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courtesy of MirzaBiz |
Before I begin, I would like to make it very clear that I am not against the Hijab and believe it is the duty of every Muslim woman to cover as per Islam and the Quran, and in light of the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad SAAWs. In Surah al Noor in the Holy Quran, Allah instructs us that:
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their khimār over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments." Quran 24:31.
The Hijab is not oppressive as some claim it to be but rather, it is to protect the Muslim woman from unwanted glares and stares. That aside, the matter of 'Purdah' is between the Muslim woman and her Lord. If a woman chooses not to wear the Hijab or observe 'Purdah' then that is between her and Allah, she and she alone is answerable for her actions.
The Ahmadiyya Community claims to be, and I quote directly from their official website:
"an advocate for universal human rights and protections for religious and other minorities. It champions the empowerment and education of women. Its members are among the most law-abiding, educated, and engaged Muslims in the world."
Seems all very fluffy and very Care Bear like, doesn't it? Well let me introduce you to Mirza Bashir Uddin Ahmad, a now deceased Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Community, who was clearly all for the 'empowerment of women':
‘Those who take their wives in public without proper regard for parda, attend mixed gatherings, if they are Ahmadi then it is your responsibility that you should break all relationships with them. Do not shake their hand, exchange greetings neither accept their invitations nor invite them, so they realise that their nation disapproves of them because of their actions.” (Booklet ‘Parda’ Page 16)
He further said: “Going forward, you will neither shake hand, nor extend salution, neither accept their invitations, nor invite them, neither offer congregational Prayers behind them, nor give them any position in the Jamaat. In fact if possible do not even offer their funeral prayers.” (Booklet ‘Parda’ Page 18)
Shocked? Oh please, don't be, this is the reality of this sick and perverse Cult. A Cult that under the guise of registered charity no. 1102949 , treats its members with such hate and disdain. A Cult that pretends that it is all for human rights, but when the curtains are drawn and the lights go out, it treats its members with such hatred and contempt. Many ardent Ahmadis will defend this, and use the Taliban as an example as say 'what about the Muslim women who are stoned to death for showing their feet in Afghanistan'. What goes on in many of these Muslim countries is wrong and doesn't represent Islam and how on earth does that justify this nonsense? The Muslim countries at least do not hide their mistreatment of women whereas the Ahmadiyya Cult does. The world is well aware of what goes on in Afghanistan, but no one is aware of what happens in this Cult, because it conceals its true teachings and practises from the outside world. Cults hate light, as Shahid Ahmad once told me, and this couldn't be more true when it comes to the Ahmadiyya. So much so, that they are trying to very desperately to find out my identity and shut me down. They are very upset that their true face is being exposed on the world wide web! What a cult!
Here we have a 'Man of God' encouraging Ahmadis to completely boycott the man whose wife does not cover. Here we have a 'Man of God', whose profile can be found on the official Ahmadiyya website , demanding that the Ahmadi not shake the hand of the man whose wife does not cover. Here we have a 'Man of God' who is the late Uncle of Mirza Masroor Ahmad, encouraging the Ahmadi from not attending the funeral of the man whose wife does not cover, and the funeral of the wife. This is totally un-Islamic and this is not representative of Islam. In Islam, when someone passes away, we pray for them and pray for their forgiveness, not practically spit on their graves because they did not 'cover'!! This is a form cruelty and mistreatment, if only the members of this Cult would finally wake up out of their brainwashed states and understand! People in the UK treat their dogs better than this!
The leadership of this Cult actively and openly preaches this kind of hatred, as evident in their official publications. Need I remind you that Mirza Masroor Ahmad not so many years back,threatened young Ahmadi with ex-communication if they did not 'observe Purdah' This is what kind of treatment we, as women, have to put up with. Indeed, there is no denying that in Islam a woman is expected to cover, but as I have already said, this is a matter between woman and God. In this cruel Cult however, we are either threatened with expulsions or our husbands will be punished for the women not covering. Of course, they will be quick to deny this, but how do they explain this hatred on their official website? Then, to counter what I have said, many will comment and say 'you know where the door is, every organisation has rules and regulations so leave if you don't like it'. Yes, this is true to an extent but not every organisation lies about what really lurks beneath and is as hypocritical as the Ahmadiyya Cult! They accuse my Muslim brothers and sisters of inciting hatred against them, but how will they explain their website, quoting their Khalifa who is clearly inciting hatred against its own members? This happens and it actively happens today! This is torture and its torture that is inflicted on it's members, members who are unable to speak out against this oppression, for fear of the dreadful repercussions.
Why do you, supporters of this Cult, insist on entertaining these Cult tyrants? Why do you insist on accepting their invitations to their 'peace conferences' without actually spending a bit of time researching who and what you are associating yourselves with? I understand it is not entirely your fault, you are impressed with their talk about 'freedom and loyalty' and the constant 'terrorist' bashing and of course, the delicious Pakistani food they serve up when you do attend their functions. But come on, please, for love of what is right , read up on them before being used by them as a free endorsement! Would you associate yourselves to Mormonism? What about Scientology? No, I thought not, so why are you associating yourselves to the Ahmadiyya? Do you know how disheartening it is to see an MP stand there and gush about how much peace work the Ahmadiyya Community does, while its members are too afraid to speak out, in case they are thrown out of their homes? How can you support these people?
This is a 21st Century Cult...in a modern day Britain! We are not in Saudi Arabia, where it is incumbent on a woman to cover but are in a liberal Great Britain where the choice should be ours, and covering because its part of our faith, not because some psychotic despot tells us to do so! Again, Hijab is part of the Islamic faith, and I believe it is the right thing for a woman to do, but I strongly condemn a community forcing it upon its members, members who have no choice but to comply with their demands. I am also very disappointed that you are helping this Cult and thus, in some way, you are legitimising this appalling treatment of both men and women in the 21st Century. You may not have been aware, but a quick search on Google would have returned thousands of results, detailing why the Ahmadiyya is a Cult! Why do you not research beforehand, instead of focusing so desperately on on 'inter racial ties'? By associating yourselves to a Cult, that insults the beliefs of the mainstream Muslim, who might I add, outnumber the Ahmadi by 2 million in the UK alone, you are alienating the mainstream Muslims. If its support you are after, whose support do you really need? A Cult group of 20,000 or Muslims who come in at more than 2 million? A Cult of Oppression, where if the woman doesn't cover, her husband is punished and treated like some kind of leper! When if a woman doesn't cover, she is threatened with public ex-communication and potentially being cut off from her family! This is a Cult and this is the hatred that their leaders, both past and present, actively preach! A Cult that on one hand presents itself as all loving and all liberal Islamic movement but behind closed doors, it is run by hypocritical tyrants who rule with an iron fist.
Ahmadis..don't you dare tell me that this is lies. Don't you dare tell me you are a peaceful organisation. Don't you dare use the words of MY Prophet Muhammad SAAWs as a means to justify this hatred, spewed out by your precious leaders. There is nothing Islamic about what your religion preaches because Islam is peace, Ahmadiyya is hate. Wake up and smell the coffee, your leaders are NOT Muslim and are NOT Men of God and certainly are NOT reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAAWs because this is NOT how the Prophet SAAWs behaved or treated his people!
I would love for Rafiq Hayat, the official President of AMA UK to explain this! Go on Rafiq Hayat, explain this to Justine Greening, Edward Davey and whoever else, whether knowingly or not, supports your Cult! Please, read these loving quotes out at the next peace gathering held in your Cult HQ! Go on.... I dare you! Watch how the hall empties quicker than you can say Masrude!
Well done you! Another slap you have delivered in the face of evil! Very good piece.
ReplyDeleteCult Girl I emailed you the other day but you didn't reply. I know you are busy but I really need help and I think I would like to disassociate myself with the beliefs of my parents and only believe in the Islam practised by the Holy Prophet saw. How do I take the Shahada?You do not have to write me back so maybe you can just tell me on here how you did it and how I might do it? I am really shaken by everything and feel quite sick. Is this normal? Did you feel a dull pain of nausea the whole time? I feel very worried and upset. Please help me I don't know who to ask because I have few Muslim friends only the Ahmadies I grew up with. Thanks alot.
ReplyDeletea very warm Salaam U. Im really sorry for not replying to your email. i am busy but thats not the reason i do not email its because for security reasons i reply via proxies and they are not always reliable. please know i read your email i read every email that comes in. i am in the process of setting something up with the help of a friend who has kindly agreed to help manage emails with me. so inshallah i will be able to reply to more and more emails.
DeleteIt gives me the greatest pleasure to know you are considering leaving the fitna of Qadianiyyat for Islam. This is amazing news and May Allah swt make it very easy for you. Its not going to be easy especially as you will likely need to conceal your beliefs from your family but there is great reward in difficulty. you are very lucky and blessed. i cant be too specific about my reversion as only a few people know of the details because i have to protect my identity. what i did do is i researched for sometime. i read as much literature that was available and i used the the abundant resources available on line. i read for a long time. i found this website the most helpful: http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ its a bit hard to navigate around but its very good. if you read the sick stuff MGQ came out it will inshallah turn you off for good. as you already know the salaah, i would advise you to pray very hard. pray until your body aches and your eyes sting with tears and ask Allah to guide you. inshallah you will be convinced. then take a shower, read your shahada (you can do this alone or in front of a muslim friend if it gives you some courage)and then read your salah. Thats it :) no papers, no signing, no meetings, no chanda, no president of a halqa, no security checks on you- nothing! It is very normal to feel sick and anxious i was like that even after i reverted especially as we were brought up to believe its all doom and gloom if you are not an qadiani. alhamdulillah i was convinced i made the right decision but its still hard to let go of everything and accept your parents beliefs are wrong. it'll take time but eventually you will feel so much beter. and remember you always have Allah. dont forget that. He really loves you so talk to him as often as you can.
Thanks alot. I am not sure when I want to do this because I am very scared but I can't figure out if these feelings are because its change or because I am doing wrong. I want to ask you another question please but you do not have to answer it if you do not feel comfortable. Do you think life has got better or worse for you since you disassociated yourself with the beliefs you were born into? I am scared of this because you are right the Jamaat always tell us how lucky we are and how the non-Ahmadis are unfortunate. Is life better for you or worse?
DeleteDear U
DeleteI had the same concerns as you, I was always told about the doom and gloom staff if I ever left this cult, I did exactly what Findings has written above, it took me almost 1 year to break free, I only feared Allah (SWT)I cried so much for guidance but when I found the truth I knew it was a way of Allah (SWT) guiding me along this journey. I was hurting, angry and feared for what have I been following all my life. I am at peace within myself after all the intial shock of following falsehood, as much as I love my family there are not going to answer for me on the day of judgement, I had to do this for myself.
"Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve ." Quran 2:62
I know a number of ex ahmadis and are all doing well if not better than before. Learn with an open heart and pray as much as you can, I am sure you will find what you are seeking and have no fear, we are told to seek knowledge in The Quran and we have a Islamic right to learn and question.
Peace :)
@U One other point I forget when you get the chance listen to Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Nouman Ali Khan sermons on you tube and compare with with this cults.
DeleteNouman Ali, Mohammad Jabbar and Zahir Mehmood are all brilliant and have a great ability to connect with the young. Please check out their videos on youtube.
DeleteIts no bullcrap on Chanda. What area came first for Chanda. No rubbish about 'we are persecuted'. 'dreams of those who accepted Masih mood'. Rubbish!! They talk about ISLAM- actions and beliefs. You will learn a lot and Inshallah realise how INCOMPETENT Mas is! They give the so called 'Khalifa' are run for his blood money!
Also. In answer to your question...life couldn't be better. Alhamdulillah. I am a Muslim. Thats all that matters. I have clear sight and clear vision. Amazing feeling compared to that bubble of atheism/fake Islam I was trapped in. Amazing. Allah has been good to me. Of course, life throws many challenges at you but its good. The more the better I say..the greater the reward. Dont worry about the doom and gloom, whatever is going to happen is going to happen but I can tell you its not going to be as a result of you not being an Ahmadi anymore. Thats crap and lies they spin to stop you dropping their beliefs. You know of the story of Shahid Ahmad right? Read up on him... he is flourishing since becoming a Muslim in every sense. mashallah.
DeleteFlourishing in what sense? Gaining recognition from Mullahs in Tooting? I notice the same friends behind him in every talk. Also I do not see much interest from the very few listeners he has.
DeleteRecognition is something Ahmadiyya begs for, that's why they court all those politicians. They think that somehow it's a benchmark for how truthful Ahmadiyya is loool. I don't think brother Shahid cares about anyones recognition... that's you Qadi mind talking.
DeleteIf it's not recognition he is flourishing with then what is it?
DeleteAs mentioned, double standards when it comes to those in charge having in laws, relatives not observing pardah. Lol, I personally know they do not excommunicate these deviant relatives.
ReplyDeleteJust lip service;( man made flawed cultist ways;( A joke when it's own members flouted the nonsensical restrictions, though the baseline message is valid.
Good point about the 'connected' people getting away with it whereas the ordinary people are punished. Forgot to mention that. There is no room for hypocrisy as far as truth is concerned.
Deletebut isnt it true that u only put ur hijab on wen u see ahmadis nearby?
ReplyDeleteA. Stark-Ravinglunatic
You need to stop what you are doing, I am not who you think I am. You are accusing an already vulnerable girl. Its not funny so stop it. I am not her. Stop it.
Deletechk ur mail
Deletei take it then u wud hav no problems if i walk on down to amir sabs office and let him no all the stuff i no?
Delete^ that is what you emailed???
GO RIGHT ON............ It'll only prove to be false. But if that girl gets sick because of you I hope you can live with yourself. You do realise she is mentally vulnerable? I know exactly who she is and what you are about to do is totally wrong but if it gets you off my back...GO to your precious cult of an amir.
Another Uncle Bob.. sicko Ahmadis. I'm so glad I'm no longer part of this mental cult. Thank you Allah thank you!!
DeleteDear Stark-Ravinglunatic
DeleteI wonder if the girl you mention is the same girl that ten members of her own family have mentioned?
Get out of here!
DeleteShaykh Hamza Yusuf regarding the Hijab
Nice! Jzks!
DeleteThere was a topic for a speech on ijtema that as a Muslima you can only gain Allah's satisfaction if you observe purdah/hijab
ReplyDeleteYep. Did they also discuss at the Ijtema what will happen to you if you didn't observe Purdah?
Deleteevery single lajna and nasirat meeting revolves around the topic of purdah. Tarbiyyati seminars are held, telling the exact length of your coat and what an appropriate headscarf looks like; every girl is asked if she observes purdah and what answers she can give to explain her motives of being veiled. If you question the concept of veil, you are told you are challenging the whole belief system.
DeleteThat is not relevant. Whats that got to do with what your Hitler Bashir is suggesting you Ahmadis do?
DeleteI might wear the Niqaab. I might not. I might wear the Hijaab. I might not. I might wear Ahmadi style Burka. I might not. OR i might not do purdah at all. Thats not the issue here.
Now do you shake hands with someone whose wife doesnt cover? Be honest here...
ps: i dont see my name quoted in the article.
Deletelets address BASHY!
I did not read the article, I just read comments. Reason why I ask about you is to see if you have found something better than Ahmadiyyat.
DeleteFindings I emailed you but I did not recieve a reply and I understand why. But please can you help me? This is the email I sent:
I really need to vent, I am a 20 Year old, Ahmadi Waqfenau, and I honestly am so worried for my future right now. I was declared a "WaqfeNau" long before I was born, no-one seemed it would be necessary to wait until I was the legal age of 16 then ask if I wish to devout my life to this community. The jamaat sends a letter at the age of 16 asking if you wish to continue to be a WaqfeNau.. HA! What a fake scheme this is! If we say "NO" they humiliate us in public! Every person in my jamaat would have known! I would have been shunned by my community. How I yearned to write I no longer wish to be a WaqfeNau but I couldnt do so, I could not let my family be publicly humiliated. I am on the verge of tears, I no longer wish to be a WaqfeNau, I no longer wish to be FORCED to go to Waqfe Nau local meetings, Waqfe Nau ijtemas, Gulshane WaqfeNau classes! The pressure of all this gets to me and I dont know what to do! I cannot just stop being a Waqfe Nau and not attend any meetings as I will be punished! I am too scared to try anything. My family and friends are all Ahmadis so I do not wish to cause them any sort of hurt. Please help me Findings PLEASE I am so confused and I feel so suffocated! Please help me, Please.
Bro, Relax!
DeleteI know many non waqf boys and yes they are in the age group.. nobody holds it against them, nobody cares? In fact Some of them are considered very good ahmadis
I'm just confused why its embarrassingq
Maybe its different for you. Are your parents mainly going to upset?
Just leave waqf if you don't want it god willing everything should be fine.
Hi waqf e nu, i will suggest you...
DeleteAlways show you are a true ahmadi and you want to continue waqfenu but dont go waqfenu classes and other events in time.
Always show you are proud to be a soldier of jamat but never show you are serious to learn anything about ahmdiyat.
There are thousand methods to tease other person learn those methods and tease your ahdaidar and waqfenu instructors.
If they say something about your attitude tell them "i want to continue waqfenu but i am a duffer and i cant change myself or i will try to change my attitude" but dont change your attitude.
@ UC Waqf e Nau. I am so sorry I did read and give your email some time but I wasn't able to reply to you because I am trying to sort the security side of things out. I am glad you understand, thank you. You can continue to email me, I am reading them almost as soon as they come in( i get notifications to my phone) and then I will reply in the next few weeks inshallah. That goes for pretty much everyone, except the 'im gonna shank your mum' and 'i know who you are' emails... no response from me so don't bother wasting your time.
ReplyDeleteSorry..posted too early. Do not worry and please do not get upset, you are too young to have to worry about this Jamaat and the stupidness they get people into. This Waqf e Nau situation CAN be sorted out and quite easily. No one is going to shame your family because your are allowed to opt out at 16 years old- this is YOUR RIGHT. They cannot shame you for something that is an option THEY have given you. Were you aware you can back out at 16? For example, when I leaked the the spy documents where Shabir Bhatti was caught involved in the spying of young girls, one of the girls involved opted out of the scheme. That must have been hard for her because they obviously knew she was backing out because she had been on here reading etc, but she still did it. You DO NOT have to be part of it. You can write to the Waqf e Nau Sec and say you do not want to be part of it anymore. You don't need to give negative reasons- it can be something like " i am not good enough for such a beautiful scheme that should only be reserved for the best of the best and i cannot offer my best as I dont have the time" or something like that. No point having a go because they are likely to approach your parents then. The Jamaat doesnt have any idea how to treat adults in their Jamaat. Even 30 year olds if they are at home have their parents roped into everything. Mas is a wally like that. But I think on Waqf e Nau matters, they do not tell the parents when you opt out. Do not panic, this can be resolved very easily. If you are too scared to do that, and I understand I would be the same ( i can hardly talk i am still in the jamaat as far as they are concerned..but thats a slightly different situation but not totally off) then you can do what my youngest sister has done... she has totally disconnected from it. She stopped going to meetings/events and these stupid waqf e nau ijtemas. She made up some crazy excuses. Once, she got Heinz soup, spilt it all over the kitchen floor and then told my dad she had 'just been sick'. LOL and she got out of it. Remember, this scheme is based on falsehood and in war, treachery is permitted to an extent. When she would get the letter she would bin it and my parents wouldn't find out. Yeah she does get pestered sometimes when some weirdo will call the house and ask 'what is u studying now putar' etc calls but she gives short answers and then slams the phone down. It depends on your parents too. Make up as any excuses as you can. Flu/Sickness/Exams. If you have to attend these stupid classes with Mas where he stares straight at the girls in his television recordings... cough every week. Like badly. You cant go on TV like that lol. ;P Do it every week until they give up asking.
DeletePlease don't get upset. You can opt out- trust me. All you have to do is write to the national sec, whoever has this amazing position thats gonna get them to heaven, and tell them. Put it politely. Once you have opted out inshallah, slowly back away from the events. Your parents will stop asking like my sister did. She has no problems at all. Alhamdulillah. So Ahmadiyya Paradox is right to an extent its not that difficult. But I can understand your anxiety. Also while you are here, please take the time to read everything you can about your Jamaat. Have you ever questioned your beliefs? Now is a good time...Islam encourages questioning and you will be doing nothing wrong.
You'll find a way. Pray to Allah to save you from it and make it easy for you to come out of their clutches.
Also, try explaining to your parents that you don't want to be a part of it. If it fails..bring out the tins of soup and spill them everywhere. ;)
DeleteFindings, thank you SOOOO much for all your advice!!! It really helped ALOT!!! but the problem I have is that one of my closest friends is also a waqfenau and she is in my jamaat so whenever there is meeting or ijtema or hazoors class we always go together and previously ive made excuses for hazoors class and local meetings saying "oh im really ill" but i cant do the same every time and she is really into the jamaat and proper loves up hazoor.. she is so deluded and i fear she gives higher value to the promised messiah and hazoor than to the quran!! its horrible listening to her going on about her love for the jamaat, to an extent fine but she even says she wont get married if hazoor doesnt come to her wedding and she wouldnt ever dream to marry a non-waqfenau! so i can try and stop going to meetings but she will start getting suspicious. and my parents arnt even that religious yet they force me to go to hazoor classes! its horrible. i love them and have alot of respect for them so i do as im told. i have read ur website and i went over to http://alhafeez.org/rashid but some of the links arnt working and i really wish to read some articles. i have been praying to Allah and i hope i will be able to make a good informed decision soon because i am seeing many cracks and flaws in ahmadiyyat. Please pray that i find the right answer.
Deletei have also another problem. if i do find that i no longer wish to be an ahmadi i cant just leave i will stay in the jamaat but i will not be able to marry a waqfenau or an ahmadi as i would slowly die inside, if there ex-ahmadis still in the jamaat how would i find them and marry them? because i cant marry a sunni or even a convert. Thanks again for the help.
From U Waqf
also LOL at your sisters story! that is soo funny!!
DeleteThat's the beauty of it. The vast majority of Muslims don't belong to any sect or movement. They're just Muslims, full stop.
ReplyDeleteThe Mind of the Sectarian is a curious thing. They're obsessed with their particular sectarian issues and agendas, such that it becomes the most important part of the Faith. This is not unique to Ahmadiyya.
Sectarianism is a mind virus.
'They're just Muslims' - so why do they go to Sunni Mosques in particular? Don't tell me you are going to deny you are Sunni again and that you do not rub shoulders with Sunnis whilst praying at a mosque.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of Muslims do not belong to any sect? I cannot think of any Muslims who do not admit their sect other than those who are confused or those who share 'some' of the beliefs of the Promised Messiah (as) like yourselves.
Oh dear findings or shall I say mother Teresa , I am stuck in this sect ; bla, bla; bla;
ReplyDeleteFor God sake finding, find yourself first who are you making fool with these fake emails on the blog
You talk about you and your GOD so go and ask all the liberties for not doing PURDAH , not giving CHANDA, not to be stopped from anything and then see what you get may be the answer will be a bit late not in this world or may be you are lucky enough to get it in this world , it seems you are already signed in for the 2nd group and get the answer but GOD IS GREAT ONLY GOD KNOWS
you are really a Joker
@AnonymousMar 8, 2012 02:33 AM
DeleteI was like you at one time, ignorant and blind until Allah (swt) opened my eyes and left this cult for Islam.
YOU are absolutlely right I dont know in fact I dont know whether he , she or it exists,
ReplyDeleteIf I am judging anything it is by the comments from findings and by this blog as most of the discussion revolves around your RIGHTS you FREEDOM nothing to do with religion the only part which is something to do is MULLAHS think it is there best chance against AHMMADIYYAT but they dont realize history tell us that the more they try to malign AHMMADIYYAT the more it prosper.
@AnonymousMar 8, 2012 04:58 AM
ReplyDeleteYOU are right if anything this blog is doing to AHMADIYYAT is making it more pure by filtering munafiqeen and munkireen like you GO ENJOY YOUR ISLAM and wait for the reward of leaving the true iSLAM ,
yes TRUE ISLAM where haj and zakaat have no importance.
Deletewhat you have achieved in last 100 years except you are making ahmdiyat more pure by filtering munafiqeen and munkireen.
@person who is making ahmdiyat pure
Deletemake it more pure and please come to pakistan this is the best place to enjoy ahmdiyat here tell people you are follower of true islam.
why your khalifa and top leadership dont fight with us in pak why they leave us alone? if you really believe in your so called true islam then trust on Allah and come here. you are enjoying in uk on our chanda shame on you.
jahil insaan tera true islam yeh kehta he apny brothers ko mushkil men chor k bhag jao yaha mar aa kay tere jesy emaan walay ki need pak men hay uk men nahi yaha tablegh kar tujy tery true islam ka pata chuly.
NOw you MULLAHS are showing your true colors.
You have proven my point.
WHy dont you object to Hijrat by Prophet MUHAMMAD SAW
because you murder us in pakistan
ReplyDeleteOye uloo ghadhay mecca wallon ko ALLAH ne aqal de dee thee pakistan wale dilon per muhr wale hain halat dekhee hai?
ReplyDelete@Mr Pure listen carefully
ReplyDeleteMarriages with ahl-e-kitab are not allowed, halal things are haram on you
You give big money in chandas but dont give zakat
Although you can perform hajj outside pakistan but you dont
In pk and uk both places azaan is not allowed (dhobhi ka kuta na ghar ka na ghaat ka)
Ye tum pe khuda ki laanat to ho sakti hay but it cant be true islam.
Islam is based on quran and sunah but ahmdiyat is based on hate, lies, fraud, politics, nonesense interpretations, baseless new concepts and so on. There is a huge difference b/w islam and ahmdiyat so dont say you are follower of true islam.
very true...
Deletehere life is hell for ahmedies...
Believe me since 2010 since when i started reading litreture..i m enough depressed...i am from pak,lahore.in pakistan the things are worst....jamat is only for those who are cunning.they cant reply u for any of ur question rather they will expell u.i am a female and single...dont know what to do???
Deletei have been propsed by my some of non ahmedies male.but my family thought its worst and in jamat there are no suitable proposal..this is the situation of most female in jamat.boys are not litrate and girls are forced to wed only in jamat...my mother is very good.she never insisted me either to be ahmedi or not but the issue is that our society never accept any person converts from ahmediat....so God is the only hope for me....may God show me right path.
AnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:31 AM
ReplyDeleteGood reply!