
Tuesday 8 November 2011


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I would like to share something with you all! I thought this table of 'Religious Affiliation of History's 100 Most Influential People', would be of interest to the Ahmadis out there! "Note that many influential philosophies (such as Marxist Communism or Confucianism) are not always classified as organized "religions" in the traditional sense, but are classified as such by sociologists because they are a primary motivational worldview for individuals, cultures or subcultures." So if they can make the grade as below, then I am 99.9% that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, will definitely be on this list! He just has to be! He is after all, the Messiah of all Religions, as promised to mankind! He is the founder of a dymanic, fast growing international movement in Islam, with members exceeding tens of millions!

Anyways, let's see if we can Spot Mirza! Think 'Where's Wally' but a 'Mirza Manhunt' instead! Ready? Yay!

Taken from Michael Hart's book: The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History:

1 Muhammad Islam Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia; Hart recognized that ranking Muhammad first might be controversial, but felt that, from a secular historian's perspective, this was the correct choice because Muhammad is the only man to have been both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader. More
2 Isaac Newton Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e.,
Athanasianism; believed in the Arianism
of the Primitive Church)
physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion
3 Jesus Christ * Judaism; Christianity founder of Christianity
4 Buddha Hinduism; Buddhism founder of Buddhism
5 Confucius Confucianism founder of Confucianism
6 St. Paul Judaism; Christianity proselytizer of Christianity
7 Ts'ai Lun Chinese traditional religion inventor of paper
8 Johann Gutenberg Catholic developed movable type; printed Bibles
9 Christopher Columbus Catholic explorer; led Europe to Americas
10 Albert Einstein Jewish physicist; relativity; Einsteinian physics
11 Louis Pasteur Catholic scientist; pasteurization
12 Galileo Galilei Catholic astronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system
13 Aristotle Platonism / Greek philosophy influential Greek philosopher
14 Euclid Platonism / Greek philosophy mathematician; Euclidian geometry
15 Moses Judaism major prophet of Judaism
16 Charles Darwin Anglican (nominal); Unitarian biologist; described Darwinian evolution, which had theological impact on many religions
17 Shih Huang Ti Chinese traditional religion Chinese emperor
18 Augustus Caesar Roman state paganism ruler
19 Nicolaus Copernicus Catholic (priest) astronomer; taught heliocentricity
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Catholic father of modern chemistry; philosopher; economist
21 Constantine the Great Roman state paganism; Christianity Roman emperor who completely legalized Christianity, leading to its status as state religion. Convened the First Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicene Creed, which rejected Arianism (one of two major strains of Christian thought) and established Athanasianism (Trinitarianism, the other strain) as "official doctrine."
22 James Watt Presbyterian (lapsed) developed steam engine
23 Michael Faraday Sandemanian physicist; chemist; discovery of magneto-electricity
24 James Clerk Maxwell Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptist physicist; electromagnetic spectrum
25 Martin Luther Catholic; Lutheran founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism
26 George Washington Episcopalian first president of United States
27 Karl Marx Jewish; Lutheran;
Atheist; Marxism/Communism
founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism
28 Orville and Wilbur Wright United Brethren inventors of airplane
29 Genghis Khan Mongolian shamanism Mongol conqueror
30 Adam Smith Liberal Protestant economist; philosopher; expositor of capitalism; author: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
31 Edward de Vere
a.k.a. William Shakespeare
Catholic; Anglican literature; also wrote 6 volumes about philosophy and religion
32 John Dalton Quaker chemist; physicist; atomic theory; law of partial pressures (Dalton's law)
33 Alexander the Great Greek state paganism conqueror
34 Napoleon Bonaparte Catholic (nominal) French conqueror
35 Thomas Edison Congregationalist; agnostic inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc.
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek Dutch Reformed microscopes; studied microscopic life
37 William T.G. Morton ?? pioneer in anesthesiology
38 Guglielmo Marconi Catholic and Anglican inventor of radio
39 Adolf Hitler Nazism; born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism conqueror; led Axis Powers in WWII
40 Plato Platonism / Greek philosophy founder of Platonism
41 Oliver Cromwell Puritan (Protestant) British political and military leader
42 Alexander Graham Bell Unitarian/Universalist inventor of telephone *
43 Alexander Fleming Catholic penicillin; advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy
44 John Locke raised Puritan (Anglican);
Liberal Christian
philosopher and liberal theologian
45 Ludwig van Beethoven Catholic composer
46 Werner Heisenberg Lutheran a founder of quantum mechanics; discovered principle of uncertainty; head of Nazi Germany's nuclear program
47 Louis Daguerre ?? an inventor/pioneer of photography
48 Simon Bolivar Catholic (nominal); Atheist National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
49 Rene Descartes Catholic Rationalist philosopher and mathematician
50 Michelangelo Catholic painter; sculptor; architect
51 Pope Urban II Catholic called for First Crusade
52 'Umar ibn al-Khattab Islam Second Caliph; expanded Muslim empire
53 Asoka Buddhism king of India who converted to and spread Buddhism
54 St. Augustine Greek state paganism; Manicheanism; Catholic Early Christian theologian
55 William Harvey Anglican (nominal) described the circulation of blood; wrote Essays on the Generation of Animals, the basis for modern embryology
56 Ernest Rutherford ?? physicist; pioneer of subatomic physics
57 John Calvin Protestant; Calvinism Protestant reformer; founder of Calvinism
58 Gregor Mendel Catholic (Augustinian monk) Mendelian genetics
59 Max Planck Protestant physicist; thermodynamics
60 Joseph Lister Quaker principal discoverer of antiseptics which greatly reduced surgical mortality
61 Nikolaus August Otto ?? built first four-stroke internal combustion engine
62 Francisco Pizarro Catholic Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas
63 Hernando Cortes Catholic conquered Mexico for Spain; through war and introduction of new diseases he largely destroyed Aztec civilization
64 Thomas Jefferson Episcopalian; Deist 3rd president of United States
65 Queen Isabella I Catholic Spanish ruler
66 Joseph Stalin Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism revolutionary and ruler of USSR
67 Julius Caesar Roman state paganism Roman emperor
68 William the Conqueror Catholic laid foundation of modern England
69 Sigmund Freud Jewish; atheist; Freudian psychology/psychoanalysis founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the "religion of Freudianism")
70 Edward Jenner Anglican discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox
71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen ?? discovered X-rays
72 Johann Sebastian Bach Lutheran; Catholic composer
73 Lao Tzu Taoism founder of Taoism
74 Voltaire raised in Jansenism;
later Deist
writer and philosopher; wrote Candide
75 Johannes Kepler Lutheran astronomer; planetary motions
76 Enrico Fermi Catholic initiated the atomic age; father of atom bomb
77 Leonhard Euler Calvinist physicist; mathematician; differential and integral calculus and algebra
78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau born Protestant;
converted as a teen to Catholic;
later Deist
French deistic philosopher and author
79 Nicoli Machiavelli Catholic wrote The Prince (influential political treatise)
80 Thomas Malthus Anglican (cleric) economist; wrote Essay on the Principle of Population
81 John F. Kennedy Catholic U.S. President who led first successful effort by humans to travel to another "planet"
82 Gregory Pincus Jewish endocrinologist; developed birth-control pill
83 Mani Manicheanism founder of Manicheanism, once a world religion which rivaled Christianity in strength
84 Lenin Russian Orthodox;
Atheist; Marxism/Communism
Russian ruler
85 Sui Wen Ti Chinese traditional religion unified China
86 Vasco da Gama Catholic navigator; discovered route from Europe to India around Cape Hood
87 Cyrus the Great Zoroastrianism founder of Persian empire
88 Peter the Great Russian Orthodox forged Russia into a great European nation
89 Mao Zedong Atheist; Communism; Maoism founder of Maoism, Chinese form of Communism
90 Francis Bacon Anglican philosopher; delineated inductive scientific method
91 Henry Ford Protestant developed automobile; achievement in manufacturing and assembly
92 Mencius Confucianism philosopher; founder of a school of Confucianism
93 Zoroaster Zoroastrianism founder of Zoroastrianism
94 Queen Elizabeth I Anglican British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary
95 Mikhail Gorbachev Russian Orthodox Russian premier who helped end Communism in USSR
96 Menes Egyptian paganism unified Upper and Lower Egypt
97 Charlemagne Catholic Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD
98 Homer Greek paganism epic poet
99 Justinian I Catholic Roman emperor; reconquered Mediterranean empire; accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism
100 Mahavira Hinduism; Jainism founder of Jainism

Oooops! No Mirza Ghulam Ahmad! Where is he hiding? Oh, thats right, he isn't hiding because no one has ever heard of him! Great Messiah he turned out to be! Have you guys read the Ahadith on the Messiah? The Mahdi? I suggest you do and then realise that HAD they come, there is no way would have been missed off this list!

I mean even Adolf Flammin' Hitler manages to make the cut, so has some Homer Simpson of Greek Paganism, so where is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi? Why has he failed to make such an impact, that even a random author of a random book failed to pick up on him, but chooses to mention Menes? The guy who invented X Rays is there, but the guy who was the awaited One with Allah by his side isn't? Still, it is great to see Hart recognising the status of the Prophet Muhammad SAAWS! How come his subordinate, most ardent devotee isn't on there with him? How come the original Jesus is on there, but his 2nd coming isn't? Common Sense..lets use it!

I know its just a random list but come on now, if JFK can make the grade, why hasn't Allah's promised one? You would think Mr Hart, the guy behind the list, would have at least had the common courtesy to put MGA above JFK! Surely he would have come to heard about him from somewhere!

Oh the shame! Even Leader of the Nations and Ameerul Momi'neen Mirza Masroor Ahmad, head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Faith, didn't even cut the mustard! I have looked for Mirza Mas Ahmad everywhere on this list (2011) and cannot find him! Can you find Mas?


Watkins: The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People


1. Eckhart Tolle 34. Joseph Alois Ratzinger 67. John Bradshaw
2. Dalai Lama 35. Krishna Das 68. Jeff Foster
3. Dr Wayne W. Dyer 36. Drunvalo Melchizedek 69. Patrick Holford
4. Thich Nhat Hanh 37. Sai Baba 70. Andrew Cohen
5. Deepak Chopra 38. Jack Kornfield 71. Vladimir Megre
6. Louise L. Hay 39. Pema Chödrön 72. Thomas Cleary
7. Paulo Coelho 40. T.K.V. Desikachar 73. Daniel Pinchbeck
8. Oprah Winfrey 41. Esther & Jerry Hicks 74. Jonathan Goldman
9. Ken Wilber 42. Dan Brown 75. Sonia Choquette
10. Rhonda Byrne 43. Z’ev Ben Shimon Halevi 76. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
11. James Redfield 44. Diana Cooper 77. Mother Meera
12. Neale Donald Walsch 45. Ram Dass 78. Barefoot Doctor
13. Doreen Virtue 46. Andrew Weil 79. Richard Bandler
14. Alejandro Jodorowsky 47. Satya Narayan Goenka 80. Robert Bly
15. Richard Bach 48. Jon Kabat-Zinn 81. Adyashanti
16. Alex Grey 49. Alan Moore 82. Sogyal Rinpoche
17. Byron Katie 50. Dan Millman 83. Li Hongzhi
18. Masaru Emoto 51. Bruce Lipton 84. Sri Bhagavan
19. Nelson Mandela 52. Peter Kingsley 85. Rupert Sheldrake
20. Bernie Siegel 53. Karen Armstrong 86. John & Caitlín Matthews
21. Caroline Myss 54. Judy Hall 87. Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
22. Brian Weiss 55. Colin Wilson 88. Kenneth Grant*
23. Mantak Chia 56. Joscelyn Godwin 89. Stanislav Grof
24. John Gray 57. James Lovelock 90. James Hillman
25. Gregg Braden 58. Satish Kumar 91. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
26. Stephen R. Covey 59. Shakti Gawain 92. Stephen Levine
27. Marianne Williamson 60. Elaine Pagels 93. Candace Pert
28. Desmond Tutu 61. Kyozan Joshu Sasaki 94. Barbara Ann Brennan
29. Mata Amritanandamayi 62. Gary Zukav 95. Coleman Barks
30. Philip Berg 63. Erich von Däniken 96. Robert Thurman
31. Ervin Laszlo 64. David Deida 97. B.K.S Iyengar
32. Andrew Harvey 65. Oberto Airaudi ‘Falcon’ 98. William Bloom
33. Don Miguel Ruiz 66. Stuart Wilde 99. Lynne McTaggart
(for full details read the 100 List in the Watkins Review #26) 100. Marion Woodman

WOW! Ahmadiyyat really is making its mark on the world! What a revolution this has turned out to be! Mind blowing! Earth Shattering! Wow! Just Wow!

Yeah I know, they are lists that mean nothing but considering the depth of the claims of Mirza and his family and had they been true; I would, as a rational thinker, expect at least one of them to be on either of the two lists! Oh and Ahmadis before you say 'oh that's just a white man list', remember the 'white man list' has mentioned prominent Muslims  and isn't it the white man with whom you have first class relations with? Well then....! A number of Indian/Hindus made the second list; they come from the land of Mirza Ghulam and still managed to outdo him and his living Khalifa! How does that figure?

OK we all know how uninspiring that bumbling oaf of a 'Khalifa' Mas is, so maybe the world renowned Mirza Tahir Ahmad could have made the first list? Mind you, he isn't so world renowned is he? LOL. And oh the shame, the only few figures the Jamaat of Scamadiyya has under its belt: Dr. Abdus Salaam and Ch. Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, failed to make their mark too! LOL. Ahmadiyya is of no significance to the world... but the Ahmadiyya leads its followers to believe the world spins around them and everything happens because of them! Earthquakes, floods and wars, you name it, it is because of them! Guess what? No one cares! There is a world outside of the Cult!

I think I have found the reason Mirza Masroor Ahmad failed to make the list (be warned, it might make you drowsy)! Click here to see the Uninspirational in Action-Figure!

Ahmadis...use your common sense! There is no victory. There is no impact. There is no influence!


  1. Lol! Touche girl, Touche!

  2. LOL! I always knew that their arrogance and boastfulness will catch up with them some day, thank you for sharing this Sister Findings :)

  3. toooooo funny! lol!

    the sooner these people realise it is a sham, the better!

  4. Every religious minority group that has extreme reverence to their leader sees themselves the same way Ahmadiyya does.

    Look into Mohammed Burhanuddin (

  5. Considering the extent of Mirza and his so-called Khulafa's claims.......funny how they never quite 'made it' in the real world. I would expect to see results!

  6. Despite all of this they are still tripping over the 'yeah but' and 'no but' issue of Jesus returning! How can he (as) return! It's absurd! It breaks the seal of prophethood! That is all they trip about. They will believe in this Messy Mood as its better that than believer Jesus will return. They are very childish.

  7. Called Mirza on his Hot Line in Hell Molten Oven Hotel and his explanation is

    "I am all of these 100" but save my @$$ - the Angels of Hell are working in 3 Shifts to beat it with Molten rods.

    Mohsin (can't save his...)

  8. The 500 Most Influential Muslims:
    Worth a read!

  9. all muslim bros hat is the problem with so called muslims like you
    atleast our beliefs are one and right but no matter what we do is something else?
    do you have the slightest of idea what you are saying.

    You also want religion to your own liking you amend it the way you please , you talk about holy prophet but when it comes to his teaching you damn care ,
    go and sit quitely away from the whole world because according to you all muslims are spoiled , AGREED look at you self only look what your ammal is for a minute forget about ahmmadiyyat ,Islam etc
    are you acting according to any islam NO because non of the Islam is worthy according to your beliefs.
    let alone the finality issue of the prophet if a day comes where something is against wishes and desire you will challenge even GOD nauzobillah

    So when some onesay findings is lost that is exactly what it means

  10. @ mohsin you rubbish blogs are reflecting your frustration

    It is very satisfying

  11. Why he could not make up to this Top 100 list? I doubt even if there was a 100,000 list, he would have been rejected for his controversial claim of a Prophethood.

    MGAQ had no significant beneficial contributions for human beings. And we have to even see if he was having a mental disorder as he was changing his mind every day about his status.

    "Hazrat Saheb was a chronic melancholic. This illness was inherited. Mirza sahab had a real uncle (maternal) whose name was Mirza Jamiat Baig. He had one son and one daughter and both were suffering from mental defects. Boy’s name was Mirza Sher Ali. Girl was Hurmat Bibi. She got married to Hazrat Sahab"
    (Seerat-ul-Mahdi part I p.51)

    How "lucky" he was - got a wife also of his own type?

    How a person of following physical ailments can be nominated for top 100?

    "This decrepid is suffering from weakness of brain. for long time after I got married. I used to think that Iam impotent."
    (Letter By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani date: 22/2/1887 in Maktoobate Ahmadiyya Vol. 5, p. 14 copied from Navishta-e-Ghaib By Khalid Wazirabadi)

    Writng to Hakeem Nooruddin, Mirza says:
    " I have great improvment with your medicines. Few diseases like lethargy and gastric acidity have been cured by it. I had one very serious problem that the erection used to subside when I laid down for intercourse. Lack of sexual energy was it’s cause. So with your medicines my sexual power have returned."
    (MAKTOOBAT-E-AHMADIYYA, Vol 5, No.2 Collection of letters by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    "Revelation was sent to me regarding marriage; at that time my heart and brain and body were very weak. Apart from diabetes mellitus and dizziness in the head and sadness of heart (Depression), I was suffering from tuberculosis also."
    (Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vo.18 p.587 footnote By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    Sometimes I fall on the ground from the severity of headache. The giddiness reduces the amount of blood and slows down its flow and circulation. This condition is very bad. (Roohani Khazain Volume 21 – 79 – Braheen Ahmadiyya Volume 5 P205)

    I am a chronic patient (Roohani Khazain Volume 19 – 68 – Naseem-e-Dawat P 68)

    “At the time of marriage my heart and brain were very weak and I was suffering with dizziness have been with me for long time;because of these I had bitterness (sadness) of the heart (depression)and the absence of sexual power.” (Tiryaq-ul-Quloob Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.203 By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    ” I have great improvment with your medicines. Few diseases like lethargy and gastric acidity have been cureed by it. I had one very serious problem that the erection used to subside when I leid down for intercourse. Lack of sexual energy was it’s cause. So with your medicines my sexual power have returned.”(MAKTOOBAT-E-AHMADIYYA, Vol 5, No.2 Collection of letters by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    “Revelation was sent to me regarding marriage; at that time my heart and brain and body were very weak. Apart from diabetes mellitus and dizziness in the head and sadness of heart (Depression), I was suffering from tuberculosis also.”(Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vo.18 p.587 footnote By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

    “You behold! Hazrat (SAW) had foretold about my illness also which has come to pass likewise: He had said that when Masih will descend from the sky he will be wearing two saffron-coloured sheets of cloth. Therefore, same way, I have two diseases, one in the upper part of the body, viz., Hysteromania, and the other, excessive urination, in the lower part”. (Malfoozat-e-Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, Vol. 8, p. 445)

    Was any other "false claimer of prophethood" so sick? Or he is the "best" of all.


  12. Lets be fair...

    Mirza Masroor has a sizable following, is somewhat known in Pakistan, parts of Western Africa and Ahmadi districts of the UK. He's not a complete nobody figure. He effectively has direct control over people's lives, and people obey what he says - including several personal friends of mine. Give credit where its due.

    But when you zoom out, you see the full story: The Muslim world has always had break-away fringe groups like the one he leads. He's one of dozens of religious figures with his kind of clout. In fact, others have significantly larger followings. All of them make the same claim: that they alone are the guardians of the "true Islam", and they alone represent guidance amongst a sea of misguided Muslims.

    But, the Muslim community sees these fringe movements as off the beaten, the established since day 1 of Islam. Its an new path off the pure way of the Prophet Muhammad SAAWS to follow a self-claimed prophet.

    There's a lot of admire in Ahmadiyya. Lots of positives we could all learn from. But, their influence and ascendancy is simply not reality. Few care about them outside of the Desi community. They are hemorrhaging their youth to traditional Islam. They are not this fast-pace rapidly expanding faith they present themselves as.

    May Allah guide us all to what is right.

  13. while i see these lists as nothing but propaganda from the white man (no one from the Ummah of our Prophet [saw] was on any of those lists except Hazrat Umar [ra]) its still worth to note that this shatters the jamats claims of being "dynamic" or "global"

    they are nobodies ... except in Pakistan and surrounding areas ... where Mirza is famous for "dying on the toilet"

    you wont see them on any type of list like this ... even if it wasn't from the white man

  14. Farhan - Always agree to your very precised but very comprehensive analyses. Islam always had splinter groups but Mirza crossed all limits in damaging Islam and attacking sacredness of Prophet Muhammad(saw). They may be the most organized community and they may also have very successful people from all walks of life.

    But I will never join them for these reasons. The first thing someone considers before joining a religious jamat is - what is their Belief? And Mirza's belief is known to us.

    Mohsin (who has no frustration at all but peace of mind and peace of heart for rejecting the Falsehood and embracing Islam of Muhammad - pbuh - I know Muslims have lot of weaknesses but Islam of Muhammad does not have any flaw - proud to be under the Flag of Muhammad & tearing down ahmadiyya flag - which has White Minaret meant for hazrat Essa(as) but this dajjal violated the copyrights by preparing a dummy one in Qadian and then Qadianis putting it on their flag - but their future is as black as their flag )

  15. How someone whose all "God told" Prophesies failed can be relied for his Prophethood claim? His most humiliating prophesy failure after Muhammdi Begum's was one for Abdulla Athom.

    But Qadianis always come up with some "consolation proof of fulfillment" to keep their followers fooled and stay loyal to falsehood.

    The similar one they came up with their "great brains" is Athom died in Mirza's life time so that prophesy became true.

    Start from page 534 onwards.

    My response in next post...


  16. Casual bystander9 November 2011 at 07:00

    @ findings. As much as I do wish you and everyone in this blog the best. It also shows how low one can get in his spite and personal vendetta that common sense in over looked. You started off on the right track until spite got the better of you and started clutching to any random artifact.
    I hope that you did notice that none of our other Islamic scholars are on the list either. See both sides of the coin. Be suttle in your presentation. Instead of slandering and being biased. Show ppl both sides and let them be the judge.

  17. Read the Prophesies about Athom again in following Post to know it was not a Mubahila that the Liar will die in true man's life but Mirza's one sided Prophesy which he made after losing the debate.

    Mirza's prediction based on his so called "God told me Prophesy was - he will die within 15 months". This man never made any such prediction, that he will not die or Mirza will die. This man had simple logic during the debate - that don't confuse me about Christ's death or second coming - I have come to you after hearing your claim of being second coming of Jesus son of Mary. The Christ I believe was curing blind, deaf and paralyzed people. I will bring you these three type of people and you as a prophet of God cure them like my Christ did, otherwise, you are a liar. Now, Mirza knew he was fake and can't heal people so he came up with the below mentioned Revelations and a certain date of Atham's death. It didn't happen.

    Read the desperation and panic of Mirza when he noted his Revelation is becoming untrue. He spent the last night crying and praying all night with others for the death of Athom. He made 'DUM" on pebbles and asked these to be thrown in some nearby well which will make Athom die. Despite this nothing happened. This man didn't counter challenge that he will not die or Mirza will die. So if he later died his natural death, that does not mean the Credit goes to Mirza. Athom proved him wrong twice - first when Mirza could not treat as Jesus used to treat people by his miracles - second when Mirza's prophesies failed for a death by certian date which according to him - was Gold told - so by these false prophesies he made God wrong which was not the case.

    The fact of matter is either he was making all these false Prophesies himself or "he was really feeling so that God is telling him to say this - which happens in patients of melancholy - or these were mere Satan whispers to him.

    It is very typical of Qadianis to never admit defeat and always come up with illogical explanations to hide the truth and justify their lies and falsehood. So never get confuse by Qadiani Taweelat. A little common sense will expose their lies.


  18. Mirza said:

    "God has informed me last night that 'He who is delibrately lying, leaving the true God and making a simple man God, he will be punished by being thrown in hell within 15 months and will be disgraced unless he accepts the truth (that is Islam). And he who is on truth and believes in true God, his honour will be restored. And when this prophecy is fulfilled some blind will start seeing, paralysed start walking and deaf start hearing." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.292)

    Mirza declared:

    "I ADMIT if this prophecy proves to be false, that is he who is wrong is not punished by death withn 15 months from today, I am prepared to recieve any punishment, I should be disgraced, paint my face black, put a rope around my neck, hang me. I am ready for every punishment and I swear upon God that He will definitely fulfil it, definitely fulfil it, definitely fulfil it. Earth and Heavens can change but His words can never be anulled." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.293)

    Mirza agreed that if the sign of his truthfulness is not shown, then he will admit that he is not from God and will give up his Islamic faith or give away half of his property for the propagation of Christianity. (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.48-49)

    God told Mirza:

    "Although he (Atham) will die earlier but if not, sun of the last day of 15th month will not set until Atham dies." (AlHakam Newspaper Qadian dated 7th Sept 1923)

    Sun went down, but nothing happened except stamping another Seal on False Prophet.


  19. Mirza gathered his followers in the mosque and reassured them that SUN WILL NOT RISE and ATHAM WILL BE DEAD. He ordered them to pray whole night Whole night voices were crying out from every house: O God! May Atham die. O God! May Atham die. But Alas! nothing happened. (Raees-e-Qadian vol2 p.172)

    5th September came and pass. On 6th September 1894, Christians took out a procession to celebrate the victory of Atham over Mirza. They ridiculed and lampooned Islam. For them, Mirza and Islam were synonymous. What a service to Islam!

    Every word of this Grand Prophecy proved to be false:

    Atham did not embrace Islam.
    He did not die within 15 months.
    He was not disgraced.
    Mirza was humiliated.
    No blind man started seeing, no deaf started hearing, no paralysed started walking.

    How a sick fake Messiah can heal any one when he could not fix his own mental disorder - melancholia? - which let him feel like "receiving revelations, seeing angels, talking to God" - but all these were his illusions due to non-treatment of melancholia.

    Messy Mood was a sick man who used his sickness to establish a Prophet institution to collect Chandas from people who can be fooled. Later this fraud in the name of Mirza's prophethood continued in next generations of Mirza and those who were fooled by him.


  20. "He is after all, the Messiah of all Religions, as promised to mankind! He is the founder of a dymanic, fast growing international movement in Islam, with members exceeding tens of millions!"
    I appreciate your sense of humor for quoting it. have to market their Messy Mood PM, so no objection to them for claiming it. If they don't make this false claim, no one will pay them a single penny. Then who will finance the Cult expenses?

  21. Why India and Israel have soft corner for AMJ and supporting the jamat in all possible ways? An enemy of enemy is best friend.

  22. MGAQ can appear in 100 list and may top it also if it was compiled for "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Dubious Persons in History".

  23. What poxy man made list is this and who cares?

    If you are trying to let us know that nobody has heard of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed then what is all the fuss about? ie. your blog and all the hate from every nation?

  24. @ Farhan

    Mohammed Burhanuddin? He just about has a wikipedia page and you are commenting under top 100 influential persons in history? More and more people ARE hearing of the Promised Messiah (as) and his claims in today's society, don't you think?

  25. Hey Findings, even your top scholar Zakir Naik isn't on this list. He seems to think he is the most popular Muslim preacher in the world. He can't be too happy about this list. Who's Michael Heart and what relevance does he have to Islam?

  26. @ anon 9:06
    I will tell you what the fuss about
    the fuss is about
    the truth vs lie
    the momineen vs munkireen
    the worry of spread of ahmadiyyat
    they just cant bear it

  27. Hey Findings, even our top Scientist Dr. Abdus Salam isn't on this list. I think he was the best scientist after Albert Eienstein . We are not too happy about this list. Why Michael Heart has not included any one from our true Islam? Who gave him authority to make such list? I ask all Ahmadis not to buy his book.

  28. He can't include Jesus Christ twice in the list to make Ahmadis happy.

    Why don't publish your own book of this type and put your Punjabi Messih on top of the list?

    Tehrik-e-Jadid funds can provide you few hundred pounds to satisfy ego of all of you.

    But make a free distribution of the book to all Ahmadis. Don't ask them to make "sacrifice" to buy this book. They have already paid you in advance as TJ fund.

    Don't follow your Mirza Barlas tradition, who took advance of 50 volumes of Brahin e Ahmadiyya but gave them only 5.

    That is why his name was not included in this list for committing many frauds like this and due to his loose character (stalking Muhammadi Begum and blackmailing her family and usurping their plot).

    This is list of most Influential people, not a list of most Controversial people.

    How long you will stay deaf dumb and blind. Wake up and come to real life - than you will realize Mirza Barlas and his "Gadi Nasheens" were total fraud and their names can only come in some Criminals List.


  29. @ Farhan with all due respect brother, Mirza Masroor inherited this power! He himself is a man of weakness, little knowledge and very little charisma! Pakistani Ahmadies were already in a trance and indoctrinated and he simply took over the ropes. As it stands, he has little worth and nothing in the real world. @ anonymo0us 9:18 you are missing the point of the sister's post! Who is Dr Zakir Naik? Khalifa? Mahdi? Messih? No. Mirza claimed to be Mahdi/Messih amongst other things so why is his significance not felt? Also, the editor of this blog was an Ahmadi so of course she would have heard of it! and the 'nations' who know of you are the ones who have heard your barking of True Islam for too long now.

    The fact you are trying to compare Zakir Naik to Mirza Ghulam/ Ghulam of Mirza Masroor says it all.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

  30. Ridiculous statements from Ahmadis. They want it to be neutral but fact remains the table says it all! Bring a table where Mirza Masroor/Ghulam ibn Murtaza is mentioned and maybe we can compare the 'clout' of each. It is biased until there is a comparison to make. There isn't?

  31. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad seems to have made a big enough impact for you lot to devote your life in raising baseless and silly allegations against us. If he was so minor and insignificant, what are you doing? Why have so many blogs against him? Why have hate filled ANTI organizations created to tackle him?

  32. Who on Earth is comparing Zakir Naik to the Promised Messiah (as)? You cannot compare prophets to preachers. It was just an example of what a pointless topic and list this is.

  33. to anon 10.58

    Why do you need a man made table to compare anything? All you require is God, prayer and humbleness to search for the truth.

  34. I am sure PM (Punjabi Messih) had good chance to be in the list if the list was for 101 People

    100 Mahavira Hinduism; Jainism founder of Jainism

    101 Mirza Barlas Qadianism; Chandaism founder of Qadianism and Chanda Industry Ltd.

    Mohsin Heart

  35. @ anon 9.36

    "they just cant bear it"

    what are you talking about? who can't bear what? do you think any Ahmadis are losing any sleep over you, this blog or any other anti Ahmadi bloggers?


  36. The Messiah and Mahdi should have made this list because according to Ahadith both were going to make HUGE impacts. Why didn't they? Because neither has arrived! You obviously need to read up on the Hadith regarding the Messiah AND Mahdi ps: they are 2 separate individuals. Your lunatic of a Messiah got greedy and claimed all titles for himself.

  37. LOL I love this term 'Anti Ahmadiyya'...yet another to add to the Jargon bucket! LOL. Not losing sleep? Glad to hear it. Don't bother reading in future. Goodbye. Don't come again.

  38. LOL should have made THIS list. Get serious "idiot". This list is made by someone I have never heard of.

    Not my problem that you reject the hadith about them being ONE person. Must have been a "week" hadith.

  39. Anonymous 10:58 said

    "Bring a table where Mirza Masroor/Ghulam ibn Murtaza is mentioned"

    here is out table and it is available on internet
    Mujaddid/Masih Maoud/Mahdi
    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

    Khalifatul Masih I.
    Hakeem Noor-ud-Din

    Khalifatul Masih II.
    Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad

    Khalifatul Masih III.
    Mirza Nasir Ahmad

    Khalifatul Masih IV.
    Mirza Tahir Ahmad

    Khalifatul Masih V.
    Mirza Masroor Ahmad

    you don't have to include us something else but don't say we don't have our table. we have everything.

  40. Sister pointed out the list was 'nothing' and was just harmless fun. This has been acknowledged. I do not think she intends to 'prove or disprove' the Ahmadiyya theology using this as a weapon. Indeed it means nothing and does not hold much weight. This again is something she has acknowledged. What has been raised and Ahmadis seriously need to consider is why is their impact not recognized? Why are they absent in the World of Major Religions? Why, if the Mirza was truthful, is he/your 'sect' not more widely recognized? She is right. The Massih and the Imam Mahdi were not conditional 'characters'. They were going to make their presence known, with or without acceptance. The entire World would know of their arrival. Mirza failed to have any impact. The impact was going to be in the Time of the Massih not based on propoganda and propogation via television channels etc once he had passed on! That is not a sign! The time is NOW when it comes to the Massih- whoever he ends up being! Jesus or Not- Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was NOT who he claimed to be! Consider this 'pointless chart' as further proof.

    Good blog Sister. Very logical approach. Keep it Up! There are youngsters out there who are very clever and will eventually latch on to the truth. If our Lord and Master decides.

  41. Ahmadi Anonymous can you please show me where I might find this Hadith about the Mahdi and Massih being the same person? I await your response.

    Same 'old man' who has posted above RE: Article

  42. while he is at it can he please find the ahadith which outnumber the 'week' (weak) one hadith Ahmedis use to prove he is 2 in 1? we have to be neutral. it is only fair. ahmedis request it so we should provide neutrality!

  43. Anonymous said...
    to anon 10.58

    Why do you need a man made table to compare anything? All you require is God, prayer and humbleness to search for the truth.
    9 November 2011 11:24


    I like this loyal Ahmadi. He speaks MTA Rae Huda language. Completely brainwashed.

    My dear who ever you are - this list or any other unbiased lists like this are of the people who have left some major influence on the mankind - majority of mankind.

    This list is not for those people who made false claims to talk to God, not who prayed a lot, not who are very humble, and you ca't be there by mere Duas.

    You have to do something beneficial for people. Leave a good impression on people around you. And most of all if you changed the life of people for better and world was a better place to live because of you.

    The list is not for Liars, Thugs and Hypocrites who preach you "All you require is God, prayer and humbleness to search for the truth." but they require your Chandas, they pray you pay more and stay humble and keep on searching the truth as you will never find it - Stolen and kept in lockers of Mirza Cult Bank,Islamabad, Tilford, UK.

  44. findings what will happen to you if you get found out? will you kicked out? if so on what grounds will your behaviour warrant for expulsion? is breach of privacy 'unislamic' or would it be for insulting 'mas'? what could and would they do to you? what check box for expulsion grounds would you tick? can they kick you out for publishing documents?

  45. With respect brother Mohsin, not everyone on either of the lists are good people! What this list spells out is Mirza did not have any impact what so ever! Ahmadis mistake 'impact' as the rise of 'anti ahmadiyya' sites/blogs and the marches/rallies against them! They mistake the 1974 declaration as impact. They fail to realise that people are passionate about defending Islam- that is all! Such is the IMPACT of Prophet Muhammad saaws! SubhanAllah! He (saaws) made such an impact that people will defend anyone who poses a threat to the religion of Islam and ALL the messages passed down to us by the Prophet saaws. THIS IS NOT THE IMPACT OF MGA BUT THE IMPACT AND THE LOVE PEOPLE HAVE FOR ISLAM AND THE PROPHET SAAWS- hence the rise in 'Anti Ahmadiyya' groups. they confuse the 2 but then again their whole religion is confused so whats the difference!

  46. Anonymous 12:14

    Yes, they will find her one day like Pharaoh found Moses. But then it would be too late.

    Time and Tide on Findings' side.

    She is speaking the Truth whose Time has come.

    Cult has to collapse.

    Ahmadis and Ahmadiyya will always be there as Guidance comes on demand and not thrust on some one.

    But corrupt Cult leadership has to go. MAS>RAF>NAS have to go.

    Falsehood can survive but Tyrants are short timers.

  47. I could be caught but for now, alhamdulillah I am very, very safe! Allah is protecting me. He is Great! When and if that time comes, I hopefully will be long gone. Married/kicked out etc and will take what I have and carry on.

    So they lose either way.

  48. But yes it's interesting I wonder on what grounds they will kick me out of 'the true Islam'. LOL. Everyone questions their faith at the end of the day.... LOL. ;)

  49. To the person who asked for such hadith, here's is a fellow non Ahmadi talking about it:

  50. Findings - Agree, even the Pirs have impact on their Murids but the fact of matter is he is exploiting the weaknesses of his followers for his benefit.

    I don't see these sites as Anti Ahmadiyya - they are only highlighting flaws in their basic beliefs and teachings which are presented as Islam. I agree with you the people they are just defending their Islam and differentiating or drawing a line between Mirza's religion and Islam. None of these sites are spreading hatred against Ahmadis and saying they have no right to practice their religion.

    Let them stay confused. We are in no plan to convert them. We are only saving our eggs which they like us to hatch under their Mirza Hen. We are given these eggs to make Omelet not to give them to them in Chanda for making more Ahmadi chicks.They should be content with their quantity and focus more on quality. It is deteriorating day by day.

    But you need to keep them confused about your identity. (catch me if you can - floats like a butterfly and sting like a bee!)


  51. Munee Badnaam Hogay Findings Tere Liye!9 November 2011 at 12:44

    Do not fear the Nizaam, fear the Munee! When she finds out who you are, your life will not be worth living!

    May Allah protect you from them and her!

  52. LOL!!! Nice one..

    omg that video...lllooooooooooooool

  53. Their people on top very well know how true is their "true Islam" but they will never admit as it will close their Chanda industry.

    But I appreciate the "bravery" of these people who have no fear for accountability to God. They will not ruin their own faith and live-after but of their followers also.

  54. Instead of laughing, do comment on it. Maybe you're laughing at his beard.

  55. Lol I was actually remembering the Munee video!

    His beard is fab- no different than your mullah mas! oh and at least its clean trimmed unlike Mirza Ghulam's who dirty beard was crawling onto his lips.

    thanks. will watch the video properly later.

  56. As long as you keep your upper lip trimmed you have nothing to worry about :)

  57. threaded on the regular @ Sajna Salon in Tooting! Yes!

  58. Any explanation as to why MGA was not included on this list? Any explanation as to why Mas failed to meet the criteria for the Watkins list, despite being Ameerul Momi'neen? I mean, Operah made it?

    Please explain! Anti Ahmadis wait.

  59. Why this list? What authority does it have? There are scientists above PROPHETS on it. Get real.

  60. True. Then again, the Prophets of the 3 major religions are on there :P

    OK forget the first list...the second? Why didn't watkins recognise ameerul momineen mas?

    Like I explanation will do! Then I can close comments off.

  61. If Mirza knew Scientists are given more priority than Prophets, he would have claimed to be a Scientist also - but SCIENTIST of which SCIENCE he would have opted? Astronomy (God told me Mars is above Qadian)? Chemistry (of making Impotence tonics)?

  62. Hey Findings,
    munee aka shakira hayat is on the war path. She wants your guts for garters. She thought she dealt with you some months back. As for raffy boy, you've discredited him. The guy was desperate to make his name in Ahmadiyyat history. But the way you've exposed his ways, you've made him and his cronies into a laughing stock. Haven't you done enough damage to this Ameers reputation? We're hoping Huzoor doesn't see sense to get rid of him coz this is the best entertainment jamaat has given us in years!!!
    BTW All my khuddam mates love your blog!! don't stop, you're our guilty pleasure.

  63. @Findings

    You may experience some hard times whilst being trapped in this cult. Therefore, I would advise you to watch this short hillarious video in order to cheer yourself up a little. The video can be found via the following link:

  64. Findings asked - Why didn't watkins recognise ameerul momineen mas?

    There are several factors that were taken into account when compiling the list. Listed below are the main three:
    1) The person has to be alive
    2) The person has to have made a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale
    3) The person is frequently googled, appears in Nielsen Data, and highlighted in throughout the blogosphere

    It’s interesting to think about the amount of times that a person is googled; in a sense, being googled is a form of digital voting, and illustrates just how often someone is being sought out.

    ------------------------------------------------So MAS was not meeting any of the 3 parameters.

    Very alarming for AMJ, Ahmadis and Mirza dynasty

    Can AMJ go and challenge it? At least they should be very sure about first one - the proof of second one could be MTA? if no one Googles about him then they should have some typical Qadiani logic - why any one will Google about him? He is known in all continents and he is appointed by God to conquer the world. Something like that which Jamat is good at? Or our followers don't use internet? They can come up with some better one.


  65. Is anyone going to comment on the hadith about the Messiah and Mahdi being one of the same person? What about the non Ahmadi scholar who mentions the hadith in the video posted above?

    Mohsin why is Kim Kardashian not on the list then? She is the most googled person alive and influences millions.

  66. "Haven't you done enough damage to this Ameers reputation"

    What exactly has happened to the Ameer of UK since this blog etc? Can anybody tell me?

    Not a damn thing. He is still Ameer but according to Findings he wasn't going to last.. 2 years ago!?

  67. Anonymous said...

    Mohsin why is Kim Kardashian not on the list then? She is the most googled person alive and influences millions.
    9 November 2011 14:47

    is she meeting this requirement?

    2)The person has to have made a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale

    if I go by your definition, then Amitabh Bachan or Shakira should be there also. But let Kim Kardashian be out of marital shock first, then she may become spiritual enough to be included in next lists:)


  68. Anonymous said...
    Is anyone going to comment on the hadith about the Messiah and Mahdi being one of the same person? What about the non Ahmadi scholar who mentions the hadith in the video posted above?

    Read this one

    To know if you are interested

    It is typical Qadinai style to just pick one Hadith, weak or not, ignore all other several Ahadith on that subject since not supporting Mirza's ever changing claims about himself.

    "The basis for our claims is not Hadith but Quran and that Wahi which comes to me. Yes, in support we also present those Hadith which are according to Quran and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. Rest of the Hadith, I THROW THEM AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER." (Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140)

    ·"I do not claim that I am the same Mahdi who will come according to (words of Hadith) 'from the son of Fatima and from my progeny' etc." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya V, Roohani Khazain vol.21 p.356)

    ·"We admit this that several Mahdis may have come before and possibly will come in future as well and probably someone by the name of Imam Muhammad may also appear." (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.379)

    "It is possible and quite possible that at some time in future such Messiah may appear upon whom the literal words of Hadith(of Holy Prophet) fit, because this humble self has not come with the Reign and Command of this world, but with poverty and humility." (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol 3 p.197)

    "It is possible that in future no Messiah may come. It is possible 10,000 more Messiah may come and one of them may descend in Damascus." (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol 3 p.251)


  69. Is anyone going to comment on the hadith about the Messiah and Mahdi being one of the same person? What about the non Ahmadi scholar who mentions the hadith in the video posted above?

    It would help if someone could upload the full lecture rarther than less than a minuite of it. This way we could see exactly what the sheikh is implying.

    It is a common Qadiyani trick to show only parts that suit them and not the whole thing.

  70. Must read to know how Qadiani Murrabis on MTA tell you half truth and even hide half of the Hadith from you to justify their false point.

  71. So someone like Oprah Winfrey who is in the top ten is "unique and spiritual" because she interviews celebs like Kim? Sorry but this man made list isn't going to help anyone in search of the truth.

    Oh and I wont mention Kim's unique assets even though this blog has a lack of decency in material.

  72. MTA's Mulla "clarifies" Mirza did not die in toilet (even though admits he got Dysentery(Ishal) due to his "excessive mental work" and he was even until one day early serving his religion and gave a lecture - but got so much weakness from frequent visits to toilet that he died on bed - he is challenging - bring proof - who saw him dying there)

    He also "clarifies" - Mirza jee did not die from epidemic cholera because they had got a Cerificate from his personal Physician in which he mentioned Dysentery as reason for death - even admits his dead body was not allowed to go by train as some people had informed Station master, Railway about his death due to epidemic cholera - since it was epidemic - station master didn't allow. But later allowed, when we produced Medical certificate.

    Watch this and decide yourself how he is trying to brainwash school students for a non-issue - died in toilet from dysentery or died on bed due to frequent visits to toilet.

  73. To Findings,

    I have been reading your blog for a while now and wanted to comment on a few things. Now, whether I'm an Ahmadi or not, is not relevant to what I have to say. I also understand that what I'm about to say is not relevant to this particular post, but I hope you will read it and I'll leave it up to you to decide how you respond.

    First off, you say that you embraced the "true" Islam a while back. Now what exactly have you embraced? As far as I know, Islam means peace and submission (please correct me if I'm wrong) and in my opinion, this site does not promote peace at all. All I see is accusations towards certain people (with little or questionable proof), as well as hatred towards a particular religious sect. Now, is this really the Islam you want to portray to the rest of the world? There are plenty of people in this world who already do this. You obviously have a personal vendetta towards certain people (RAF, MAS or whatever you choose to call them) who, in your opinion, have hurt your family in the past somehow and you want your revenge. However, is this what your Islam teaches? As true Muslims, if we were to follow the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (saw), I'm sure we would agree that revenge in this manner is not the most prescribed Islamic method. To prove my point, I'm sure you heard of a story when a women killed the Holy Prophets (saw) uncle, and yet he still forgave her and she accepted Islam. Now in your Islam, you do follow the teachings of the Holy Prophet, yes?

    Secondly, in an earlier post you mentioned the following quote taken from a Hadith:

    “Do not be suspicious, for suspicion is the height of falsehood, nor bear a grudge or enmity against each other, nor jealous of each other, nor indulge in back-biting, nor pry into the secrets of one another, nor try unreasonably to excel one another, nor turn your faces against each other, but O bondsmen of Allah! Live like brothers as Allah has commanded.”

    Now if I read this quote correctly, is it safe to assume that your accusing RAF of everything your doing right now (suspicion, bearing a grudge, jealousy, backbiting etc.)? In my opinion, you have become everything you have accused the Ahmadiyyat Jamaat hierarchy of. Again, please let me know if I have wrongly accused you. You have every right to defend yourself.

    And if you do come up with the argument that your only doing all of this because certain members of the Jamaat have done the same, then seriously think about it. We are ALL accountable for our actions and answerable to god. If anyone has done wrong, they will pay for it. If you truly believe in god and have the utmost faith and sincerity, then you will realize your methods to spread the true Islam are not appropriate.

    In closing, I want to say this to you. The Holy Prophet (saw) did not spread Islam through the sword or by insulting the beliefs, teachings, practices, or traditions of other religions. Islam was spread through his character, his actions, and the guidance and mercy he had from the Almighty. Now ask yourself this, is the character that your portraying right now to all followers of this blog, is this the true Islam I wish to spread. Don't embrace another religion (as you claim Ahmadiyyat is not Islam) to insult the traditions/beliefs of another. Embrace it because you are a true believer who has prayed to Allah to guide her along the right path. This site does not seem like the right path.

  74. Is anyone going to comment on the hadith about the Messiah and Mahdi being one of the same person? What about the non Ahmadi scholar who mentions the hadith in the video posted above?


    Is this the way you want us to find out the truth about Ahmadiyyat just to prove your point, many ex Ahmadis and those who are searching for the truth make a big effort to read as much books and references and then going back to the Holy Quran for further guidance, a video on you tube does not prove the religion of Ahmadiyyat and the person who added:

    9 November 2011 16:39

    goes to show that we indeed do our research. No matter what we or you write here is not going to make a difference to some people, we are going in circles here.

    We are not making some random hate quotes here but actually refer to what HMGA wrote in his books and we keep on urging you to read his books and open your eyes to what the Holy Quran and authantic Hadith says, nothing more or nothing less, it's up to you to invest time to find the truth, that's what I did and believe me I would be last person to even think about this blog and anything written against Ahmadiyyat but one day I had to open my eyes and actually learn what we are following and during this research I found that we are wrong and in my heart Ahmadiyyat is not Islam.

    Think outside the box, you need to do this for yourselves before it is too late, you only have one chance!


  75. MTA Mulla in Suit challanged - bring some witness, he died from Cholera - If MGAQ Father-in-Law, son and a "Sahabi" (one who witnessed this Nabi) were also not Liars like this paid Head of UK Murabbis - then he did die of Cholera as he "prayed to die if he was false and liar". Death certificates from personal physicians can be made as you wish. Since he died in Lahore and they had to take his body by train to nearest station near Qadian - a death certificate showing cholera would not have allowed that - But question is, as MTA paid Mulla in Suit claims MGAQ gave a Lecture a day before, then how some one can die in a day with normal dysentery - unless it is from Cholera where you vomit and have constant loose motions.

    But in no way this Dynamic Mulla is right in claiming Dysentery happens because of "excessive Mental work".

    Ahmadis claim to have the best doctors in AMJ. One of them educate this "Illiterate in Suit". He is head of "Murabis" - team responsible for propagation of their religion to World. But their science knowledge is still of 1880. As a favor to your Chanda, some one let them read this lay man symptoms of Epidemic Cholera Dysentery.

    Mir Nasir Nawab, father-in-law of MGAQ wrote in his biography, Hayat-e-Nasir:

    "The night his holiness fell ill, I was sleeping in my room. When his illness grew severe, they woke me up. I went over to his holiness and found him in great pain. He addressed me saying: 'I have been stricken with cholera.' After this, he did not utter a single intelligible and coherent word till he died on Monday, after ten O'clock in the morning."
    (Hayat-i-Nasir, P. 14)
    Bashir Ahmad, the son of Mirza Ghulam, wrote in his biography:

    "My mother informed me that 'the first attack of looseness of bowels upon the Promised Messiah occurred when he was at his dining room table. Later, I started pressing his legs and he lay in comfort and slept and soon I too slept. After a short while, he again felt the call of nature and he used the bathroom a couple of times without awakening me, After this he felt very weak; he shook me up and laid down on my bed. I recommenced pressing. In a few minutes he told me to go to bed but I refused and continued to press. Once again he had an urge and, being too weak to go to the lavatory, I made arrangement for him close to the bed. He sat down and relieved himself. Next, he laid himself back on my bed and I started pressing again. His weakness grew intense; he had another motion, accompanied this time by vomiting. This paralyzed him so much that when trying to lay back on the bed, he fell on his back and hit his head on the bed post. His condition alarmed me...'."
    (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 1, P. 11-12; Sirat-ul-Mehdi, P.109)
    A "Sahabi" of MGAQ reports

    "Huzoor (Mirza Ghulam) could not talk two hours before death. Dr. Mirza Yaqoob Baig and Dr. Syed Mohammad Hussei Shah were the attending physicians. Huzoor asked for paper and wrote on it: 'I have too much dryness. I can't talk.' and some other words which could not be read."
    (Al-Fazl, Vol. 25, No. 274, November 24, 1937)

  76. @ findings unfortunately rather than searching about prohet and khulafa in holy quran and hadith ,you are searching there names in lists which have no meanig and then challenging and falsely satisfying your self that there is no name ,
    not only that by this you are also showing your atitude towards religion that it should be published as top 20s top 40s or top 100s sorry but you really are a laughing matter religion is no top of pops

  77. Exposing fallacies of Founder of Ahmadiyya Cult - proving their Lies and twisted truth - resisting spread of Kufr is not Islam according to one "learned" person of "true islam cult".

    And he needs proof of Chanda scam.

    Could any one provide proofs of Mr. 10%?

    Now this Cult of 10% needs proof of Scamhedia.

    My advice to him, fast tomorrow and triple your donations to TJ.

    MTA Rae Huda Jahils need a pay rise for their "excellent" performance to "prove wrong as right and Truth as Untruth"

    LAGE RAHO punjabi Parao!

  78. The only Truth in whole MTA Mullah clip is that MIRZA died 10'o clock in the morning as matching to his father in law statement mentioned in earlier post. They must have read it there as this Head of Jahils was not born at that time but hides from you the rest of the Statement proving MIRZA died due to Cholera as he prayed to die if he was corrupt and liar in his challenge to Moulvi Sanaullah.

    "......But O my Perfect and True God! If Molvi Sanaullah is not right in these allegations which he accuses me of, then kill him in my lifetime, BUT not by human hands, rather by Plague or Cholera deadly diseases, .......Thus now I am now taking refuge in you and requests you that make true judgment between me and Sanaullah. Whoever is in your eyes truly a Liar and corrupt, KILL HIM IN THE LIFETIME OF TRUTHFUL PERSON, or afflict him with some serious illness which is like death. O My Beloved Master! Do Just that. Ameen."
    (Dated 5th April 1907."
    (Majmooa-e-Ishteharaat, Collection of Advertisement of Mirza Ghulam, vol.3 p.578-579. Published by Jamaat Ahmadiyya Headquarter London)

    For details, who is this Maulvi Sanaullah? the final nail in Mirza's coffin after earlier nails nailed by Muhammadi Begum, Abdulla Athom and Piggot.

  79. Bashir Ahmad, the son of Mirza Ghulam, wrote in his biography:

    "My mother informed me that 'the first attack of looseness of bowels upon the Promised Messiah occurred when he was at his dining room table. Later, I started pressing his legs and he lay in comfort and slept and soon I too slept. After a short while, he again felt the call of nature and he used the bathroom a couple of times without awakening me, After this he felt very weak; he shook me up and laid down on my bed. I recommenced pressing. In a few minutes he told me to go to bed but I refused and continued to press. Once again he had an urge and, being too weak to go to the lavatory,



    I made arrangement for him close to the bed. He sat down and relieved himself. Next, he laid himself back on my bed and I started pressing again. His weakness grew intense; he had another motion, accompanied this time by vomiting. This paralyzed him so much that when trying to lay back on the bed, he fell on his back and hit his head on the bed post. His condition alarmed me...'."
    (Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 1, P. 11-12; Sirat-ul-Mehdi, P.109)

  80. Anon - please don't take it to your heart (is it right English for YEH BAAT DIL KO NA LAGAO?)

    Anonymous said...
    So someone like Oprah Winfrey who is in the top ten is "unique and spiritual" because she interviews celebs like Kim? Sorry but this man made list isn't going to help anyone in search of the truth.

    Oh and I wont mention Kim's unique assets even though this blog has a lack of decency in material.
    9 November 2011 16:43


    Write a Letter to Hazur Jee - Asking him please fast and contribute something to Jamat MM - so your name can come in "man-made lists".

    Strange - he is the only GOD CHOSEN PERSON on Earth at the moment - and NO ONE OUTSIDE CULT RECOGNIZES HIM - tut tut tut!

    I always say CHANDA is being wasted. Where is AMJ's highly paid Press Secretary and Media Nazim? Need to fire them here before they are dumped in "true" fire.

  81. I received two comments above, comparing Mirza Ghulam to Zakir Naik and Mohammed Burhanuddin.

    First, Mirza Ghulam is not the Messiah, the Messiah is 'Esa bin Maryam (AS). This title was given to 'Esa (AS) in the Qur'an. Please do not refer to anyone else as "The Messiah".

    Second, the way Ahmadis might see Mohammed Burhanuudin as being just some guy on Wikipedia or his community website ( with no other authority, that's exactly how Mirza Ghulam and Mirza Masroor are. They're unknown outside of small circles and their community website (alislam). Otherwise, these personages are virtually ignored. Their religion is simply not this "fast-pace, dynamic and exponentially growing religion".

    I'm not praising or putting down Zakir Naik, frankly I do not follow him at all. But Zakir Naik reach and influence is larger than Mirza Ghulam and Mirza Masroor could ever hope for.

  82. Anonymous said:
    "Hey Findings, even your top scholar Zakir Naik isn't on this list."

    What is this Ahmadiyya obsession with Zakir Naik??

    Zakir Naik is not a "top scholar", nor does he even claim to be. He's a Daa'i and student of comparative religions. He isn't someone you would ask for Fatwa or the like.

    For well-respected "top scholars" in the west, I suggest looking into Hamza Yusuf and Yasir Qadhi.

  83. hi findings
    i sent you an email a while back but didn't get a response. was wondering if you got it? i know you must get loads of messages. it was about your upcoming exposes

  84. Anonymous 18:00 said...
    @ findings unfortunately rather than searching about prohet and khulafa in holy quran and hadith ,you are searching there names in lists

    Hahaha,,,your prophet and khulfa are not even there...mirza masroor mentioned in holy quran and hadith,,,,give me a break,,,,and you also take a break,,,,from 'pooja paat' of marzai nabi and his khalifa,,,,what a cult

    your type of prophet is 'perfect',,,,he is really,,,'prohet'....he is really 'prohat' of all mirzais.......hail Prohat of Qadian, Aanjahani Mirza G Qadiani!

  85. hi findings sister!


    like your profile pic idea. looking out to the wide world of islam and chance of escape from ahmadi cult castle. wish you all the best and welcome to the world of Islam and nation of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

    Best Regards from your brother in Islam!

  86. That tells you all about this LOVE&HATE Slogan - Check the Profile of an Ahmadi on Twitter

    Fakhar Ul-Islam
    @Fakhar_Ul_Islam view full profile →
    Student, Engineer, Interested in Urdu Poetry, Die Hard Faiz Fan, Want to see a Secular Pakistan. Love for all (except Mullas), Hatred for None (except Mullas)

  87. Anonymous 18:00 said...
    @ findings unfortunately rather than searching about prohet and khulafa in holy quran and hadith,you are searching there names in lists

    Where in Quran and Hadith is mention of "Prohet"? may be on some Hindu temple list(payroll)?

  88. Is it true that doubting traditionalists (undercover athiests) busy themselves with nonsense like building a case against the unorthodox thier whole lives to avoid their own void in belief.... its kinda said.. but I can see through people...... @farhan, findings, etc

  89. @Fakhar_Ul_Islam Your Twitter profile has this slogan "Love for all (except Mullas), Hatred for None (except Mullas)" -Kia yey Khula Tazad nahi Hai?

  90. sister findings-i have to confess-I love prophet Muhammad(pbuh)-I have fear of Allah-I try to be honest and good person in life-I personally have no idea details of our belief-since I am born among Ahmadis-We are told we are better muslims-but very strange discussion here-make me curious now to know details about my belief and study about Massih Maoud-I never knew this much in detail what i found here-thanks for these discussions-we need to our faiths and create tolerance among us.But I am totally confused about my own belief now-I was practicing it assuming we are better muslims since we are under the guidance of khalifa-but now i am reading some other point of view here-even i am in doubt if i am a muslim by believing someone after Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)as Prophet's sayings mentioned here deny any new prophet as he is the last one and Holy Quran is last book and complete guidance-do we need any one and any thing after Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)& Holy Quran-I think NO-I have made up my mind-I will make sure Ii am thinking right and than take step-I can't risk Allah's unhappiness.I have to move fast.Again thank you for this forum.

  91. Anonymous said...
    Is it true that doubting traditionalists (undercover athiests) busy themselves with nonsense like building a case against the unorthodox thier whole lives to avoid their own void in belief.... its kinda said.. but I can see through people...... @farhan, findings, etc
    10 November 2011 06:49

    I have noticed a lot of VOID in Cult belief. Go over comments and discussions here. Mirza jumping from one tree to another tree changing his beliefs. One phase of life(1891-1901) he said, No new Prophet-who ever claims so will beKafir- than he takes 360 degree turn in 1901 and said I am the New prophet whoever don't believe me is Kafir. What is this VOID in life of Ahmadiyya Cult prophet?

    sister @findings & bother @farhan - please elaborate - what is this Orthodox - Unorthodox distraction from Mirza being Exposed?


  92. As this the Active Blog page at the moment. The following were commented on old Blog entry. For benefit of Truth Seekers, copied here;
    Anonymous said...
    Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself made the following two statements (before Satan got infused in him):

    “I believe in all the items of faith as prescribed by the Sunni School of Islam and I accept everything that is according to the Quran and Hadith. I fully subscribe to the doctrine that Muhammad is the last of all Prophets, and that any claimant to Prophethood after him is an impostor and a Kafir. It is my belief that the revelations of Prophethood started with Adam and closed with the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)”.
    (Majmuha-Estaharet, P. 230-231; Tableegh-i-Risalat, Vol 2, Page 20 -
    Also appeared in a Qadiani poster dated Oct 2, 1891; 20 Shaaban, 1313 A.H.)
    “I consider that man who rejects the doctrine of Last Prophethood is a disbeliever and outside the pale of Islam.”
    (Tableegh-i-Risalat, Vol 2, Page 44 - Also read out in Congregation of Jama Masjid, Dehli, Oct. 23, 1891)
    10 November 2011 03:16

    Anonymous said...
    These quotes are pre-1901 (before he finally claimed to be Nabi)

    In 1891, after MGAQ claimed to be Esa, the Ulema of India declared him a Kafir.

    He immediately denied this Prophethood claim. He kept quiet on this Issue for 10 years.

    In Nov 1901, MGAQ wrote a pamphlet entitled ‘Eik Ghalti Ka Izala’…“Correction of an error” where he disclosed, that in fact he was appointed Prophet in 1880 but his followers made a MISTAKE (Ghalti) in recognizing him so I wrote ‘Eik Ghalti Ka Izala’ for their CORRECTION.

    He should have been Prophet of Monkeys - jumping from one tree to another.
    10 November 2011 03:49

  93. @ Farhan

    I'm sure Ahmadiyya does not have an "obsession" with Zakir Naik or anyone who "claims" that Ahmadis are not muslim. His name was mentioned because he himself claims to be the most popular Muslim preacher in the world (check the Oxford Uni debate video for reference). So it's a little surprising to not see him on the list. But then again does this list really mean anything?

    Further to the hadith about Messiah and Madhi being one, what about the hadith regarding his appearance?

    The Holy Prophet (saw) in two different ahadith explained the physical features of Jesus of the past and the features of "Jesus" of the future. The two features ARE DIFFERENT.

    1. In the Mi‘raj the Messiah seen with Moses, Abraham and other prophets by the Holy Prophet, was described by him thus:

    "I saw Jesus. He was a man of a reddish complexion." (Bukhari, Kitab al-anbiya, ch. 24)

    "I saw Jesus, Moses and Abraham. Jesus had a reddish complexion, curly hair and a wide chest." (Bukhari, Kitab al-anbiya, ch. 48)

    It is clear from both these Hadith reports that by Jesus, who was seen here along with Abraham and Moses, is meant the Israelite prophet. He had a red complexion and curly hair.

    2. Bukhari has recorded a hadith in which the Holy Prophet relates a dream of his about the future:

    "In a state of sleep I saw myself circumambulating the Ka’ba, and I saw a man of a wheatish complexion with straight hair. I asked who it was. They said: This is the Messiah, son of Mary." (Bukhari, Kitab al-Fitn, ch. 22, ‘Mention of Dajjal’)

    Thus, where Jesus is mentioned along with Abraham and Moses, he is described as of a reddish complexion and curly hair; but where he is seen along with the Dajjal in a dream about the future, he is said to have a wheatish complexion with straight hair. Evidently these two different descriptions do not apply to one and the same person. So Jesus, the Israelite prophet, whom the Holy Prophet (saw) saw in the Mi‘raj vision, and the Messiah who was to appear in the latter days to kill the evil Dajjal, are two different persons.

  94. ^ Anonymous

    A) The introductory point was that, if Ahmadiyya is this "fast pace, dynamic, active, exponentially-spreading" religion with 200 million followers that they claim it to be, why is Mirza Masroor essentially unknown outside of parts of the UK and Canada (and even then only amongst the Desi community), whereas Tariq Ramadan, who is a Muslim alhumdu lillah, is internationally known and whose influence spreads far and wide?

    Why is Tariq Ramadan more influential than this self-claimed Khalifah of the Universe?

    B) There are two primary descriptions of 'Umar bin al-Khattab in Ahadith books, are there two 'Umars? There are two descriptions of Abu Bakr, are there two Abu Bakrs? There are two descriptions of ME, are there two versions of me? I'm sorry, but that's a poor argument. Two descriptions of the same person does not somehow divide that one person into two people. This is making up stuff where it doesn't exist.

    But if you want more details on this, we have an article explaining this point to curious Ahmadis at TheCult.Info/blog

    When Allah said Al-Maseeh, he meant 'Esa (AS). When Ahmadis say Al-Maseeh, they mean someone else. That's wrong. Mirza Ghulam had no right to claim a title specified by Allah for 'Esa (AS).

  95. When a Qadiani gives your the reference from Quran or verse, double check his given reference as they are Master of changing words to suit their agreement. The above post this Anon is trying to accuse Prophet Muhammad as he did mention two Essas with different complexions. Now see the proof of his Lie yourself. Here is the complete Hadith and see the features of Essa mentioned.


    Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said. "While I was sleeping, I saw myself (in a dream) performing Tawaf around the Ka'ba. Behold, I saw a "reddish-white man" with lank hair, and water was dropping from his head. I asked, "Who is this?' They replied, 'The son of Mary.' Then I turned my face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape. They said (to me), He is Ad-Dajjal." The Prophet added, "The man he resembled most is Ibn Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza'a. "

    Anow again read his post how he ommited Red from the above Link & Hadith

    Anonymous said...
    @ Farhan

    I'm sure Ahmadiyya does not have an "obsession" with Zakir Naik or anyone who "claims" that Ahmadis are not muslim. His name was mentioned because he himself claims to be the most popular Muslim preacher in the world (check the Oxford Uni debate video for reference). So it's a little surprising to not see him on the list. But then again does this list really mean anything?

    Further to the hadith about Messiah and Madhi being one, what about the hadith regarding his appearance?

    The Holy Prophet (saw) in two different ahadith explained the physical features of Jesus of the past and the features of "Jesus" of the future. The two features ARE DIFFERENT.

    1. In the Mi‘raj the Messiah seen with Moses, Abraham and other prophets by the Holy Prophet, was described by him thus:

    "I saw Jesus. He was a man of a reddish complexion." (Bukhari, Kitab al-anbiya, ch. 24)

    "I saw Jesus, Moses and Abraham. Jesus had a reddish complexion, curly hair and a wide chest." (Bukhari, Kitab al-anbiya, ch. 48)

    It is clear from both these Hadith reports that by Jesus, who was seen here along with Abraham and Moses, is meant the Israelite prophet. He had a red complexion and curly hair.

    2. Bukhari has recorded a hadith in which the Holy Prophet relates a dream of his about the future:

    "In a state of sleep I saw myself circumambulating the Ka’ba, and I saw a man of a "wheatish complexion" with straight hair. I asked who it was. They said: This is the Messiah, son of Mary." (Bukhari, Kitab al-Fitn, ch. 22, ‘Mention of Dajjal’)

    Thus, where Jesus is mentioned along with Abraham and Moses, he is described as of a reddish complexion and curly hair; but where he is seen along with the Dajjal in a dream about the future, he is said to have a wheatish complexion with straight hair. Evidently these two different descriptions do not apply to one and the same person. So Jesus, the Israelite prophet, whom the Holy Prophet (saw) saw in the Mi‘raj vision, and the Messiah who was to appear in the latter days to kill the evil Dajjal, are two different persons.
    10 November 2011 09:43



  96. ================================================================================================

    My Rasool was Right in correctly describing the ESSA(as) in both Hadith - and both are same - he omitted "Reddish" to read like it is "White" in one Hadith and "Reddish" in other.

    One describes his Mairaj time seeing of Essa and second in a dream Essa circling Ka'aba.

    Mairaj says - White and circling Kabbas one says Reddish-White - both are describing same - one with more detail - that it is white but Reddish White - The Red & White are two different colors - so he tried one for his Dajjali Messiah

    You try any source from Quran or Hadith or even simple logic, you will miserably fail to CASH YOUR FAKE MESSIAH.

    He was a Total fraud and you are doing Intellectual fraud to distort Hadith to prove your invalid point.

    Mirza Qadiani hurled all abuses and ridiculed Jesus in his books and when Ulema cursed him - he came up with more ridiculous explanation - All my harsh language was for Jesus of Gispels, otherwise I respect Essa ibn e Marium of Quran.

    That is why I call him Prophet of Monkeys - quickly jumping from one tree to another.

    Feel some shame and regret/repent to ALLAH.


  97. sorry to interrupt who is tariq ramadan???

  98. Anonymous 11:34

    I again say ordinary Ahmadis are unaware of all this. They have no idea of contention between Ahmadiyya Islam and Islam. They discuss with you based on what they are taught and bring Hadith references or Quran references as given on their sites and repeat same arguments given there to counter non-Ahmadi Muslims. I first time came to know here by our books and teaching of Masih Maoud and Musleh Maoud, they are kafirs like hindu sikhs,,,i always wondered why we can't marry them or pray with them,,,now make some sense,,,but I have myself checked,,,above Hadith is distorted and Reddish word intentionally omitted to make some point to justify Jesus and Masih Maud,,,both are mentioned in Hadith,,,I regret from our side,,,and as Mr. Mohsin suggested,,,repent to Allah Almighty also,,,it is a grave crime to change prophet's quotes. Very bad,,,,very bad indeed.

  99. Anonymous said...10 November 2011 14:27

    May ALLAH bless this man. There are still ALLAH-fearing “Good Muslims” among Ahmadis also.

    They are really innocent and their only bad luck is they were born in Ahmadiyya.

    They are very sincere with Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and have no intention of believing a false prophet if they really come to know – it is contrary to Islam’s teaching. They are misled by this Cult Mafia for their own nefarious agenda.


  100. Mirza G Qadiani was supposed to be Ghulam(slave) of Ahmad e Mujtaba(pbuh)by the virtue of his name but this Transgressor was so wicked and disloyal, that he tried to rob his Master and take his position.

    But he miserably failed and his crookedness fully exposed to all Muslims.

    I prefer to call him Mirza G. And his followers as Ghulams of Mirza G. (slaves of Mirza G dynasty Cult)


  101. This video is from Brother Farhan

    Please have a look, it's explains Ahmadiyyat quite well that it is not real Islam.

  102. Blog hits crossed 75,000. I got chance to talk to many Ahmadis on Twitter and all confessed they are aware of this blog. Great forum to discuss inter-faith issues. people can steam out their hot air here.this will bring more tolerance in society and more understanding of other's religion and even my own religion in my case,,,,,thanks findings,,,,great job sis!

  103. Great video - Thank you Brother Farhan & one who posted. Intellectual arguments. No bias.


  104. Do you know RAF planted against Dr Ayaz through Waseem Ch trap him into and get rid of him to ride on himself

  105. @mohsin he is an ahmadi isnt he as he confessed in his post so how can he be a MUSLIM let alone GOOD MUSLIM???

  106. @ farhan
    thanks for video

    AHmmadiyyat is the odd one out no question about that and that is what ahmadi believes and fits well with the Hadith 72 vs 1
    know dont ask me video has proven who is the odd one out

  107. Hazrat Umar was also a "good muslim" even before emracing Islam. Kufr means Rejection - We Muslims are your kafir - and You are our kafirs - means we both reject each other's religions. Hazrat Unar did not reject Truth once he came across it. So to be Muslim (submitting to Truth was in him) was stored him even not Activated.

    This man has admitted the Truth that intentional Hadith twisting is a bad act even to justify his Masih Maoud. He has not crossed yet or embraced "Mulla" Islam yet but he has a pious soul to speak truth even goes against us. That is why he is a "Good Muslim" even stil an Ahmadi. There are hundreds innocent Ahmadis there who has no concept of what really was the Reality of Mirza G. What was the character of Musleh Maoud. They are Ahmadis because they were born there and that is what was taught to them. They see an organized community (all Cults are) so they never ask the validity of prophet after the Last prophet. So they should come to the Forums like this and know both Islams and then decide which Islam is wrong and why? Qadiani cake and Muslim cake are not same but Qadianis present there cake with Islam's icing. If you were having your religion like Bhais have but not calling Islam, then we would not have any problem.

    But since we both are presenting our religions as Islam, the need of time is to discuss it openly and prove others is fake and mine is genuine.

    That is what we are doing here. Proving your fake bu every angle and with logic and proofs.

    Let your people give permission to know and decide. Open their locks and them free of Cult chains. If after knowing he stays, then keep on receiving his 10%.

    Visit these Discussion forums and participate in issue discussions.

    Mohsin (your well wisher and I have no hatred for you or any Ahmadi but sympathy - you are victims of Mirza G dynasty)

  108. Anonymous at 10 November 2011 22:39

    Very fair and agreeable comment to both sides.

  109. @ mohsin well what a change soft language, clean and attitude of


    good for a start

  110. Anonymous said...
    @ farhan
    thanks for video

    AHmmadiyyat is the odd one out no question about that and that is what ahmadi believes and fits well with the Hadith 72 vs 1
    know dont ask me video has proven who is the odd one out

    10 November 2011 22:22

    Have a read on this site, perhaps this will answer some questions you may have!


  111. That is the most hypocritical slogan ever raised by any one - again - no surprise -

    One Ahmadi on twitter has rightly put it what this slogan really is and should have been

    Fakhar Ul-Islam

    "Love for all (except Mullas), Hatred for None (except Mullas)"

    -Kia yey Khula Tazad nahi Hai?

  112. Dear Findings
    You are indeed in some ways childish, whereas we are grateful to almighty Allah (swt) that a historian has chosen out of a hundred influential men in the world, he had chosen and Considered Prophet Muhammad (saw) to be the most influential!. But your silly attack on the founder of The Ahmadiyya Muslim community, the Promised Messiah (as) for not being on the list, as you had expected he should have been, seen that he claims to be the Promised Messiah (as) and as one might have expected he would have been on the list.
    But where your intellect has failed! You is 1- during the life time of the Promised Messiah (as) he was known throughout India and he was wildly respected by all religious and secular people, who sought his advice on theological issues.
    2- It has taken a thousand years of history for most of the people on the list to be noticed 3- Where this historian has failed in his observation, is the fact that Jesus was not the founder of any religion! he was not the founder of Christianity! And it took over 2000 years of Christian influence to have him recognised. So be sure in a thousand years from now or less the Promised Messiah (as) will be recognised as an influential person in history!
    Lastly I lecture on Historical theology, and had the honour to sit with 11 of the most renowned historians in the academic world all knew about and know about the Promised Messiah (as) and some have written about him!
    Khalid bin Waleed (pen name) BA Theology (currently doing Masters) I hope you will be fair and post this as matter of fairness in dialog

  113. The funny thing is, on one hand the Qadianis claim that this list is meaningless, yet on the other they claim that Dr. Abdus Salaam winning (a small share) in the nobel prize is a sign of truth.

  114. @taekwondo boy khalid, you are renowned for your lies on facebook. I don't blame you for following the sunnah of your mirza.

    Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955

    Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895

    Charles Robert Darwin 1809 – 1882

    James Clerk Maxwell 1831 – 1879

    Thomas Alva Edison 1847 – 1931

    Adolf Hitler 1889 – 1945)

    All of the above lived through the lifetime of mirza and brought more of an influence to the world.

    JFK was born after mirza's death in 1917 and still made it. face the facts no one knows of your mirza neither does anyone care, he brought no benefit to any human being other than to his family members, for whom he established a business.

  115. Anon 03:09
    Why humiliate and torture you? Your acceptance is enough for you. We have no hatred for you. You hate out of your illiteracy of Islam of Muhammad(pbuh).

    Khalid bin Waleed (pen name) BA Theology (currently doing Masters) I hope you will be fair and post this as matter of fairness in dialog===>do you call this "dialog"? Giving us lame excuses why Mirza is not recognized by any one in world except Ahmadis and you tell us he will be in 1,000 years time. Next time tell us better jokes.

    And what is this you are doing Masters? Theology? If you have to fabricate such excuses, than having some logic, then better do Masters in Mirzalogy.He was a production house for lies and lame explanations for the failed revelations; the lies he attributed to God.How you will defend harassment of Muhammdi Begum at the hands of this first time in the history - a stalker prophet.Let me check your theology and your intellectual honesty; which all Ahmadis are deprived by the special blessings of fake messiah;The biggest Liar of 14th century.

  116. lol. mirza could be listed on the " 100 madest and loosers" of the world. and he will take first place for sure.
