt tell the truth that they will be beheaded if they ever takje their steps on that blessed and pure land). so please dont panic. this man can only collect chanda in which he is the best. you knoe beggers know only beging and please dnt mind my spell mistakes.
